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We exited the car and walked up to the front door, where Justin hesitantly put the key into the door.  We walked into the house and saw this young man sitting on the couch, looking like he waited for us to walk in.

"Who's this?" he asked while walking towards me while I flinched.

"She's not going to be anywhere near you," Justin snarled.

Chris was an attractive guy, with brown hair and hazel eyes.  His complexion was superb, with a defined jawline.  

"What's your name sweety?" He asked while walking towards me.

I didn't know how to react.  Justin tensed up and just held my hand, but didn't say anything.

"I'm Liz," I said while looking down at my feet.

I knew that Justin was getting angrier by the second.  I didn't want to provoke Chris, but I also didn't want him to get annoyed.

"Justin got lucky this time.  All of the other girls he brought around, they weren't too cute." He said with a sly grin on his face.

I couldn't tell if he was just trying to get under my skin, or being serious.  Was I just another girl Justin would bring around and then drop me after a few months?

"I guess I did now," Justin interjected.

"Look, I don't want any problems.  I was just coming by to give my good friend a visit.  There's no harm in that, right?"

"Right, but I think you should get going now, it's getting late." Justin commented.

"I'll be paying you back a visit soon, and be ready.  It won't go as smoothly as it did this time.  Keep her close Justin, keep her close," he finished while walking back to his car and driving off.

We went inside and I insisted on getting changed.  I went upstairs and walked into the bathroom.  I looked at my clean wrist, not seeing any recent marks.  It made me confident to see my wrist clean, with no harm.

I started removing my clothes to shower, and couldn't keep my eyes off of my wrist.  My conscience was telling me to stay strong, but there was also a voice telling me to cut because I'm not worth it.

I opened the drawers searching for something sharp that could make a quick cut, but seemed out of luck.  I opened the cupboard and saw Justin's razors.  I almost squealed with excitement when I saw it.  It brought back so many memories of me cutting.

I slowly brought it up to my skin wincing at the pain, but having a cooling effect after.  I kept thinking of Justin while I was cutting, knowing that he would be furious.  At that moment though, I didn't care.

After I finished and wiped the blood with a piece of toilet paper, I finally went into the shower.  I got out and put a long sleeve shirt on with a pair of shorts.  It must have looked odd, but Justin knew I was insecure about the scars.

I walked downstairs to see Justin on the couch with his cellphone to his ear.  I walked over to him smiling, and sat next to him.  I nuzzled into him while I listened to his conversation.

"Yeah, I'm home... Uh-huh... Okay... You too... Bye," he hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked

"My mom.  She's just checking up on me.  Why did it take you so long up there?" He asked

I looked at him and simply replied, "I guess I just lost track of time."

Justin wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled while watching "The Silver Linings Playbook" with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.

I started kissing Justin throughout the movie, because I felt vulnerable.  I felt weak, and needed Justin to keep me sane.  I was slowly starting to lose myself, and Justin was the only part of me that was staying true.

My sleeves started rolling up at I was running my hands through his hair.  I tried pulling them down but wasn't doing a great job.

"What's up with you?  You're never like this," Justin said.

"Nothing.  I'm just in a good mood." I lied

I knew Justin could tell I was lying, but he didn't seem to bother arguing.  I told him I stopped cutting and was clean for a few weeks.  I didn't want to let him down, so I kept lying.

"What made you quit cutting?" Justin asked

I couldn't do this anymore.  I knew that Justin loved me and wanted me to be happy, but I wasn't.  I needed him to help me and be there for him but I didn't want to bring more drama into his life.

I began crying, more like sobbing.  I don't think Justin understood what was going on, but he just kept saying, "What's wrong?"

This was my cry for help.  Instead of being up front and saying that I never quit, I couldn't actually say it.  It was one of my biggest secrets, something I've hid for years and years.  

"Liz, what's wrong?" He asked again

"I-" I began

"I- never stopped Justin," I continued sobbing

His jaw tensed up.  He looked angry, furious, but knew that I needed him more than ever right now.  I don't think he was even that mad about the fact I was cutting, but the fact I lied about being clean annoyed him.

"You lied to me." Justin stated

"It's not like that." I said in between my sobs.

"Everything is going to be okay," he stated.

"Is it now Justin?  I've tried believing that for the past few years, but haven't really got that." I yelled

"Calm down," he whispered.

"Do not tell me to calm down!  I'm a mess.  I'm a terrible person, broken, a piece of garbage.  Why are you even with me?" I continued crying

"Liz, you are the world to me.  You are the nicest, most kind person I've ever met.  You're my soul mate, whether you know that or not.  I hate seeing you like this because you are worth so much more than hurting yourself.  I don't know how to react with you doing this, but you need to get help." he stated.

"No, I'm not going to a rehab center where it's filled with crazy insane, suicidal people." I refused.

"Those places aren't filled with only people like that.  There are so many people just like you in there.  I'm going to call a center right now and get you over there as soon as possible." Justin said

I knew that it would be hell going there, but in the end, it would be the best for me.


Short chapter, sorry.  I'm lost for ideas and am slowly getting some ideas.  I'm also sorry for not updating in a while, but like I said, I had no ideas.  Anyway, thanks for reading.  Leave ideas below, they are much appreciated.

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