After 2 Years

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"Hey Pie, hurry up or we'll be late!" There goes Fern, dragging me along the side walk already. We have like 30 minutes more before the clock hits the time, but here we are, rushing the streets. She was the one who woke up late and we didn't even manage to eat breakfast because of her laziness. Good thing I love this girl as a sister. "Don't rush Fern! We still have time." That was all I can say.

Who can ever imagine that 2 years has flown that fast? Fern and I are now employed on one of the most known and well compensated companies in the country. I have my own apartment and my own car, Fern lives beside my apartment and I tend to visit my mom from time to time who is also running her own flower business which started just a year ago. I never knew that I'll be this alive again. After that fateful day with Kim, I thought that it will be the end of me, but I was completely wrong, Fern never stopped reminding me that it's still nice to live, and I have a wonderful future ahead of me. As for Kim, I never had any news from her, we all never had any even her best friend Shone had no idea what happened to her. I still think of her and pray that she's just as fine as I am, I am happy and contented now, and if I see her being fine, I know that I'll be glad, I hope I can be.

"A penny for your thoughts dear? Isn't it a bit early for day dreaming dearest princess?" Puey said out of nowhere. He's our gay friend. He slim and he looks like a squid, we've been working with him alongside Jane who happened to be my closest in work as well.

"Don't mind me Puey, I'm fine and I was just thinking about something random, where's Fern by the way?" I tried to switch the topic.

"She went to the boss' office. He needed a word with Fern, she's with Fah."

"Oh right, Fah, she's the intern right?" Jane said, looking at her mirror.

"Yeah, you know, I like how that girl works. She's so full of ideas, seems like she'll be an asset if she passes and gets absorb in our firm." Puey said grabbing Jane's mirror.

Yeah, that's the new girl in town, she's smart and beautiful. I wonder if ever Kim was here and we're still together, will she say that Fah is a catch. I guess not, I'm the only one beautiful in her eyes, but that was before, ugh. Why am I even thinking about that? Funny me. Hahaha. I felt a slight nudge in my shoulders, "Stop it Kim, I'm working." I said out loud.

"I'm not Kim, Pie." Slowly, I turned my head and saw Fern crossing her arms, Oh no. I'm dead!

"Oh Fern, you're back." I shook my head and went back to my seat. I had no idea I was standing in front of the window for quite a while now.

"Oh Pie, seriously? Thinking about Kim again? When will you stop?" she said with annoyance in her face. As to her looks, seems like she's accusing me that I still haven't moved on from Kim.

"I just remembered her. I know that face of yours and I want to tell you that I am totally OVER HER. It's been 2 years, I just remembered something that's why I was blank for a moment." I tried to sound more convincing. I hope she is.

"Okay if you say so. But seriously Pie, I just want to ask. What will you do if ever you accidentally, for some reason and in an unwanted circumstance, you happen to see Kim, what will you do?" she asked me, with worry etched on her face. That left me unready. What would I do? Should I be happy? Be surprised? Feel awkward?

"Earth to Pie! Hey, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm still here. Well, I'll say sorry and I'll hope that we can still be friends. That's what I'll do for sure."

"I just really hope you can do it that way Pie. By the looks of it, you have totally moved on but haven't forgotten her. I just want you to be ready any time, you'll never know, you might see her one day, and just be out of your mind again. I don't want to see you in your state a few years ago Pie. That was not a good scene to remember"

"I know. And I won't be. You helped me a lot and I won't throw all your efforts. You, Jane, and Puey are the best people I have. If ever I see her, I will be the happiest to show her that I was fine, as like what she told me, to take care of myself. I know she's fine too. Nothing to worry about best friend. We'll be so fine."

I want to assure Fern that I was really fine. She saw me at my worst, so did Puey and Jane. They were all there for me when I felt it was all over. I am excited to see Kim, I will be ready when I see her and when that happens, I'll just say how sorry I was and let all my feelings gone. Fern hugged me and so the other members of the gang went in too. Fah was quite included in the group too so she went along and tagged in the drama.

"Enough of the drama you two." Puey said and went between me and Fern. This gay really knows how to ruin perfect moments. "Pie, Van is looking for you and Jane, he summons you two inside his office."

"Why tag me along? All I know he just wants to see Pie, why include me?"

I glared at Jane and that made her take back her word. "I was just joking. Come Pie, your lover is waiting for us." They all laughed at Jane while I was pissed. I know Van has been hitting on me ever since I started working here, but he has always been professional, these silly friends of mine are just making it seem that he wants something personal from me every time he calls me. Van is a nice guy, don't get me wrong but I don't really like him.

"I guess he has a special task for the both of us again huh? I just hope it isn't a site visit. I just don't want the sun to ruin my almost white skin." Jane said. I just laughed in my mind; this girl really is so into making herself beautiful like literally every time. But she's right; I hope it really isn't a site visit. As an engineer, I hate it when we survey the location area. Aside from the hot weather, dust is everywhere. I just want to set foot in the site if the construction has been started already because it's less crowded, everybody works their asses out.


"Hey Van, you asked of us?" I asked as we entered his office. I noticed that he just came from a phone call also with a bunch of papers in his hands and table.

"Oh yes Pie and Jane. Sorry for the bother but I have a favor to ask."

"Yes Van, what can we do for you?"

"Don't worry, you won't be doing site visit this time." Van said. I laughed internally, at least we stay inside.

"Well, we have a new engineer that will work with us. She's just arrived and will be here in a few minutes, though she'll drop by tomorrow. Can the two of you please fix the other office beside mine? She'll be using that for the meantime and when she comes, we'll gather your team, she'll be heading this project for now."

"Okay, no problem. We'll get started." Jane said with enthusiasm.

"Thanks, I owe you two this time."

"Anytime Van, you're welcome." I said and started to storm out of his room. New colleague, that's great, another member to the team.


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