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That sentence would be the death of me.  I was so unbelievably nervous, and I couldn't be comforted by my boyfriend because he was getting ready for the show as well.

I could hear the crowd yelling Justin's name, and not mine.  This fanbase is very judgmental, and I felt like I was in middle school again just trying to fit in.

"Are you ready Liz?" I heard Scooter say.

"As ready as I'll be..." I said sighing

We were in a huddle praying, and Justin was no where to be found.  He wasn't in his dressing room, entertainment room, or outside with the fans.  I needed to find him.

I was running down the hallways screaming his name, when all of a sudden I heard weeping from the left of me.  I opened the door and saw Justin with his hands covering his face just crying.

"Justin! What's wrong?" I was shocked and nervous

"One of my fans commited suicide, and I tried talking her out of it, but she killed herself.  It's my fault."

"Justin, it's not your fault.  Please don't blame this on you.  She must have been undergoing personal problems, and regardless if you talked to her she would have done what she did.  Look, I need to go out there."

I grabbed Justin's hand and ran through the halls.  I was screaming 'I'm coming' about a dozen times. 

"WHERE WERE YOU? WHAT'S WRONG?" Scooter angrily yelled.

Justin just looked down and started walking off.

"Give it up for Liz Franklin!"

This was it, the moment I have been waiting for and striving for.  I walked out and couldn't hear anything.  I was lost in all of my insane thoughts, which took over my body. 

"Hey everyone!  I hope you're having a great night.  I know you don't want to see me, and you're here for Justin, but I promise I'll be quick," I said chuckling.

"Before I start though, I want you all to pray for Justin and some of the beliebers.  One of his beliebers commited suicide and he was beside himself and crying.  Keep her family in your prayers.  I would just like to pray for her for a minute or two," I admitted looking at my feet.

After I prayed, I started singing some of Justin's old songs.  A lot of the fans got a kick out of it.  I sang two of Justin's songs and then decided to sing my own song.

As I started, I saw Justin peek through the backstage area.  He was eying me, which honestly didn't even make me feel uncomfortable.  I had this rush singing, and nothing could stop me.  

The song went amazing, being that I hit all of the high notes and everything.  

Justin went out and started singing the songs off of the 'My World 2.0' track, and later throughout the night got to 'Believe.'

"I would like to dedicate this song to a special someone." He commented.

Justin began singing 'Catching Feelings.'  I felt this arm pull me.  When I turned around I saw Justin's bodyguard bringing me towards the stage.  I began acknowledging Justin's "suprise" now.

I'm just tryna see where this can take us
'Cause everything about you girl is so contagious
I think I finally got it done
Now all that's left to do now is get out the mirror
And say it to her

I got placed in this chair while he was singing.  Justin came towards me and placed his hand on my face.  The crowd started yelling so loud, I couldn't even hear Justin. 

 While the instrumental music played, he kissed my cheek and whispered something in my ear, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

The show was almost over and I was sitting backstage, by myself, on the couch.  Alfredo was filming some things for the upcoming movie.  

I was on my phone, recording some silly videos of me and posting them on Instagram and Vine.  One of the videos was me impersonating Justin, which I thought was quite hilarious.

"Get him some water!" I heard someone yell

I ran over to the water dispenser and filled his bottle with fresh, cold water.  I spilt some on the floor, typical.  I ran over to the side of the stage, and Justin didn't see me, so I ran on stage.  The crowd started yelling so loud, and Justin didn't know why until he turned around and saw me.  I was in sweatpants and a 'belieber' shirt.

"Here is your water that you requested Mr. Bieber," I said into the microphone.

"Thank you Mrs. Bieber," he said jokingly until he realized what he just said.

"Oh I'm just kidding you guys," he saved himself.

"We'll see," I said running off stage with a huge smile on my face.

The show was over and Justin looked absolutely exhausted.  He was dripping in sweat, and had large bags under his eyes.  He only got about three hours of sleep last night because he kept waking up with 'bad dreams.'  I didn't really ask about them.

"You did amazing tonight!" I said cheerfully.

"Not as good as you," he said smiling.

It was getting late, around ten, and I was abnormally hungry.  I hadn't eaten much that day so I decided to take Justin out to dinner, my treat. 

"Look, go hop in the shower and we could go get something to eat."

"Babe, I'm supposed to take you out on dinner, not the other way around."

"Well, it's for the tour.  It's for you putting me on this amazing tour.  I'm repaying you."

After about twenty minutes, Justin came out of the shower looking sexier than ever.

"You ready, babe," he said in his raspy, tired voice.

"Yes," I smiled.

We were driving to McDonalds because it was something quick and easy.  We both ordered the same thing a Big Mac, except he got a large fry and I got a small.

We were in line waiting and Justin interlaced our fingers together.  He brought both of our hands to his mouth and kissed it.

I smiled and started blushing, and he kissed my blushing cheeks and whispered, "You're too cute when your blushing."

All of a sudden a crowd of teenage girls came up to us and asked for pictures with Justin.  When our food was ready, Justin told the one girl to wait while he got the food and he would take a picture in a minute.

"Wow, what a bitch," she slyly said under her breath.

"What did you just say?" Justin said lashing out.

"You make me wait for you while you put yourself first.  Do you ever think of your fans for once?"

"I told you I would take a picture with you when I got my food.  I haven't eaten since eight in the morning and I just finished my show.  I asked politely, and I find it very inconsiderate that you would say that about me and the way I treat my fans.  I always try being considerate with them, and you won't return the favor."

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

"I'm sure you didn't."

Justin was obviously heated, but still took the picture with her.  He told the girls to have a good night, and we later sat down at the tables.  We would have brought it back to our hotels, but it would be cold by then.

"How do you keep your cool like that?  I would have killed the bitch." I said while shoving a fry down my throat.

"You just have to understand that their people and they get impatient.  I mean, I was really mad.  If I lash out though, I get bad press about me though.  You just have to accept it for what it is."


I worked really hard on this chapter, so please vote and comment some suggestions! Thanks.

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