Here They Come

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Oh mornings, how I despise going to work sometimes, but I know I can't. Not today, we have a new member that we need to welcome. I got up from bed and hurried myself to get fixed. Not long enough, I was ready and went to Fern's side of the building. To my shock, she was ready as well, I can sense that we won't be rushing so much for today.

"Wow, you're early today?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm always early, I just have many stuff to do in the morning. Let's go. Van asked me to get food for the team. Especially for the visitor." Fern held me with a tight grip. We were walking down the sidewalk when Fern stopped and gazed at me with a worried look.

"Are you alright Fern?" I touched her forehead and checked her temperature.

"I'm fine, and you'll be fine too. Just remember that whatever happens, I'll be here for you to support you. Me and the rest of the gang." Fern took my small frame and hugged me. This girl is acting weird since yesterday. I just nodded and thanked her, even if she's weird sometimes; I really love my best friend. We started walking again.


"This is a lot of food Fern. Who's going to eat all of these?" I said as we were walking straight to the office after we brought some food for the team.

"You talk too much Pie. Let's just hurry. Van called me and said that the new member will be coming about an hour or two."

I shook my head out of annoyance. Why were even bothering to have a group breakfast or lunch. This is too much hospitality. And Fern is driving me crazy. Ugh this girl! I was the one carrying almost all the food. How I wanted to scream that 'Hey, I definitely need company' but she was nowhere to be found anymore. Good thing Puey saw me and offered to help with the other bags.

Everybody was already inside the conference room.

"I bet you that this new colleague of ours will be a good looking one. Do you see all the people around here?" Puey said while looking at the crowd around. Well he seems to be right. Well, look at all the crowd around us. For a new comer, this one will surely be a catch.

For the longest time, we were all gathered inside the conference room. Van gathered us all inside and seems to be very particular in giving us instructions. The do's and don'ts during the period later when the new comer arrives. Everybody around the room seems to be excited about the arrival of the new engineer. Puey and Jane seem excited while Fern seems to be chilling with the topic. The quick briefing went on quickly. Everybody was back to their jobs; well almost everybody was, but not Fern who keeps on glancing at me like a complete lunatic.

"You're acting really weird today Fern. What is it with you? It's kind 'a starting to freak me out a little." I tried to sound as relaxed as I can be. How can I be not, she looks like a psycho by stealing glances at me.

"I'm just checking on you babe. I mean, I want to make sure that you are fine."

"I don't buy that, you're keeping something from me. Spill it out." I glared at her. Well I hope this one will work. But still she's not speaking. She just keeps on looking at me like she's not a total freak. I know the trick to stop this girl. I tried to walk towards her and leaned closer.

"Best friend, don't tell me that you are now having a total crush on me?" I matched the statement with a wink, I felt Fern had shivers all over her body. Success!

"IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! Now you're the one giving me complete creeps in my body! Oh come on Pie I was just really checking on you. Don't you even for a second dare to think that I will have a crush on you. Ugh, please. Spare me!" Fern just continued talking. There goes my best friend, I know she will never have a crush on me, I just really like it when I do this to her. Haha! Revenge, that'll stop her from looking at me like a psycho the whole day, there she goes blabbing her heart out, I love seeing her like this, and too bad I heard Van calling us out.

We again were gathered for a while. Inside the conference room, this time with a smaller crowd consisted of me, Fern, Puey, Jane and Fah.

"Okay, get one and pass." Van said as he handed us a pile or folders having paper in it. Seems like a new plan.

"Okay, that's the new building proposal that is given to us. This will be our new project for the year. Every detail on where the place is located, the measurement, and improvements needed and the building details are in there. We'll be having some other discussions with the clients in some other time, for now, review those papers and we'll start working from there. Any questions?" Van seemed to be in a hurry today.

"By the way, speaking of questions, where's the new engineer? I thought she'll be here in an hour." Jane said while glancing from left to right. It's almost been two hours since we were waiting for the new comer, however still no signs of her. Minus one point for her being late, I'll give her points for merits and deduct them for demerits.

"She's almost here. I think she's just parking her car. Wait I'll call her." Van stood up and walked outside to speak with the new member. We all looked at the parking lot area through the window pane, but to our dismay, no signs of a girl coming up here. Only two men who were wearing caps. The one rather slim and the other not that skinny but has a good figure as well.

"This new comer of ours seems to have a habit of coming late, don't you think?" Fah said. Wow, this is the first time I ever heard her give an opinion on something. We have Improvements on this one.

"Yeah, but let's give her a break. She's just new here. I heard from Van the other day that she was from here but lived in the states for two years. She's not really familiar with this area though." Puey said while still looking at the window.

"I thought of giving the newbie a point system, if she manages to score a hundred, then we'll treat her with lunch. What do you say guys? Just for fun. Let's see how she can gather a hundred points from me." I said to the people around me. Well, it's a good way for finding out if she is a good engineer right? I laughed at the idea. Silly me.

"Nice idea Pie. I've known you for a time already and you don't seem to be easily impressed by mere looks and hear-says about performances. I'll join you on that, I'll join your point system and we'll see from there. Deal?" Wow, Jane did agree with me. I think the rest will too.

We were in the climax of our deal when we heard noise outside the conference room. It wasn't a riot of some sort but all we can hear was screaming as if an artist came inside the production area. With confusion on our faces, we all decided to go outside and see what the commotion was all about. Luckily, I tripped while walking because of the pile of papers that were scattered when we scooted near the window earlier, and talk about friendship, they didn't even bothered to help me. They just left me. What kind of friends I have. Can I trade them for someone's who are more caring and mindful?

"Oh my Gosh." Jane and Fah said in unison. As I pulled myself up, by my own effort of course, I tried to look at the person that just came in. Maybe a new client? Then I remembered that I am small. I can't even see pass Puey's shoulders. All I can hear is this gay saying how handsome the visitors were. Good thing Van came in the picture and instructed these tall people in front of me to be seated inside the conference room again. Justice is served.

As Van came in, two guys followed him from behind. These two seem to be familiar, especially the taller guy. They were wearing a cap and shades on, inside the conference room. Maybe they are the clients for the new building. I felt Fern's hands in mine, she was gripping it. For some reason, I looked at her again with confusion. What is with this girl really? She was trying to tell me something, and I can't read her lips. What is she trying to say? I wasn't informed that we were playing charades this early. Then I heard Van speak.

"Team, this is your new engineer for the project. Meet Kimhan Buranaphan, and this is her assistant, Shone Maurer."

I felt small bits of ice were like being poured on me. I tried to gasp for air, which seemed hard to find. I pray that this is not true. But it was, she was there.


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