Ending Two - Ghost

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An important note: the beginning of all the endings starts out the same. If you want to skip to the part that is different in each ending chapter then skip to the part where there are several bold dashes.

I was in love with Thomas. Ever since I had kissed him, things seemed better. He acted like his normal self and he never got mad or tried to hurt anyone. We kissed every morning and it was the best feeling in the world. My heart would flutter and I could feel my face turn red whenever we kissed. I had almost forgotten I was kidnapped and my friend was being abused. After my short talk with Walker, I never saw him. It was like he disappeared again. Of course, every night I thought about his story and what he said. He thought he was going to die and I just couldn't believe it. I was just so in love with Thomas I had just forgotten all the horrible things he had already done before. I just wouldn't believe he could kill anyone even though I had seen him kill two. I still worried about Walker. Where was he? Was he okay? Was he even still alive? But I normally tried to drown out those thoughts by being with Thomas. We had a great relationship. Every morning we ate breakfast together, then we might watch some tv or a movie, and at the end of the night, we'd go to the beach. It was the most romantic thing that had ever happen to me. Granted, Thomas was my first boyfriend. But I still head over heels for him. And he loved me just as much.

One night, Thomas and I were watching the news. We sat on the couch and snuggled. We were very sappy. I noticed Thomas looked at me in the corner of my eye. He seemed to have something on his mind. Something important. I sat up so that I could face him. "What's wrong?" I put a hand on his shoulder. He sighed and shrugged. "I want to take you on a date. A real one! Not some stupid play date by the beach. I want to take you to a fancy restaurant and buy really expensive stuff for you," he held my hand. "Well, why don't we?" I asked. His statement gave me a sudden glimmer of hope. Hope that I would actually get to venture outside of the beach and the house. Finally, I would see some real people. Thomas nodded at the tv screen with his head. "That's why," he frowned. I looked up at the tv to realize what was on. It was special broadcast about us. There was a lady standing in front of the old gas station we once visited. It felt like it had been years since we were there. "Now, the last time these kids were seen was at this gas station. On the CTV footage, we saw the gruesome murder of 17-year-old Jack Smith and 43-year-old Sage Lock. The police are still looking for these children. If you see them, call the number at the bottom of your screen to help police find these lost kids," the lady spoke with a solemn voice as the stared directly into the camera. I suddenly lost all the hope I had gained. I frowned and laid my head on Thomas's shoulder. He saw my disappointed face and then kissed me on the head. He got up quickly without warning. I had to catch myself before I fell onto the couch. Thomas ran into my room and I heard him open my closet. I tensed, knowing that my keys were still hidden in there. But he returned after a short minute. In his hand, he held a familiar dress and pair of shoes. I recognized the outfit as the same one I wore to the dance. The dance that I was kidnapped at. The dress had been cleaned and so had the high heels. Thomas smiled widely as he handed them over to me. I gave him a confused expression. "Go change into this. We are going on a proper date!" Thomas grinned. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He ran off to his room and I went to mine. A while later, we both stepped out of our room at the same time. Thomas was wearing the same tux he wore the night of the dance. I glanced at the vest he was wearing. It was completely unbuttoned. I stepped closer to him and buttoned it up. "You're helpless," I joked and shook my head. "Well, you look beautiful (Name)," Thomas replied. After I finished the last button I gave him a quick kiss. "Let's got to a fancy restaurant!" I squealed excitedly.

Thomas and I rushed out the door. We walked from the beach house down to the nearby town. It was a small town. One I have a lot of memories from. It was a quaint place that mainly fisher by the ocean to make money. Most of the restaurants were seafood and there were several large boats in the ocean at all time. The moon was up high and stars dotting the sky. The town was lit up was all kinds of lights. Street lights, house lights, and even some Christmas lights which were odd since it wasn't close to winter. Thomas and I wandered around the town with our hands interlaced. We got a couple of stares from people since we were teenagers dressed in fancy suits in a town were fashion meant plaid shirts. Luckily, Thomas and I both remember the town greatly. We knew where everything was and how to get there on foot. And we both agreed on the best place to eat. It was the biggest restaurant in 100 miles. It was basically an off-brand Red Lobster but all the tables were outside on a wooden deck. Thomas and I got a small circular table in the corner of the deck. The ocean was nearby and you could hear the waves crash on the shore. There was a big wooden structure above us that had Christmas lights dangling from it. The lights gave the restaurants a soft yellow lighting. Thomas and I ordered spaghetti since we weren't really craving fish. The talked and made jokes about what we did when we were little kids. How much things have changed and what we both did after I left. At one point, we tried to do the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti thing but it failed miserably and it was very messy. After at least thirty minutes I started to think about some serious stuff. "Thomas, what would our future be?" I spun some spaghetti on my fork. He smiled and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He shrugged. I sighed and put down my fork. "I mean, what if I do love you? What's next? Do we stay here forever and avoid the police? Or do we go home and live a normal life? I can't ignore the kidnapping thing forever," I explained my thought. Thomas put his hand over mine. "Well, I want to stay here... With you. This is where we met and this is where I want us to live together," his thumb rubbed my knuckles. I sighed again and looked down at my food. "We're only 17. We can't just get married and forget about high school. We have to go to school and get jobs. That's what people do," I replied, clearly a little annoyed. Thomas nodded and looked slightly sad. He picked up my hand and held it close to him. "If that's what you really want. We can go home," he kissed the back of my hand. I smiled happily and so did he. Things were looking up.

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