Sabrina P.O.V Chapter 1

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I walked up to the window that had a view that peered over the city of Los Angeles. I looked lower and saw a boy and a girl kissing. They stopped kissing, she placed her hands on his chest. It seemed like the boy spoke a few words, the girl shoved him and ran away. Everything here reminds me of of Houston. All I ever wanted was a fresh start and that seems nearly impossible. Everything I know is gone, how can I move on with no closure. I'm left here with nothing.

"Sabrina, Come downstairs, we need to talk." Aunt Felicia yelled to me.

I flashed back into reality with tears coming straight to my eyes. They first thing I thought of was last time I didn't come downstairs, aunt Felicia had me baking her cupcakes for a week. That was one of the worst weeks in my life. I decided anything was better than baking.

"What's up!" I asked trying to hold back my tears.

"Go outside. You have been cooped up in your room for three days. You need to take a deep breath, get some fresh air, go for a walk. Just go. And have fun she said while opening the door so I couldn't say no,

I nodded in her direction and out the door that was wide open. One I got outside I let the tear out. Mg feet were getting back in the groove of how to walk on concrete and grass. I walked down the same sidewalk I saw a boy crush an innocent girls heart. My heart couldn't handle it anymore the tears came rushing down my face. I had gotten tired of walking so I began to sprint. I didn't care where I ended up as long as it wasn't here.

A/N: Hey y'all! So I'm writing this brabrina fan fic because I'm bored and whatever. Please tell me if you like it. I'll take anything! More to come lovelies❤️

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