Empty Journal

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May 28th

Dear Ryan

You know Ryan Gosling (my one and only diary) that you are one of my greatest friends. But I have other friends of course for example my bestest friend in the entire word (Name) (Last Name). Ive only known her for about a month or maybe even less idk i dont really like counting the days. But what i mean is that i love her. We have become so close and then i ruined all of it last night It was horrible! Im a horrible person who deserve to be thrown in jail! It was the night of the dance of course last night. And i was hanging out with (Name) instead of my date mark or whatver his name was. i was with her because her date didnt show up and i felt so bad for her! You shouldve seen her see was basically sobbing! so i decided to hang out with her for the dance instead but she was just such a sweetheart that she told me to go be with Mark instead. i didnt want to except her offer at first but one i saw Mark across the room i thought she would be fine so i left her. Things between me and mark heated up pretty quickly on the dance floor it was crazy! i was basically drunk tho... anwayyyyyy! We ended up going to the girls bathroom to make out. it was great! Marks a great kisser you should remind me to ask him out again. BUT thats not what im here to write about!!! Annnnnyyyywayyyy, i was with mark for a long time and then some girl walked into the bathroom. i didn't realize until it was too late that it was (Name).... she literally ran out of the room crying! the poor girl! idk what she was crying abotu but it must have been pretty bad cause shes a tough girl! anyway, i realized after like five seconds after she left that it was her. so i slapped mark in the face. idk why i did that it just seemed like the right thing to do so i could get out of ther. After that i ran out of the room and went serching for my best friend. i asked everyone i knew at the dance if they had seen her! But no one had! can you f-in believe it!? so i literally search the whole school building looking for her! but i couldnt find her anywhere.... it was so sad. but then i decided that if she's not in the shcool then she must be OUT side of the school! im basically a detective. so i ran outside to the back and there she was! (Name) was actually out side! but i actually saw something realy desturbing. some guy had put grabbed (Name) and she was all tied up and shit! it was seriously so messed up and scary. i was actually to far away (and too drunk) to tell who the dudes that were with her were. they then shoved her into a car! A fucking car! With her tied up! 

Ryan... I think I saw (Name) get kidnapped...

~ signed, scared and sadly, Ava

May 30th,

Dear Ryan,

Its been two days since i last seen (Name) and im getting really really really worried about it. theyve even started talking about her on the local news! but theyre not just talking about her... no no no! Theyre also talking about my old friends (im being sarcastic of course) Thomas and Walker! which can only mean one thing... they kidnapped (Name)! They were the guys i saw with her! its the only explanation. considering that they all just HAPPENED to GO MISSING on the EXACT SAME DAY. clearly something is going on! but why? Why would they have kidnapped (Name) i know they were kind of friends with her but... that doesnt explain anything. why did this happen and why did i witness it?? anywayyyyyy, ive decided to go too the police. i think it would be best if i told them what i saw. and hopefully i wont get in trouble for bein drunk that day... This is for you (Name)! whereever you are...

signed, hopeful but still scared, Ava

June 3rd,

Dear Ryan Gosling,

I went to the police.... dumbest decision i have ever made! the cops were just so freakin rude to me! so like i went down to see them. and i had to sit in the lobby for agessssssss! i swear it was like two freakin hours! and all they had in the lobby was some old stupid magazines and a kids bible? like wtf??? i was just soooo bored that i got out my phone and started looking at all of my friend's instagrams. so eventually! a cop come into the room and was like "what are you here for honey??" and i was like so offended by the way he spoke to me! he sounded so bored and annoyed with me and i couldnt believe! so i said "i saw (Name) (Last Name) get kidnap by Thomas and Walker! And I can prove it!" which was a total lie. i had like no evidence at all besides seeing it happen. but i had to be confident and cool! the cops eyebrows rose and i was like yes i made it in! he nodded his dumb round head and then brought me to another room to talk. He set up this recording device on the table we were sitting at and then he he said "so tell me all you know," i was like cool whatever i guess i could tell you everything. so I told him about the whole night, including getting drunk, making out with Mark and how (Name) saw, and then how i saw the kidnapping and stuff. he was all shocked at first and i thought i got him but then he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Look sweetie, that's not evidence. You were drunk. You were probably seeing things. I'm sure your friends just ran away. The Price kid has a record of running. They'll be fine. Just go home and don't worry your pretty blonde head," is what he said to me! Can you believe it!?? Omg i wanted to punch him! that.... jerk! I wasn't even drunk at the party! At most i was tipsy! then he kicked me out! can you believe ittttt!?!??! i got home and poor (Name) is all i can think about! What if Walker hurt her?? Or Thomas... that little psychopath. anyway, i've been sitting her on my bed for a long time just thinking about it and ive decided that i have to take action if the police arent going to help! I'm starting my own investigation to find (Name)!

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