Empty Kiss

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I used to live in a small beach house that had its own private beach. The house was only one floor and it was made of wood. The blue paint on the outside matched the color of the ocean. Our beach was small but it all belongs to us. Mainly thanks to my dad's fancy business job. He had recently become the manager of his office. Which meant he made a lot of money but had less time to spend with my mom and I. Dad would be working every weekday from five to nine. And the days he was actually off, he would be on the phone talking to his boss. My mom had been very tense ever since he got the new job. I had noticed them arguing a lot more than usual. But I usually ignored that and played on my beach.

When I was five, I was playing by the ocean as usual. My mom was sitting on a towel and reading a book. My dad was still at work. I was fulling a bucket of sand to build a sand castle. The water was high and lapping at my toes. But it was quiet out and the only sound was the birds squawking loudly up above. My castle was almost complete. I was currently working on the details of it. Like the windows, the door, and some seashells on the sides of it. But it suddenly all came crashing down. I looked up and saw a kid standing there with an obnoxious grin. "Hey! You jerk!" I yelled. The kid was short and had dirty blonde hair. He has freckles spotting all over his cheeks. I got up and crossed my arms. "You ruined my castle," I scowled. The boy kept smiling. "Booooo hoooo!" He pretended to cry. I shoved him. He frowned and then shoved me back. "I'll fight you! I don't care if you're a girl," the boy said. I raised up my fist and stood in a fighting pose. The kid looked surprised but then got into his own fighting position. I was about to charge him when my mom walked up to us. She was handing with another lady beside her. "(Name), this is Linda. She's our new neighbor," Mom smiled at the lady. I stood up straight and nodded. "Hi (Name)! This is my son Thomas. I'm sure you guys will be best friends," Linda patted the boy's shoulder. I glared at Thomas and he stared back with an equally angry look. Linda and my mom started to talk and walk to our porch. "Well, I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot." Thomas put his hands on his hips. I nodded. "That doesn't mean we'll be friends," I snarled. Thomas giggled and the grabbed my bucket. He started to fill it with sand. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm going to help rebuild your castle!" He smiled at me. I narrowed my eyes at him but eventually kneeled in the sand beside him. We made our own sand castle together.

We played together on the beach until the moon started to come up and a few stars dotted the sky. Thomas and I were standing in the ocean. The water was up to our ankles and we splashed each other. We had become friends in such a short time even though we started off on the wrong foot. Linda walked up to us and gave Thomas a tight hug. His face turned red and he tried to push his mom away. "Mom! Not in front of her..." Thomas glanced at me and then looked away. Linda just laughed at him. "Well, we should be going back to our house. But I'm sure if you wanted Thomas to visit you, he could come by for a while." she ruffled up his hair. I smiled and nodded as a reply. I wasn't very comfortable talking to a random adult still. But talking to a random kid my age was cool. Linda grabbed Thomas's hand and they started to leave. Thomas turned around and waved at me. My mom came up to me. "Pick up your stuff. Your dad late again," she pointed to my bucket in the sand. I nodded and cleaned up my stuff. Mom and I went back inside and I thought of the fun day I had with the boy. 

After that day, Thomas and I hung out almost every day. We talked to each other at school and when we got home we would play on the beach until Linda told him to leave. We had become best friends and I really liked him. But my parents were becoming father apart. The arguing became a daily thing and my dad started to stay at work more and more. Of course, I tried to ignore all of it. I just wanted to focus on having a normal, happy life. But sometimes I would get really sad about it. Especially when I was around nine. Luckily, whenever I got sad, I always had Thomas. All I had to do was send him a message on my phone and he would run over to my house. He would comfort me when I would cry about when my parents fought. We'd sit together on the porch and look at the waves hit the sand. It was relaxing and distracting. It made me happy. But one day changed everything.

Empty Shell - Yandere X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now