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The next morning rolls over and I woke up pretty early. I didn't get much sleep last night because I basically stayed up the whole night thinking about rehab and stressing over things.

I knew that Justin was right about the whole situation, but I was in denial. I didn't want to accept my problems. I wanted to avoid them, and I was doing a pretty damn good job until Justin came around.

I stayed in bed staring at the wall for a few hours, thinking and thinking.

"Good morning," Justin groggily said.

"Morning." I said curtly

"How long have you been awake?" Justin asked while stretching

"Since six." I commented

By now, it was ten. I completely and utterly lost track of time just thinking about my damaged life and how messed up I am.

"Why so early?" Justin said while pulling me closer to him

"I didn't sleep much. I only slept for about two hours, and I'm exhausted."

"Go to sleep," he said.

I pulled out of his grip and went down to the kitchen. I was not going to waste my last few days of freedom in bed sleeping.

"Justin, can we talk." I said

"Sure." he came over and sat next to me on the couch.

"Can you give me one more chance, please." I pleaded

"If I start cutting or doing anything else, you have my permission to put me in rehab for the rest of my life." I began tearing up

"I just am really scared and I don't want to go. I promise I'll try to make myself a better person. Just give me one more chance," I finished.

"I don't want to make you like this. I just want you to be genuinely happy. I blame some of this on me, actually a lot of this on me. I feel like you do this sometimes because your not happy with the way I treat you."

He paused.

"I blame all of these problems, not even just about you, but in general on myself. I blamed my parents divorce on myself for years and years. I just want you to be happy." he faked a smile.

I just looked down. I wanted to be happy, and I thought I was. I never knew that Justin would think that this was about him. He was the only reason I tried bettering myself.

Justin was the only stable and consistent thing I had in my life. I thanked God everyday for letting Justin into my life. He is truly nothing but a blessing and has helped me through so many of my problems, just like he was doing now.

"One, and I mean one, more chance." he stated

"Thank you," I let escape my lips as I hugged him. I didn't want to ever let go of him.

We both showered, separately, and then went out for sushi. The paparazzi's went crazy being that we were pretty home-bound lately.

"Hi, I'm Melissa, how many do you have with you?" she politely asked

"Two." I stated

"Okay, this way please." she guided us over to this table by the window. The view was just beautiful. We were on this tall hill that had a perfect view of the Hollywood sign.

"I'm going to do everything in my favor to make you the happiest girl in the world." he said while holding my hands over the table.

"I don't want you ever think that the mistakes I make in my life are because of you. You are the only person I can rely on and I never want to lose you." I stated

We both ordered California Rolls because we didn't know what to decide on and the waitress recommended it.

We finished eating and walked out of the restaurant hand-in-hand. The paparazzi's and media found out about my little incident with the razor, God only knows how. They kept asking suicidal questions and I was getting really aggravated about the whole thing.

"Can you just leave us alone?" I yelled

Justin tightened the grip on my hand and just said reassured me that it's going to be okay.

"Justin, how do you feel that your girlfriend is suicidal?" one asked

"I want these nasty questions to stop here. I'm not suicidal, and that's nothing you should ever assume that someone is. You have no respect for anyone and you all sicken me." I spat

We finally made it to the car, which seemed to be parked on the other side of the world, and Justin opened the door for me. I sat down and he closed the door and walked over to the drivers side.

He got in and didn't star the car immediately. Instead, he leaned his head against the steering wheel and began crying. I never saw him like this and didn't know exactly how to react.

"What's wrong?" I asked

It took him about a minute to respond, but he eventually did.

"I hate them. I want to punch them all and hurt them for even asking you disgusting questions like that. If I did though, people would call me out of control, and that's just what I need right now." He said sarcastically

"I know. It's not a big deal though, let's just get out of here."


After we got home from sushi, we just watched some reruns of 'Modern Family', which is our favorite show to watch together.

"I really hope you trust me and believe me that I'm going to try to help myself." I stated

"I hope you do. I'm here for you no matter what." Justin smiled

"I love you more than anybody on this planet." I said while cuddling into him.

"I love you too."

We finished watching TV, and went upstairs to head to bed. I went into the bathroom to freshen up before bed, and saw that the razor was gone. I felt a sense of relief that it wasn't there because I knew that if it was, the temptation would be to great for me to handle.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, grabbed some makeup remover towels, and rubbed off the minimal makeup that I had on. I put my pajamas on, which was shorts and a tank top.

I just looked at myself for a minute and whispered out, "I'm beautiful." I was just about to walk out when I thought of a good idea.

I grabbed my lipstick and ran it against the mirror. I wrote 'you're worth it' on the mirror to remind myself everyday.

"You okay in there?" Justin yelled

"Yeah, I'm doing something," I giggled

"Oh god, what's going on in there," he lightly chuckled

"Just writing on the mirror with my lipstick."

I turned the lights off and hopped into the bed with Justin and immediately was freezing. I cuddled into Justin's bare chest.

"You smell good," I inhaled once more.

He looked down and chuckled and then kissed the top of my head. After a bit of small talk, I slowly fell off into a slumber not having a care in the world.


Kind of short, sorry. Vote and comment! Thanks ♥

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