Ending Two - Liberty

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A couple of days had slowly come and gone since the kiss between Sage and me. We had actually became a "real" relationship after that night. The scary thing is that the kiss was my first. It's sad to admit I had never kissed anyone else besides him. I had Stockholm syndrome, and I knew it. I just never wanted to be honest about it to myself. It was an odd experience. After the kiss he acted normal again. Like when we knew each other at school. It was kind of my dream. Speaking of dreams, I didn't even have that nightmare anymore. I didn't have any at all. Something about Sage help me forget about that day. We did the same thing everyday though. It became boring quick. We woke up, ate food, watch something. Every now and then we'd watch the news. Which was very interesting. It was kind of funny to see how far of investigates were from finding us. They should have just discharged the case, they were never going to find us. Sage and me would share a laugh about it as well. They currently thought we were still around the gas station, but I knew we were a long way of from that place. I saw some conspiracy theories about us too. Some people thought we had been kidnapped my some secret society that had brainwashed us into killing those gas station dudes. Some were even crazier then that shockingly. We were content in our current situation. Sometimes I wished we could have gone out and seen a new movie or go to a sushi restaurant. I often hinted at it too. I wasn't sure if he ever picked up on them until one evening. We were sitting on the couch and Sage looked as if he had something on his mind. I just ignored it since we were watching the news together. Suddenly he got up and went to the spare bedroom. I was curious but stayed sitting. I just listened. I heard he bump into something and then curse. A minute later he walked back out and threw something at me. It was a new dress and shoes. I never knew how he got these new clothes for me and himself. the dress was short. It was completely sleeveless. The top part was a dark black and the other was a pale pink color. Along with the dress was a pair of fancy black heels. "What is this?" I raised an eyebrow. "Change. We're going on a date!" he smiled and left again. I shrugged and started to change. Once I was finish Sage came back out wearing a pair of black pants with a deep blue colored button up shirt. He also had a gray unbuttoned vest on over his shirt. "Button me," he said. I just shook my head and looked at the door with multiple locks on it. He sighed and then buttoned his vest himself. "Ready  to go?" he asked. I didn't reply. He leaned into my face and then followed my eyes. He noticed I was looking at the locks. He frowned and then went into the spare bedroom again. He walked back out swinging a ring of keys on his finger. "Don't worry. I'll unlock it." he patted my head and walked over to the door. I followed him and quickly looked at the labels on each key. The keys were very organized and each were labeled with a taped on piece of paper. I noticed on said "Weapons Room", which instantly caused me to worry. I still acknowledged the fact I was kidnapped by a murderous teen even though we were "dating". I saw the last pad lock fall with a small clink to the floor. Five locks laid on the wooden ground. Sage laughed nervously and then kicked them aside. 

We looked at each other and then blushed as he took my hand. He dragged me outside to see a beautiful sky. Sparkling stars spotted the night sky.   The moon handed high and light up the ground around it. The picture perfect scene was all reflected onto the calm ocean. We looked at it for awhile until I was dragged away again, trapped in his grip.  We didn't even use a car, we just walked all the way to town in fancy clothes and high heels. It was fun and adventurous to me. More of my dreams were granted that night. We saw a movie and went to a restaurant. Not a sushi restaurant though. We ate outside at a fancy table with light hung above us. Sage and me ate spaghetti together. It was funny because we tried to reenacted the famous scene from "The Lady and The Tramp". Which surprisingly worked. It was one of the best nights I ever had. The best date as well. After that we walked back home, laughing and talking all the way back. When we first walked into the house we seemed to both have the same thought at the same time. We both leaned towards each other and it seemed like we were about to kiss once again. We were an inch away from each other. Our noses touched. But a sudden clatter stopped us. There was Jack. He had dropped a pile of more bathroom supplies onto the floor. His eyes were watery and his whole body shook. "Jack?" I stood up and wanted to go to him. But Sage got up as well. He grabbed my chin and then kissed me. It was uncomfortable and didn't feel right. I heard Jack walk away. Sage let go of me and then left after Jack. I wiped my lips with my arm. I ambled to my room and laid down on the bed. 

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