Bradley P.O.V Chaoter 22

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I woke up and all I could think about was Sabrina, and yesterday and how I need to speak with her. I knew today that Rowan Sabrina and Bradley were filming their first episode of girl meets world so, maybe I could just head down to the set, maybe I can talk to her. I grabbed my keys and headed out to the studio. I pulled In and parked, I walked in and watched one of the scenes, Rowan and Peyton were filming.

"I'm Lucas." He said

"I love it." She said

"And Cut." The director yelled.

I walked over to Peyton and gave him a bro hug.

"Sup man."

"Sup." I said

"Glad you could make it." He said as Rowan came up.

"Hey Bradley." Rowan said as she gave me a hug.

"That was a good scene." I told them

"Sabrina and Corey are in her dressing room." Rowan told me.

"Thanks." I said and walked to her dressing room.

When I got there I knocked and she opened the door. She was in a rope with her hair up in curlers.

"Hi Bradley." She said when she opened the door.

"Hey, B" I said

"Come on in" she said as she moved out of the way.

"I was hoping-"

"Hoping that we could talk about yesterday?" She asked.

"Yea." I said.

"Go ahead." She said as she took a seat in her chair and I sat in a chair across from her.

"I'm curious what caused you to break down? And...well..." I said when she finished my sentence.

"Cut?" She asked

"Yea. Cut." I responded

"Honestly. That woman. She told me if I did that, then I would be able to see them. And she was right, I did see them, because I wanted to, I felt the need to see them and I guess I was so pissed at them for leaving me and I guess..that's why. I mean and yesterday, with Peyton and Rowan, I was thinking about them and then I saw Peyton and it just got me so freaking mad and I went off on him and it was her." She explained to me.

"I'm so sorry B." I said feeling so sorry for her.

"Listen, I don't want this to define me, or anybody. I don't wanna be known for the girl who went crazy or parents died or anything like that. I wanna be known for me and my personality." She told me as I knew she was right.

"Do you want me to just forget about it?"I asked hoping she would say yes.

"I want everybody to forget about it." She told me.

"Why don't we get together tonight and just make it clear that were forgetting about it." I offered.

"Yea. And we can invite Corey and his girlfriend after we clear the air. I'll tell Corey and you can tell Peyton and Rowan. 6:30 ish is when we get off work, so why not 7:00 for Rowan and Peyton and 7:30 for Corey?" She responded

"That works. Just text me where." I said as I got up and left for work.

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