Chapter 1: "Castle on a Cloud"

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Your POV

It was dark outside. The light faded from the torch I held, and I clutched my scarf close to my face. My breath could be seen as it escaped my lungs.

I was racing across the snowy plains of the northern wolf tribe, playing a game with the younger lot. My kind, a neighboring clan of humans, treated the wolves out here with kindness contrary to other big cities and towns. Although small, the village of Ayrith was kind and warm. Inviting even.

I was glad I lived there, despite it being in the middle of nowhere.

I was fairly far from the town. I barely saw the lights. Usually kids like me aren't allowed to leave the grounds, but today the wolves and I wanted to have fun playing hide and seek in the dark.

They had an advantage thanks to their noses, I had to rely on my wits.

My torch ran out, so I was made my way back to the town. Then I caught glimpse of a large castle that reached the sky.

It was huge, old, and a bit creepy. The wood looked like it could collapse at any moment, but I found it was at the very least interesting.

I decided to stay there for the night.


Inside the castle, it was dark and a tad frightening. Being curious, I explored every single room I could that wasn't blocked off.

First bedroom looked nice, the second was a bit broken. There were long hallways with full shelves of books and novels. I saw plenty of children's books laid out on the ground before me. I picked a few up and started reading to calm my nerves.

There's no such thing as ghosts Y/n.. What are you thinking?

I closed the books after reading them, placing them gently against a chair before moving on to the next rooms.

I heard something in the distance. A faint hello. I started to walk in the direction of it until I reached the center of the castle. My spine tensed, feeling my entire being freeze. I couldn't move how matter how hard I tried.

"W-who's there?"

My voice echoed, receiving no reply. My mind raced with thoughts of frightening places and people. Maybe the wolves were just playing tricks on me.

But wolves don't have magicks.

I closed my eyes, expecting the worst. Was I going to die today? I hadn't exactly lived long.

"Don't hurt me! I'm only a kid! I want to go home!"

I shouted into the wall, echoing back at me.

But this time I heard someone else speak.

"You're a kid too?"

The voice of a young boy replied to my shout, releasing me of my tense frozen state. I turned my body around in all directions, trying to find the person responsible.

"I heard a voice in my castle, and I expected it to be an adult or something. I wondered why you looked so small."

A light appeared before me, morphing into the figure of a boy about my age.

"My names Malachi. What's yours?"

He asked, his voice wispy and distant, despite him being directly in front of me. I was relieved that he wasn't some evil monster.

"I'm Y/n. What are you?"
"I'm a ghost."
"A ghost? But ghosts don't exist!"
"Maybe you don't think they do, but I'm living proof!"

He jumped in the air, gliding against the wind and flying into the ceiling. He shot straight through it and exited from the wall behind me.

"Wow.. That's cool!"

I said, astonished. He giggled and attempted to grab my hand to show me, but his fingers slipped through mine. A silent frown appeared on his face.

"Yea. It's cool until you realize you can't communicate with the outside world."
"You can't leave?"
"Can't say I've tried."

I joined him in frowning, sitting on the ground and glancing up at him. He had averagely short hair, cold eyes and wore ragged clothing. He was entirely snow blue so I didn't know what colors he sported, but that didn't really matter.

I crossed my legs and focused for a bit.

"Oh wait! I completely forgot! How did you end up here?"

I asked, tapping my fingers on the ground and noticing that the castle had lit up significantly more than when I first walked in.

"I died here. So it follows me wherever I go."
"You go places with the castle?"

He sat on the wood with me, or attempted to until he slowly disappeared into the ground. He finally settled on floating just above me.

"But enough about me, you're from the village nearby, right? Ayrith?"
"Correct! My momma is the lord's wife. I'm the lord in training!"

I grinned, playing with a loose floorboard.

"That's nice. It must be cool to have people care for you."

He sighed, falling back on the wood, but not going through it.

"How old are you? Or, were you?"

I asked, gazing at his sorrowful and lifeless gaze. It must be terrible being a ghost.

"Let's just say I'm around 900 years old."
"900?! I'm only 7!"

I laughed, that was a big number. He chuckled and flew above me.

"Well I was bound to the castle after I died."
"How did you die?"
"I was pushed out a window."
"That sounds harsh."

I sighed deeply, attempting to reach up at him but my hand went through his chest.

"I'm sorry. It must be lonely here."
"It's not too bad. I get to use my powers often."
"What powers?"

I was curious. I stood up and looked at him intently.

"I can exploit fears and make nightmares appear in thin air. I can sense feelings and control them to my design."
"Sounds cool. Hey! How am I feeling?"

I asked, smiling large and jumping around the castle.

"You feel happy."
"You're right! How do you feel?"
"I'm happy as well."
"Cause I found you."

We both danced around the castle for a bit, giggling and going over stories in the library. Before we knew it, the sun had come up over the horizon.

"Can I see you again?"

The ghost boy asked, smiling wide at me. I nodded and shook his hand, despite going entirely through it.

"Of course!"



You can't say I only write Zane X Readers now can you?


Btw I love Malachi so much I can't wait to write this further.

I reached 400 overnight. So I want to thank you all so much for supporting me. You're all so nice and motivate me to complete these kind of stories :)

A little Easter egg: I'm a choir student. The name of this chapter is the first song I ever sang when I was 4.
"Castle on a Cloud" by Les Miserables

Thanks for reading :)

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