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The whole Yam thing still bothered me to the core. Not that I don't trust Kim, but I just don't trust that girl. I know that she was sincere when she said those things but knowing that she has feelings for Kim still disturbed the hell out of me.

"Hey Pie, what's with you? You haven't eaten anything since this morning. Are you alright?" Puey asked me. We were here in the conference room. We had a meeting and we just stayed a while for a quick break. The gang was present, as usual, they loved to bug me with my progress with Kim.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking of something." I answered pretending to be busy on writing something.

"She's fine alright. She just saw somebody that she really hates for liking Kim a lot." Fern butted in.

"Whoa! Who's the girl?" They all asked in unison.

"She's just somebody from the past."

"If she's from the past, then why are you bothered?" Jane asked me.

"I am not bothered. I am not feeling anything." I said looking at them. They all looked at me puzzled, and then they all turned their gaze on my hand which was holding a pen. I moved my eyes to where they were looking at, and I saw that I have wrote some weird scribbles on the paper that I had using the pen on my hand.

"By the looks of it, you really aren't threatened. You're just disturbed." Puey said, still looking at the paper that I have.

I really don't want to think about it. But what can I do? I think about it. I just can't take it off my head.

"I don't know what to do guys. I don't want to think about it, but it just keeps lingering on my head." I said in frustration. I slumped my head on the table. I really don't know what to do anymore.

"Pie. You don't have to be threatened by the past. The past is done already. Just look forward to the future and what you are doing right now." Puey said and touched my shoulder.

"I can't help it. I can't relax because me and Kim are not together yet. We aren't back together." I said in a muffled sound. My head was still slumped on the table.

"Knowing that the girl still has feelings for Kim really bothered me. But, I don't have the right to be mad at her. She even said sorry to me for the things that happened between the two of us in the past. And I feel bad when I think that she wouldn't stick to her word, because when she talked to me, I felt sincerity in her about not getting Kim away from me, unless I dump Kim and hurt her again, then that would be the end of me." I said raising my head.

"Then what's wrong? If she said that she wouldn't do the same things as before, what's bothering you?"

"I don't know!" I said slumping my head on the table again. I'm getting a habit of this already.

"There should be a reason." They said in unison.

"I think the idea that Kim and I are still not together is what really bothers me. Not other girls liking her. Because I can't tell other girls to back off." I said in a muffled voice again. "How can I be mad at someone taking something that isn't mine anymore."

"Well, if that's the problem why not ask Kim about it? I guess there's nothing wrong with asking her. You two have been going out and the plan is for the both of you to get together again." He said again.

Puey has a point. I can just ask Kim on what she really wants for the both of us.

"How do I ask her that?" I said confused. "I don't want to pressure her into bringing me back to her."

"You don't have to pressure her. You just need to ask her what her plans are for the both of you."

"What if she still doesn't have a plan?" Jane was the one who asked this time.

"Well, that's when the problem gets in." Puey said in a serious tone. "Look dear. You two have been going out for quite some time already, but if she doesn't have a plan, then you both are just wasting your time."

I looked at him and nodded. I knew in my heart that Kim had a plan for us, but I understand my friends point as well. I don't want to feel this way anymore. Threatened that nothing will happen to the both of us. That would be more hurting than us breaking up in the first place. If she didn't have a plan, then I would surely be devastated.

"Go and ask her Pie. It will be best for the both of you. It will be a make or break for the both of you."

"Puey's right. Think about it Pie. It's best for the both of you." Fern said. And with that, break times over and we all went out of the conference room.


"Have you seen Kim?" I asked Shone who just got out of the pantry.

"No. She went out with Zee earlier and they haven't been back yet."

"Oh, okay, I'll just wait for her then. Thank you Shone."

Shone looked at me and touched my shoulder. "Are you alright Pie?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Why'd you asked?

"I just feel like something is off. Have you talked to Kim already?"

Truth is, after that time when we saw Yam, I haven't had the chance to talk to her yet. I really wanted to, but Kim was a bit busy lately.

"Not yet. But we're both good. I just needed to talk to her."

"Sure, I'll tell her that you were looking for her. Just relax Pie, everything will be alright."

"Thank you Shone." And I left and went to my table again.

A few hours have passed, and I still was not able to see Kim. I guess I won't have the luck to really see her today. I fixed my things and was about to pack up when I heard somebody talking on the hallway. Curiosity kicked in, so I took a peak to check who they were.

"Come on Shone. You know I can't do that yet. Not now, and besides, I don't want her to know. Not yet." It's Kim and Shone.

"But buddy, you have too." Shone said impatiently.

"I know about that. Just let me do it. That is my job. I don't want to hurt her. I'll find a good way to tell her without her getting hurt. Just let me do it and trust me. Will you?" Kim said squinting her eyes.

"Fine. Just don't tell me that I didn't warned you."

What can they both be talking about? After that conversation, I just walked away so they wouldn't be noticing me. I grab hold of my bag and walked on the hall way as if nothing happened and as if I did not hear anything.

"Are you going home already?" Kim asked me. I was a bit embarrassed because we really haven't talked after that last time we went out.

"Yeah. Fern is down on the parking already. I'll see you two tomorrow then?" I smiled. I still can't take my eyes off her. Ugh. I want to hate you. Can you just ask me out now? Please?

"Oh. I see. Uhm, are you free on Sunday? Around the morning? Say 9 A.M?" She said walking towards me.

I was lost in my own thoughts. I guess we can talk if she is asking me out. I nodded and smiled at her.

"That's great. I'd love to invite you on our tennis match on Sunday. Will you come?"

Oof. I thought she was going to ask me out. Well, maybe we can talk after. "Sure. I'll be there. I'll see you two."

"You can bring the gang if you want. You know, more supporters can really help us." Kim said.

"Yeah. Right. I'd tell them. I'd love to cheer for the both of you." I smiled.

"Thank you Pie. That means a lot to me. I'll pick you up on Sunday then?" she asked me.

"See you on Sunday. Have a great week Kim." I looked into her eyes. I was shock when Kim suddenly kissed my cheeks.

"See you Pie. Enjoy your weekend too." She said, and she waved goodbye and went inside the office.

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