I Do..?

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"Kim, what are you doing? Please stand from there. You're making a scene."

"No Pie. I love you and we've been together for more than 3 years already. I want you in my life forever. Will you, Pie Manaying, will you ..."

"Kim please stop and stand up from there. You're embarrassing me."

"Will you, mar..."

"No Kim, I can't. Please stop. I'm sorry, I love you too but I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. Talk to me, say something, I love you Kim, but I'm not yet ready, and I'm not sure if I will ever be."

There was a moment of silence until Kim spoke.

"No Pie, it's okay, I understand, I'm sorry for bringing you into something like this. I won't bother you anymore. I will respect your decision, but it doesn't mean I'm not hurting. I'm just loving you too much now that I'm willing to get hurt just to see you happy."

"Kim, I'm sorry, I love you but I'm sorry. Please .."

"Shh. No Pie, no need to say sorry, I'll let you be, please take care of yourself. I'll be fine I promise. " And Kim started walking, walking away from the girl she cared and loved so much.

"Kim, No, please .. Kim, Kim!"

"Kim! Kim!"

"Hey Pie! Pie, wake up!" I felt like the world was shaking and everything fell into pieces. And also with that shake, I was able to wake up; it was a dream, just a bad dream. But it felt so true, and with that I felt a hand touch my shoulders, startled to see my best friend looking at me with worry in her eyes, what happened to me? Fern's gaze is so worried, has something happened? And that dream, I don't like that dream.

"Goodness your awake already Pie, I won't let you drink that much again, I swear I'll kill you if you try to go bar hopping again without my knowledge!" I felt Fern's hands landed on the top of my head. And she started speaking again. "I know you're still hurting Pie, but it's been what? 5 months since she left, and she's nowhere to be found. Please stop with these things that you're doing and don't blame yourself, stop blaming yourself." She said and she started to hug me.

Why was I drinking in the first place? I was bar hopping for what reason? 5 months? That long? I felt waters form in the side of my eyes. They were warm, it was the same tear that escaped my eyes 5 months ago, and these tears never stopped falling since day one, then it dawned me, it was not a dream. It was true, Kim was gone, she left me, and I let her, it's my entire fault. Then I went blank.

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