Rowan P.O.V Chapter 34

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Peyton and I were hanging out in the backyard of my house.

"Im glad I have you" I said staring into Peyton's eyes.

"Me too. I love the fact that I could lay here for hours and talk with you. We don't have to make it sexually intense or anything like that." Peyton said.

"You do know. I'm not.." I began to say when he cut me off.

"Rowan. I'm not asking you to have sex. Nor am I telling you, I'm saying the fact that we don't have to do that to be able to have a relationship means everything to me." Peyton told me.

"Do you think we have a future? And I don't want you to say maybe or I guess, or even I hope so. I want you to tell straight forward yes or no." I asked him.

"Yes." He said with a smile.

"Me too." I said.

"I'm home." Sabrina said peeking out the door with her hand over her eyes.

"Funny. Very funny." Peyton said.

"I'm gonna go study upstairs." Sabrina told me.

"Study what? The oral exam isn't till next month." I asked.

"Lines. I'm not getting the relationship between Lucas and maya right. I'm making it to silly. There needs to be at least some seriousness between the characters."

"I can rehearse with you if you want." Peyton said.

"actually I want work on it alone so I can then work with a human." Sabby .

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course." Peyton said leaning in for a kiss.

I walked Peyton out to his car and watched him leave. I walked back up to the house and went to talk with Sabrina.

"You good?" I asked.

"Never better." She responded as there was a knock on the door.

I sat down and stared at her.

"You should get the door." She told me.

"I should." I said while walking out of my bedroom and to yen front door. When I opened it I saw someone I would have never expected.
Mrs. Meyer.

"Come on in." I said welcoming her into my house.

We walked to the sofa and as I offered her a drink.

"Tea, water, soda." I listed options.

"An ice tea would be nice." She said getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Peyton. He just left." I said nervously.

"I'm not here for Peyton. I'm actually here to speak with you." She told me.

"Me.?" I asked concerned.

"More of about you and my son." She clarified.

"I'm listening." I said whiling filling the tea pot with water and placing it on the stove.

"Peyton is almost an adult, and well you your almost sixteen. Barely even able to drive yet. Peyton is going to college soon and," she said as I interrupted.

"May I, intervene. Peyton is indeed going to college next year. And I'm going to be driving next year. Actually in a month. But I'm going to college too. I skipped third grade. I also skipped seventh. I'm in the same grade level as the rest of my friends. I have matured more than the rest of the girls my age." I said informing her.

"This is news to me, however that still doesn't change the fact that you are fifteen years old. You are still a child. At some point my son will be ready to have Sex and you will be to young, which leads to cheating and a baby and everything that doesn't need to be happening." She told me as the water started to boil.

"Everyone has the same thought process. Peyton and I just talked about this. He was telling me how he lived the fact that our relationship wasn't based off sex or much of any romance. Yes, we kiss here and there but we never go to far. I told him I wasn't ready."

"Wait. Was he pressuring you into having sex?" She asked me.

"No. I brought sex up. I was telling him I wasn't ready. And he agreed neither of us are ready. Because when and if we do, it will be mutual and we will know. We won't have to ask. Our hearts will lead us into the right direction." I explained to her.

"Your making it really hard for me to be mad at you, because honestly, I love you, you are perfect for him because no woman has ever declared her love to me before and had the sex talk with me before and this makes me know that you are ready to be defined as a woman and are perfect for my Peyton." She told me.

"Thank you." I responded.

"You are welcome over any time." She told me as I smiled and walked her out the door.

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