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"Yes!" I cheerfully screamed. He giggled and embraced me tighter than any other human being had ever done. I felt so secure and safe. He finally tried letting me go, but I stayed very near to him, so he put his arms back around me. I looked at his eyes, and he looked down at me saying, "You're so beautiful." I was blushing again, but this time he could see. "Aw! You're blushing!" He said while laughing. I was so embarrassed, but I didn't mind. "You just make me happy. Lately my life hasn't been going the way I set it out to go and finally I feel like this relationship will last. I don't want to rush things because I don't want to lose you...I just got you," I lightly said. He kissed my forehead.

We left the park and he drove me home. He walked me up to my porch and kissed my forehead again and told me that he had a great night and I agreed. I shut the door and leaned against it. My mom came over worried and asked, "Where were you? You haven't talked to me for the past few days! I was worried sick." My mom still treats me like I'm in grammar school, but I know that she just does this because she loves me. "I was out with Justin." "Who's Justin? Where did you meet him?" "I met him at The Grove and he's Justin.. Bieber." I don't think she believed me. She thought I was joking around. As she was laughing she said, "No really, who were you with." "I'm not kidding, I was with him."

After a long night of trying to convince my mother that I was with Justin, she finally believed me when I showed her the cute pictures we took together. She also said she saw it on the news that night. I texted Holly and said, "You were right! He does like me! We went out on a date and he asked me to be his girlfriend. We're official now!" She seemed happy for me. She texted back, "Congratulations! I'm so excited for you." I was exhausted and didn't even reply. I just wanted to get in my pajamas and go to bed, so that's what I did.

The next morning I check my phone, nothing from Justin. I go downstairs and eat breakfast. I turned the television on being that I had a few hours until class. I saw I was on the news. "Mysterious lady was found with Justin Bieber last night outside of the Mastro's Steakhouse. They were seen holding hands and sources say that he went back to her house. He walked out with rugged hair and possibly could have had sex." I hate how most of that was a lie. He didn't step foot into my house. All the media does is start rumors, and now I see it.

I texted Justin because I wasn't happy with the lies and rumors that were being spread around me. Meanwhile, my phone was blowing up with all my "friends" saying "YOU KNOW JUSTIN BIEBER. YOU ARE DATING JUSTIN BIEBER." Now I see why celebrities hardly ever trust fans because they will use them. Justin told me not to worry about it because it wasn't worth it. He was right. Both him and I both knew that we didn't do those things and the media just needed something to talk about.

My mom came running down the stairs and was scolding me. I told her that none of that happened, and luckily she believed me. I ran upstairs and hopped into the shower. I went back downstairs, grabbed a banana and headed to school. I wasn't looking forward to this. I just wanted to see Justin. As I get to the school I see the exact same car as Justin's. I get out and walk over to the car and sure enough it was his. He rolled the windows down and said, "Get in." "I have classes. How did you even find out the-" Justin is really good at cutting me off in the middle of my sentences. "I said get in." I eventually found that trying to talk to him wasn't working. I sat down and we drove, for a while.

"Where are we going? How did you find my school? What are you thinking?" I kept asking questions. Finally he pulled over to the side of the street and kissed me to shut me up. I was in shock. I felt all of these butterflies again. "You don't need to go to school anymore. I'm going to support you." I looked at him as if he was crazy, which the way he was talking he was. "We're going to the studio. You said you liked singing, and you wouldn't sing for me last night. So instead, you'll since for me and scooter."

I had no idea what to do. I didn't know how I would get out of this one. I was happy but nervous. What if he thinks I can't sing? We started driving again and Justin started laughing. I looked at him and said, "What's funny?" "Your blushing again."

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