She's Here

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My heart seemed to stop as the people in front of us take off their caps and sun glasses. It is real, they are real. I looked at Fern's hands still holding mine; I squeezed her hand and gave her glance. Seems like my best friend is sensing what I am feeling right now. It's not that I am not fine, I'm just not ready. I guess I never thought about this day. I never prepared for this day.

"Are you okay?" Fern whispered in a low voice. All I can do was nod. Looking at the familiar face in front of me, that face that I memorized for so long, that face that once haunted me. How can I not forget her face, how can I not be fine seeing her in front of me again, still with that signature smile and a perfect jaw line. Her nose and her eyes. Those eyes that I loved the most, those eyes that locked me and managed to put me in a spell simply by just looking at me, those eyes that I really missed. I wanted to say all these to Fern so she would know that I am completely okay. yeah, really fine.

"Come here Kim. Introduce yourself." Now Van is making her talk. I'll be hearing her voice again. It's her real voice and not the ones that I imagined.

"Hi, I'm Kimhan Buranaphan. I'm glad and excited to work with you guys. I brought my friend and assistant with me, Shone. I hope we can all get along."

Her voice, it's still the same as before. The same voice that wished me good night and good morning. The voice that soothes me every time I hear the words 'I love you' and 'baby'. That voice that sings to me when I'm in a bad mood. It's still the same.

"Well, it's nice meeting you too Kim. Now gang, it's your turn to introduce yourselves." Van said as he looked at all of us. Gosh! Will she even remember or recognize me, what about Fern? Hasn't she seen us from there? Or is she ignoring me? Van continued looking at us one by one. Puey is done introducing himself, Jane's next.

Ugh, what will I say? 'Oh hi. I'm Pie, your ex-girlfriend who turned down your marriage proposal but still longs for you.' Or 'Hi Kim, I love you, let's get married. It's me Pie.', can I ask the gods to please allow the building floors to consume me right here, right now! It's Fern's turn! Oh my gosh!

"Hey Fern, is that you? Wow! You haven't changed a bit." Shone glanced at Fern, my best friend looked at me with a 'can-you-please-put-your-shit-together' look. "Hi Shone, you look so much better right now. Still dashing you are." Fern said to Shone as they shook hands. Now it's my turn. Please swallow me alive now!

"Pie?" Ugh. That voice, the same tone she uses when she calls me even before. I loved how it sounds, up until now. I still love it.

"Hi Kim, long time no see." I faked a smile. Great way to start a conversation Pie! I internally face palmed myself. Who can blame me, I ran out of words. Damn this feeling, I am fine. I don't have to be nervous around her.

"Wait. You four know each other?" Van gave us a confused look. Who wouldn't be? By the looks of it, they were all looking at us with a confused look.

"We were all at the same university before Van. One department and we were classmates in some subjects." Shone said without blinking. Whew. That was close. No more explanations for you Van.

"Seems that you all know each other already. Let's give you two a tour shall we?" Van escorted the two out of the conference room. If he didn't do that anytime sooner I am going to hug Kim already. As the three of them went out, I was completely speechless and can't find the right words to utter.

"Woah! Did you see those hotties? I thought we were really working with a girly girl person, but this is much more better. My eyes are going to be full everyday just by looking at those two." Jane said still with sparkling lights in her eyes.

"I totally agree with that, well, that Kim is too handsome for a girl, and look at his friend over there. They look like complete artists. No wonder they made noise from the very beginning that they set foot in this place." Fah added. Wow, now they are joined forces on this one.

"So much for expectations if you ask me. I was beginning to think that the new engineer was somehow boring of some sort. But I guess I was wrong to judge, just by looking at them, all I can feel is excitement. Yummy for the rest of the days that they are with us!" Puey said as he took a fast glance at Kim and Shone who are heading to the other side of the building.

"Hey Pie. How are you feeling? Are you fine?" I felt Fern's grip on my small hands. I know I am fine, but there is something wrong with me.

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit shocked seeing the both of them after two years. Still look dashing does he?" I looked at Fern, tried to change the topic. I saw red colors start to show on her face. Got you! I knew it! Until now, Fern has this thing for Shone. She just doesn't admit it since Shone is Kim's best friend since they were kids. She thinks that being with Shone will make me remember Kim.

"Don't change the topic here Pie. I know what you're doing. It won't work so speak up." This girl. She knows me very well. Truth is I really don't know what I feel.

"I'm shocked as you are Fern, but I'm fine. I guess I missed seeing those two together." I faked a smile. That's the truth. I am shocked but I am a bit fine. I really missed those two, especially Kim.

I sensed that Fern had a changed in her mood suddenly. Something I am not familiar with. She really is acting a bit weird since yesterday. I felt Fern starting to speak or say something but then Van came in alongside the two new members, Kim and Shone. I felt Kim's eyes still flashing and looking at me, her stares make me weak. I never thought this day would come that she will see me, and I her.

"Jane and Fah, can you please assist these two to their new office. It will be beside mine." Van instructed the two. There I saw Jane's eyes started to lighten up again. She held Kim's arms and escorted them to the new room. How dare she hold onto Kim's arm.

"Hey, keep your glares down dearest best friend. You can kill with those eyes of yours." I didn't notice that I was actually eyeing Jane with Kim as they walked away.

"I am not glaring at her. And I'm completely fine with Jane wanting to flirt with Kim. I'm out of her life." Yeah. Hell I care of Jane being totally enamored with Kim. But she just still can't do that. Not to my Kim. Wait! Did I just say my Kim? Erase that! I don't give a damn on the two. We left alone, Puey was out and Fah and Jane ae currently entertaining Shone and Kim.

"I knew they were coming Pie. Van informed me the other day. I just didn't want to tell you because I don't know how you would react. It's been a long time already Pie. And look at you; you seemed speechless when you saw her."

Wait. Did I hear it right? Fern knew? Now that's why she was acting a bit weird since yesterday. Maybe she was right from keeping it from me.

"It's okay. I don't know if I would be ready if ever you told me. Truth is I never prepared for this day, and I thought I was fine, but here I am, beginning to be confused again. Just her mere presence brings my heart back to her. What will I do Fern?"

"Just stay focused. You'll have your chance to talk to her and clear things up. Say sorry and be friends again. That's for now."

"What do you mean for now?"

"Nothing. Let's go, they'll be looking for us any time now."

And with that, I was left in the room. Why does everybody leave me? No hard feelings intended in this sentence. I'll just go back to work now. 

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