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I felt like I need to gather all my courage to be able to speak again. Her presence somehow made me nervous but safe at the same time. She, hugging me was now one of my wish lists after our breakup, and wishes really come true. I even had a bonus for that, a kiss on my forehead, what can get better?

I walked back to the site where everybody was almost seated on the bonfire. Dinner was done, we were all stuffed. I was stuffed with food, and then I was also stuffed by love at the same time. I looked for the one person who saved my life, and there she was just standing in the corner with her best friend Shone.  Seeing her and having her near me just gives me peace. I can just go on all day looking at her.


We were all gathered outside of our cottages, it’s almost 3PM and sunset is just in a few hours. After our little talk last night, I can notice that Kim was just looking at me from afar. But not really coming near me or somewhere near me. I remembered taking a bath earlier today, do I smell bad?
I haven’t talked to Kim after what happened last night. She seemed to distance herself from me intentionally. Is it me or she really is avoiding me? And Jazz came in the picture. What the hell?

“I think I want barbecue!” Jazz said to Kim while she was tugging her arm, what an eyesore this is. Its day two of our vacation trip and tomorrow will be the last day. And she just can’t get her hands off Kim even just for a minute.

"I’ll go for barbecue too Kim. I heard from Shone you’re a good cook. Can we try one now?” Van said, gaining all the attention since I bet everyone is hungry.

“Okay, I guess I can’t say no to you guys.” Kim said smiling. “I have to go to the market today and buy some ingredients, I’ll be back maybe in 2 hours.” she added.

“Oh! Me! I can help you Kim! I’ll just get ready!” and with a swift move Jazz went to their room so she can get ready to accompany my Kim to the market. What can get worst?

“Hey princess, if you don’t make your move now, that Jazz will surely rape Kim while walking.” Puey said with a dejected face.

“Kim’s avoiding me, after what happened yesterday, I’m not sure but I think she’s not into talking terms.” I said frowning. I hate it when I have to get her attention. “And with Jazz around, I won’t be able to talk to her and this whole trip will be so stupidly boring without me doing any accomplishments on winning her heart back!” I sighed defeated.

“Well, we can help you with that.” Jane said smiling mischievously. I can’t seem to read what’s on their head but by the looks of it, I can say that they are up to something not good.

“I don’t trust that look guys.”

“No dearest. This time, you out your fate in us.” Puey said and my friends all turned to me with a very silly look. I don’t like this idea and I can’t be so sure. They all look a bunch of psychopaths in front of me. What can they be thinking? Ugh.


It was almost an hour when Jazz left and Kim was waiting for her on the other side of their cottage. I was beginning to think that Kim is starting to like Jazz and she’s just being nice to me because all she wants is to be just friends.

As I was spacing out, I saw my friends: Fah, Jane, Puey and Fern running towards where Kim was.

“Hey Kim!” Jane got her attention. “Jazz said she won’t be coming.” She continued while panting.

“Why is that? Did anything happen to her?” Kim asked a bit worried. Ugh. Now she cares for that girl. How many girls do I have to get over just to be with her?

“She has a bad stomach; I think she ate something that made her stomach really upset. She’s in the bathroom for around 30 minutes already.” Puey said.

“Oh, that’s bad.” Kim said shaking her head while laughing in a small tone. “I guess I’ll be going ahead so I can still catch the market, see you later guys.” And she walked.

“Wait! You can’t carry all of those on your own. You still need company.” Fah said. Wow, they really did the talking one by one. I laughed internally.

“I guess you guys can help me?” Kim turned around.

“No, actually we can’t really go with you because we have somethings that we need to fix as well.” Fern said, now it’s her turn.

“Oh, then why did you suggest that I needed company?” Kim asked confused.

As if on que, they all turned their heads to where I was located. Me not having any idea about what they are thinking, until I heard…

“Pie! Pie will help you with the market stuff Kim.” They all said in unison.

What?! So this was their plan! Oh my gosh! This is so embarrassing! I wanted to reject their idea but before I can say a word they were all tugging me to Kim’s place. The latter seemed not to mind me being dragged near her. Dear Lord, please help me not to slaughter these friends of mine later!

“Here, we volunteer Pie in her behalf. She has nothing to do this afternoon Kim so you can go ahead and make use of her.” Puey said. Why you squid! I will really punch you in the nose later on!

“Is it fine with you Pie? To go with me? It’ll get dark sooner.” Kim asked me, I can’t say if she’s concerned with me or she’s just really trying to be casual in front of my friends in here.

“Yeah, I’m fine. If you don’t me mind tagging along instead of Jazz.” I looked at her and she seemed to mutter something almost inaudible that the only thing that I heard clearly was ‘you have no idea’.

After last night, this was the first time well be talking again. Might as well use this to be able to get her attention this time.

“Okay, so we’ll be going guys. See you later.” Kim said smiling as she looked at me signaling that we should start walking and looking for a ride to the market.

While we were walking, I received a message from Fah.

Hey, use this time to talk to her. No more excuses because we don’t have laxatives anymore! See you later.

My eyes widened in horror! What was the laxative for? Please don’t tell me they used it for something stupid.

Kim and I were walking side by side, just like the old days. I may not be good with the idea that my friends did and all I can say is, I may have crazy friends, but I am sure that these gang will help me through all the seasons of my life.

I shook my head and laughed at the taught.
“Hey. You alright?” Kim asked me, I think she saw me laughing to myself.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Let’s just keep walking” I said and whispered in the air a prayer that will make Kim and me to walk side by side forever like this moment that was made possible by my crazy friends.

Thanks guys, you all are the best.

Hi guys!

Sorry for the late update. I’ve been busy with school and work. I’m really sorry. Thank you for the votes and the comments. I really appreciate you all. ☺

I will try my best to make updates sooner to be possible. I'm just using my phone, my laptops a bit jammed. :)

Thanks a bunch guys!


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