Chapter Ten - Empty Bottles

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A strong aroma of salt and sunscreen fill the crisp clean air. The calming sound of the waves crashing gently onto the sandy shore, and the not so quite children screaming and splashing in the water, playing games and having fun. Parents stand at the shore watching over there young carefully, like a hawk. The feeling of the hot sun mixed with panic and fear. The parents start to fade away. And soon so do the children. No one around, just a small boy watching me as I cry for help. Thrashing my arms and legs violently. My frantic screams silenced by water rushing into my lungs. My body desperate to rest while my brain tries to convince me to keep fighting. But sometimes the body wins over the mind. My vision blurring as I give up and start to sink like a rock. The boy watched carefully and looking as if he was making mental notes of the dark occasion. My vision almost complete dark, I let out one finally plead for help as I fall into a long sleep. But just before I finally die, the boy started to look familiar. His white hair and pale skin had a striking resemblance to none other then my captive. Sage.

"(Name)!" Sage bolts up out of the bed. His face full of fear as he stares bewildered at me. His expression never changes as he looks at me. "Are you okay?" He touches my shoulder.
I nod and look away from him. He sighs with relief and put his hands down. "It happened again... The dream." I whisper to myself. I touch my face as a tear crawls down my cheek. Sage's finger wipes away the tear and then smiles at me. "Well i'm just glad you're fine," he gets out of bed. To my relief he was fully clothed unlike last time. I still didn't feel comfortable with the idea he was in the bed but I had to live with it. He wouldn't leave. "It's a little early for you. You need more sleep." He says while walking to the door. I look out the window and see that it's still pitch black outside. My body felt exhausted so I knew I really did need more sleep. I laid back down as Sage left the room and smiled at me as he closed it. I quickly was back into a deep sleep despite the nightmare.

A strong aroma of salt and sunscreen fill the crisp clean air. The calming...
Once again I woke up in a cold sweat from the dream. But this time I remember the boy wasn't Sage this time, just a shadow. I was still crying and this time more then normal. I couldn't stop this time. I got up and gasped for air in between sobs. My hand was shaking as I opened the door and walking into the living room. I didn't know what to expect, I just wanted comfort. The lights were all out besides a small lamp on a desk table nearby and the shining light of the tv. On the desk where the lamp was were paper. They were scattered all over it and some were even on the floor. I wasn't close enough to read them though. The tv was quite but had closed captioning on. The news was on and they were once again talking about us. With all of the sudden media were we getting I'm surprised no one had found us yet. Across the couch laid a presumably drunk Sage. He held a beer bottle in his hands and just by his body language it was quite obvious. "Hey, hey I've got a game! Every time they say one of our names... You take a shot!" He laughed. "You're to young to drink," I whispered. "(Name)'s mother has been sending messages to her daughter on social media and YouTube in case her daughter is there." The news woman stated. Sage then raised up his drink and gulped it down. I saw two other empty bottles laying on the ground by him. "Both Jack and Sage's parents have yet to comment on the situation." Sage picked up a new drink and almost started to drink it. But I could let him. I forcefully pulled the bottle out of his hand. I should have just let him slowly kill himself by alcohol poisoning but I couldn't. Sage grabbed my wrist. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me. Suddenly I was pulled into his lap. I was awkwardly sitting against my will. "Hand it over," he said calmly. The stench of alcohol was all I could smell as he spoke. I then threw the beer at the wall as hard as I could. It smashed into tiny pieces and the beer covered the wall now. It might not have been one of my best ideas I've had. "Heh, good one." Sage just muttered. He then picked up one of the empty bottles and then also threw it at the wall. He must have thrown it harder because shards of glass were lodged into the wall. "See, that's how you throw a bottle!" Sage said proudly. I didn't speak, but I did try to move away from him. He held on to my wrist tighter. He laid his other hand on my leg. I felt extremely uncomfortable. He moved the hand on my wrist up  my arm. I took the chance and got up. I swiftly kicked him in the leg and then ran to the bedroom. I jumped to the bed and curled up, wrapping my arms around my legs. But I knew that wasn't the last of drunk Sage. Right then he walked into the room. I felt stupid again for not locking the door. He laid on the bed and then looked up at the ceiling. "Do you know why I brought you here?" He asked and then turned over onto his stomach. "I thought maybe you would remember things you and I have both forgotten," he looked up at me sadly. "But you haven't." He placed his hand on mine. "Please let me sleep." I shut my eyes. He sat up and scooted closer to me. "You know I thought you would finally realize I'm not that bad. I thought you would look past the past and just see me as who I am right now." He touched my hair. "You want me to see you as a drunk?" I pulled my hair away. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He seemed to be getting closer and closer to me. Then I saw he really was. He was trying to kiss me! Before he could get any closer to me I spit in his face. He fell backwards and almost fell off the bed. He wiped his face off with his hand and surprisingly started to smile. "You're so much fun!" He got off the bed. "Goodnight!" He touched my nose. Sage then finally felt me alone. I frowned and the fell back to sleep for the third time that night.

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