Empty Disco

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There's more cussing in this chapter the usual btw

It was the night of the dance. I had been worrying all day. About stuff like what I was going to wear, my makeup, my hair, how Walker was going to look, if we were going to kiss on the lips this time, how good of a couple we would be, how our marriage would be, and what our kids would look like. You know, the normal stuff you worry about. I spent the entire day with Walker... And Thomas. You can't have one without the other. They were like peanut butter and jelly. I sat with them at lunch, stayed close to Walker in class, and walked beside them. I tried not to mention the dance at all. I didn't want to freak out either of them. When I apologized to Thomas for meeting him the other day and about Walker and I going to the dance together, he was oddly calm. I thought he would be pretty piss at me since he gets jealous of a guy touching my arm. But he was totally cool with it.
Ava and I had planned for her to drive her friends and me all to the party. While I waited for her, I stared at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a simple black dress that went just above my knees and had two small strings holding up the dress on my shoulders. I kept messing up with my hair, makeup, and dress in the mirror. I was so scared. My mom walked in. She smiled at me in the mirror. "You look great! But don't you think that dress is a little short?" She pulled at the hem of the dress. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's fine Mom," I applied more mascara. She nodded and placed her hand on my shoulder. "You're so grown up! You can drive, you can make toast, and now you're going on a date," Mom gave me a hug. I hugged her back. "It's not really a date," I replied awkwardly. Mom shrugged. She then started to mess with this one strand of my hair that was sticking up a little. I brushed her hand away. "I've been trying to fix that all night. There's no point," I pulled at the hair with a glum face. "Okay, I love you and don't do anything crazy. I'm not ready to be a grandma." We laughed a little. We both knew that wasn't going to happen. I heard a car honk outside. "Guess you're friend's here. Goodnight!" Mom hugged me again. Then I left. To my first dance with a real date!

When we all got to the dance, everyone one scattered to find their date. Frank and his boyfriend were so cute together! Everyone scattered except for Ava. She was wearing a short pink dress that kind of shined in the light. She also has a pink bow in her blond hair. "Don't you have to go find Sean?" I asked her. She shook her head. "He'll wait for me. Trust me! I want to help you find Walker first!" Ava squeezed my hand she was holding. I sighed but then smiled at her. She was a really good friend. "Aren't you kind of mad I'm going with your ex? You seemed like you still liked him," I asked a little worried. She chortled and called me funny. "No way! I'm with Sean now! And he's like a 10/10. Walker's like a 7/10 at best," She did the okay hand sign. I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded. Walker was definitely an 8.5! We linked arms and then walked from the parking lot to the party like we were the Scarecrow and Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. When we entered the cafeteria (which is where the dance was) I felt my heart skip a beat. There were sooo many people there. I felt my stomach drop and started to take deep breaths to not freak out. Crowds scare me. The party was 80s disco themed. There were purple and light blue streamers hanging everywhere and the same colored balloons. They had hired the local town DJ. She was playing some indie song called "Little Numbers". There where blinding blue lights traveling along the cold cafeteria floor that everyone danced on. There was a long purple table with pink punch, brownies, pretzels, and etc. The room was loud. People were shouting over the loud music and dancing up against each other. Ava pointed at someone. "Found Sean!" She yelled in my ear. I cringed and nodded as all the sounds gave me a headache. "Go ahead and dance with him! I'll find Walker on my own!" I screamed back. She shook her head furiously. "We'll find him!" Ava grabbed my hand. We ran through the party searching for Walker the song changed to a song called "Molecules" that had this sick beat drop. It really added to the moment of running around the party. Ava and I searched for a least fifteen minutes without any luck. We had asked everyone we knew about Walker and we looked out in the hallways and even the boy's bathroom. Which was a weird for me. Ava started to open the door and I freaked out. "Ava we can't go in there!" I pulled away. "No! I've been in here a hundred times. Just come with me," she pulled me inside. There was a guy using the bathroom. I quickly covered my eyes. "Hey! You seen Walker?" Ava asked him. The guy said no and then walked out of the bathroom. As he passed us he whispered 'Psychos'. He's the real psycho for not washing his hands. Ava checked all the stalls and then we went back into the cafeteria. We stood by the snacks and sighed simultaneously. "I don't think he's here!" I ate a pretzel. Ava frowned and then took a swing of punch. She gave me her red solo cup. "Drink it! I heard someone spiked it! You'll need it!" She yelled. I stared at the punch in the cup. I saw my reflection in it. I had never had alcohol before but if Walker was going to ditch me I thought why not have some. I shrugged and then drank the entire cup in one go. It had an odd taste. It was kind of like medicine... But I liked it. Ava and I had a few more drinks. I stopped after three cups in the fear of becoming drunk. Ava just kept going. She drank like half of the punch bowel. I watched her drink and then glanced at Sean. I sighed. "Go dance with Sean!" I shoved Ava away from the drinks. She laughed and then went over to Sean. I then stood alone by the snack table. I eventually pulled up a chair and started eating pretzels. I bobbed my head along with the weird indie music and watched everyone have a good time around me. I spammed Walker with text. He never answered any of them. After ten minutes I started to freak out. The music and talking were pounding in my ears. My heart started to beat fast and my hands started shaking. Then I started to make up stuff that people were saying about me. Stuff like 'Look at her! She's all alone and has no friends!'. Stuff that made me panic and sadden. I wrapped my arms around myself and started tapping my foot fast. My eyes quickly ran around the room. Spotting only the people who were starting at me and making up things they thought about me in my head. I could only hear the loud bass and my heavy breathing. I checked my phone for anymore text. None. I decided it was time to find Ava in hopes she could calm me down. I stood up and looked around for her. I couldn't find her. I went up to Frank and his boyfriend dancing. "W-Where's Ava!" The lights blinded my vision. Frank sighed and that made my heart sink. "I think she's in the bathroom!" He replied. I tried to thank him but I felt to choked up to. I hugged myself as I walked to bathroom. I tried not to think about Walker ditching me. I pushed open the door and sighed. "Ava I'm freaking out please-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence. I had just walked in on Ava making out with Sean. Now even she couldn't help me. I held my breath and then ran out of the bathroom before she could even notice me. I walked back into the cafeteria just to grab and drink. I filled my red cup to the top. It was almost overflowing. After that, I quickly left the room. As quickly as I could without spilling any of my punch. I pushed open the door to the outside and sat in the corner. I laid my head against the cold brick wall and took a long drink. That night was a nightmare! I had so much hope but it was all gone. I exhaled shakily. Walker had never shown up, I was all alone, kind of tipsy for the first time, and Ava had left me as well. I had no one. I felt a tear roll down my face. I tried to wipe it away but then realised I smeared my makeup. "Shit! This night could not be anymore fucked up!" I attempted to get the smeared makeup off of my hand with the dress. I took another drink and then couldn't hold it anymore. I suddenly bursted into tears. I cried into my dress with face resting on my knees. I hugged myself and tried not to cry loudly. I was crying to much that it was hard to breath and my shoulders were shaking. I cried for a few minutes just thinking about everything wrong with my life. But at least it felt better outside. There was no sound besides my crying. There was cold air that gave me goosebumps. And I didn't have to worry about what other thought about since no one was out there. I then started laughing to myself because I just panic at the disco. Like the band. But then I got sad again because I was Brendon Urie. I had a bunch of friends by my side and now they were all gone. I was alone. Just like Brendon Urie! I finished my last drink and then cried a little bit more. I looked up at the stars as the year just rolled. Then I heard a car slowly pull into the parking lot. I felt my heart start beating quickly again because I was hopeful again. I thought maybe it was Walker. I looked down from the sky to see who was getting out of the car. And there he was! Thomas! He was wearing a fancy black tux. He stepped out of the car and played with his suit. I smiled and then stood up. Thomas was better then no one. I rushed over to Thomas and gave him a tight hug. He started to pet my hair. "Hey (Name)!" He laughed. I started to cry again into his chest. "What's wrong," I could hear the worry in his voice. I shook my head and hugged him tighter. "Walker didn't show up! I've been alone the entire party," I looked up at Thomas. He placed his hand on my cheek. "Aw! Poor baby," he pouted. At this point I was basically drunk and I suddenly got flirty cause I was desperate for someone to talk to. Which I'm kind of ashamed to admit. I started making circles with my finger on his arm and looked sad. Which was easy cause I was. "Do you think you can fix my makeup and then maybe take me back to the dance. Together," I held onto his arm. He smirked. "It just happens that I'm really good at makeup! I used to watch my mom do her's all the time when I was kid," Thomas wiped a bit of my makeup with his thumb. I smiled back at him. "They have spiked punch!" I laughed. He nodded. "That explains why you're acting a little weirder then usual," he glanced at the red cup I left in the corner. I nodded too. I rested my head against Thomas. Thomas played with my hair more. He then started to pull on it a little. I back away from him and gave him a confused face. He looked a little mad but yet happy. I could tell he had a lot on his mind. He noticed me looking at him. He smiled and then held my hands. "(Name) I would love to take you to the dance!" I started giggling gleefully. I tried to pull him to just go and dance because I already forgot about my mess up makeup. I was so excited. I just wanted to dance and have a good night. And I was finally getting it...


"I would love to take you to the dance. If you had chosen me first." Thomas interrupted my happy thoughts. I frowned at him. "You see (Name). I already thought you had a crush on Walker and don't worry. He likes you too. But I had to give you a final test with those text from last night." He squeezed my hand. He sighed and then grinned. "I had so hoped you'd choose me. Then I wouldn't have to hurt you! But you chose wrong." His grip on my hands started to hurt. I started to panic again. My heart and stomach sank again. I was breathing fast and thoughts were running through my head. "And tonight you've made me the last choice. I hate that! You had already tried everyone else and you know I'll say yes. So I'm a desperate choice. You don't like me! You just don't want to look like a fucking loser!" Thomas started to laugh in my face. He was right though. I felt a little bad for him. "I'm just going have to make you love me!" He let go of one of my hands. I had a bad feeling so I tried to pull my wrist out of his hand. I tugged and punched his hand but nothing worked. He was too strong. Thomas snapped his finger. The driver's seat opened and Walker stepped out. I gasped. "You piece of shit!" I yelled at him. Walker frowned and looked down. Thomas suddenly turned me around and pulled my hands behind me. "Walker's coming along to be my servant basically." He whispered into my ear. I tried to run away again and fight. I tried so hard! But nothing worked. My tears rushed down my face again. I felt a rope wrap around my wrist several times. I shook my arms violently but I still could get loose. I then started to yell and scream. But no one was outside. Walker walked in front of my face. "I'm sorry," he mumbled as he placed a rag over my nose and mouth. My vision went blurry and I felt faint. The last thing I saw was a figure walk outside from the school door. Then I slept.

Uh oh! What's going to happen next!?!? Who was that 'figure'??? Will Ava ever stop making out with guys in the bathroom??? Will Frank confess to Thomas and break up with nameless boyfriend?! Who spiked the punch?? Will the reader ever be revealed as Brendon Urie!?!?!? Find out in the next episode of The Real Housewives of Empty Town!!!

Okay well vote and comment! And seeeeeee ya l8 alligator!

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