Empty Beach

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I had been a few days since I had stolen the keys from Thomas. Or, at least, that's what I believe. I still had no sense of time. For all I could know, I could've been at the house for either weeks or months. There was no way to know. I had stored my keys in the same place I had left the other one. All three keys were laying together on my closet shelf. I had laid in bed for many nights just thinking about a perfect plan for me and Walker's escape. My current plan seemed foolproof. One night, I would sneak out of my bed. Which would be hard considering Thomas would most likely be there too. I'd grab my keys in a quiet and quick fashion. After that, I'd sneak down the hallway to Walker's white door. I'd unlock it and then we'd run to a window in the living room. Once we got the lock off, we'd crawl out and run away. Once we got to safety, I'd call the police to get Thomas. But I would make sure that they handle him with care and that he'd get some professional help. I thought it was perfect. The only way for everything to end in a good way. And now, I had everything I needed. There was nothing that could stop me. This was the end.

I felt someone shaking my shoulder roughly. I moaned and brushed the hand away. "(Name), wake up! We're going somewhere," I heard Thomas say. My eyes fluttered open and I rolled over. Thomas was standing over me with a towel in his hand. My eyebrows furrowed and I rubbed my eyes. "W-What's happening?" I started to sit up. Thomas smiled and looked extremely excited. "We are going to the beach!" he threw his arms in the air. I felt panic wash over me. I shook my head while thinking of my old nightmare. Drowning was my worst fear. "I-I can't do that! I can't swim!" my breath quickened. Thomas shook his head, "Nonsense!" He then pointed towards my closet. I looked over and realized it was open. Which just made me even more scared. Had he found my stack of keys? "I got you a bathing suit. Well, actually, Walker went out to buy it." I finally saw what he was really pointing at. It was a small, two-piece swimsuit that was totally black. I groaned and shook my head again. At least, he hadn't found the keys though. I got out of bed and went over to the closet. I held up the two pieces and looked back over at Thomas with an annoyed expression. "What? Don't you like it?" he frowned. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Of course I don't! This is so... Revealing! Besides, I don't want to swim." I replied and threw the bathing suit down. Thomas grimaced and picked up the swimsuit. He shoved it back into my arms and stared at me intensely. "You are going to wear the swimsuit and go to the beach! You're the one who wanted to go outside and this is the only swimsuit I have," he said quietly. Which just made it seem more threating. I grimaced but nodded anyway. He quickly lightened up and back away. "You go change and I'll pack some supplies for the beach!" he smiled as he closed the door. I rushed over to it and locked it. Then, I closed the closet back and went to the bathroom to change. Getting the bathing suit was a challenge. The outfit was really tight because it was a size too small. And when I finally got it on, I had to look in the mirror. I guess it looked okay. But it was way to small for my comfort. After several minutes of staring at myself in the mirror and debating if I should just run away now or kill Thomas for buying the suit, I finally left the bathroom. I grabbed an oversized t-shirt from my closet and pulled it on over my swimsuit. I walked to find Thomas wearing his swimsuit and packing some towels into a backpack. His swimsuit kind of match mine. It was just plain black trunks. I was kind of surprised to see him in just his swimsuit even though it's what I expected him to wear. He glanced over his shoulder and saw me. "Oh hey (Name)! You're back and the bathing suit looks great on you!" He gave me a tight hug. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment. I pushed him away and took a step back. Thomas shrugged. "You know you're going to have to take off the shirt, right? That's like the only shirt I have that you can wear and I wouldn't want you to ruin it," he turned back around to pack some sunscreen. I didn't reply and just rubbed my arm to cover up my body a little bit more. Thomas finished backing up and threw the backpack onto his shoulders. He put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards the front door. Even though I was worried about the beach, I was very excited to finally get some fresh air and see the outside for the first time in a long time. Thomas pulled the ring of keys out from his swimsuit pocket. He found the right key and quickly unlocked the door. The door flew open and the fresh air hit me. The smell of the salt water and the feeling of the air on my skin again felt amazing. I noticed that Thomas was staring at me with a large smirk on his face. "What?" I laughed and glanced at him. "Nothing, it's just... I've never seen you this happy," he suddenly kissed the side of my forehead. 

Empty Shell - Yandere X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now