Chapter 13: "Milord"

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I woke up in a cold sweat, rubbing my eyes and jerking myself upward. A nightmare had taken my mind to the end.

I was immediately pulled back by an unknown force.

I blinked quietly, slowly etching my head to the side to find that Malachi had his entire body strapped around my torso.

His lanky arms stretched across my chest and neck, holding me close to him. His head laid on my shoulder, shaggy hair covering his face and closed eyes. Soft snoring could be heard as his mouth was so close to my ear. His legs closed around my waist, fully enveloping me into his grasp.

Needless to say, I was alarmed by this.

My face turned completely red, the room grew hotter. I couldn't speak for a moment as I tried to cope with my situation.


I managed to whisper, attempting to move him off me, but to no avail. My heart was beating out of my chest.


I mumbled in his ear, causing him to yawn and snuggle even closer to me. I sneezed when his chocolate hair reached my nose. He nuzzled into my collar bone, his breathing quiet and warm against my neck.

When did I even fall asleep?

I did my best to use my peripheral vision, moving my head towards the grandfather clock in the center of the house.

"It's 5:00..."

I've been asleep like this for 5 hours?!

My mind swimming, my cheeks a blistering scarlet and my uncomfortableness reaching its limits, I attempted to wriggle out of this wrap.

He pressed his forehead against my cheek, unaware of the situation he was putting me in. His mouth just centimeters from my chin.

"Milord please.."

I pleaded, unable to contain my blush.

Even the thought of this was confusing to me, not to mention the situation.

When did I even get on the couch?

The hours before were a blur to me. All that was in my mind was getting him off me before I get in trouble with Alexis and Kyle.


I whisper-shouted in his ear, he moved a bit back, rubbing his eyes and opening them to see me directly next to him.

I was unaware if he was as embarrassed as I was.

"Y-y/n... What are you doing here?"
"Milord, you told me to stay with you tonight."
"I know, but like-"

He scratched behind his head, looking down at his legs which had previously been around my waist.

"We're so close..."

He mumbled to himself, I was unable to make out what else he said.

"Sir? Perhaps you would like to explain."

I said, crossing my arms and almost falling off the small couch.

"Hm? Oh this... wait, how did you wake up?"
"I had a nightmare, and I found you with you're face buried in my neck."

I wasn't irritated, just mildly annoyed at the circumstances given to me.

"Not the point sir."
"Stop calling me that and I'll tell you."

He smiled, I sighed immensely, rolling my eyes and myself off the couch and into a sitting position on the carpet.

"Alright, Malachi."
"Good. You were shivering while you slept on the ground beside me, and it kinda freaked me out. So I pulled you next to me and the rest happened when I fell asleep."

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