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I've been with Malachi for 5 years now. Our relationship is known across the new Phoenix Drop. I'm addressed as "Lady Y/n", although it doesn't really matter to me. Often people will cater to my needs, but after a while I will decline them.

I was meant to take care of myself

After the fall of Tula, O'Khasis regained its former ruler Lord Garté, Garroth's father. I never saw Ayaka again, although I've heard stories of where she ended up. Some say she's traveling around the world in search of her real purpose, others simply say she faded out of existence.

To me, she'll always be watching.

I now had a house, Aphmau had 2 young girls by the names of Alena and Lilith, of whom adored me. I watch over them constantly while my Lord goes out on business. They call me "Auntie" in honor of his wishes.

Levin remained Lord, and he travels a lot more now that the world is safer than it used to be. Phoenix Drop has progressed in ways I once could never imagine.

I remember stepping through the broken gates, being put in a position and training with Dante, of whom I consider my father figure. I recall the moment where Aphmau finally reappeared after several years, completely astonishing everyone who saw her. I can tell anyone the story of how I got Malachi and Levin back to their posts.

Malachi and I are very close now, maybe even closer than we were then. Although, marriage doesn't define anything, so he decided to put it off until we knew it was safe. To be honest, it's quite alright to me.

I'm content just watching over my nieces and guarding this place forever.

I had decided at one point to go on a journey. I had no destination, I had no resources. I just decided to leave one day.

Course it didn't take long for Malachi to catch up with me.

He ran up to where I stood, grabbing my hand. Out of breath, he shouted

"You seriously think you're not taking me?"

And with that, he was coming along no matter what I said.

Ayrith... I visited the ruins on my trip with him. It was horrid, what Zane did to the place. Where everything was burned to the ground, and snow covered the rubble. Coated in ash and leaves.

But amidst the wreckage, there was light. And a tree was growing in the small area next to my house. It was incredibly small, and would never flower, but I visited it every day until I left.

The old house Roseanne lived in now had another family in it. They told me that she left them the lot and everything in it's binds. I was okay with it. They gave me a crystal ornament with my name on it, left for me, and I left smiling. It was a star, glowing blue and painted so ornately you would think it was made by the sky itself.

Malachi wanted to see O'Khasis. And since the war was over, we both took a day to visit. It was calm, everyone was happy. Kids played with soccer balls, enjoyed the good weather. I would smile at their laughing faces when someone kicked the ball straight over the tall roofs. Then someone else would be forced to get it.

Since we were lords, we received the grand tour from Garté himself. He's a sturdy man who knows what he's doing at all times.

We ended our day back in Phoenix Drop, greeted by everyone and a party being held in our honor. We ate, danced, and giggled the night away.

Midnight, it was peaceful. Malachi stood firmly in front of me, cupping my face in his palm.

Staring at the one I love, I can honestly say,

I'm looking forward to my future.


Thank you for Reading :)

-Ari Writes Stuff

(This is an alternate ending that doesn't include the events of season 3 so yes Garte is in charge of O'Khasis)

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