Chapter 5: "Farewell"

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Your POV

Hunting ended up becoming slightly easier after we started target practice. In the years I stayed with Ayaka, I learned how to function in a world of betrayal and absence.

She kept close watch on the news, accepting her jobs and often leaving me home alone for weeks at a time. People would come by asking for her, and I would just say my 'mom' was working. I had varying answers when people asked me my name, some included Trinity, Ikai, and other fake names I found lying around Ayaka's letter stack.

I decided just to call her mother among people I didn't know so I wouldn't cause any mischief. They would ask me who my father was, and I would whimper and say he died when I was born so I never knew him.

I really never knew how good an actor I could be until one woman sobbed and pulled me into a hug for several minutes, conforming me and leaving to bake desserts for Ayaka and I.

"What did you tell Mrs. Bridgette?"
"That you lost your husband in a war and that's why I'm home alone a lot?"
"You're more sneaky than I thought."

She would grin, taking a piece of the pie and eating it.

We had a good relationship, she would bring me back trinkets and get me items with the money she got from her paying job.

I would bring home dinner, cook it and organize the whole house while she was gone so she could come back and relax. It was one of those days today, in the middle of fall.

"You're an alright kid, you know?"
"I'm 17 now Ayaka. I'm not a kid anymore."
"You're always going to be a kid to me."

She embraced me, holding my head in her neck for a bit before she sighed in defeat.

"I need to tell you something Y/n."

She said, breaking away, her eyes looked sorrowful.

"You have to leave tomorrow."

I was surprised. I had stayed here for almost a decade now, and I was being evicted?


I wanted to know, clenching my fists in anger. She gripped my shoulder lightly, sighing again.

"My employers want me to create a station in Ok'hasis. I'm to help the rebellion there. They're giving me a lot of money to travel so far."
"Let me go with you!"

I wanted to cry, but it was against the rules of the house. Ayaka was reluctant to say anything else.

"No. If they saw that I had someone with me? A potential threat and target? They would take you away almost immediately."
"Why would I be a threat."
"These employers have known me since I've started. They know every single detail about me."

She stopped, glancing at the ground.

"Every single detail, except you. And if they found out that you're not my daughter, then you'll be sent away from me. And if I lied to them, they would question why I kept a secret relationship behind their backs."

She tossed a bag at me, her eyes glistened a bit, but she refused to even shed a single tear.

I was on the verge. I considered her my mother. The one who helped me when I had no one else.

Now I had to leave the only one I trusted.

"Where do I go?"

I asked, unable to look up from the wood floor. I was afraid of letting my feelings slip.

"Phoenix Drop. I've contacted one of the members of the dying city. With it in the shadows, it's the perfect place for you to stay. There's a horse at the stable for you."

Ayaka moved towards me, holding me in her arms. I let out a bawl, crying into her shoulder. I was done keeping my emotions inside. But rather than ask me not to cry, she comforted me. Running her fingers through my hair in a...

Motherly way.

"Mom.. I mean, Ayaka,"

I slipped, but composed myself once she let go of me.

"Thank you for everything."

I managed a small smile, trotting up to the doorway, and with her watching behind me, exited the wooden door.


"Phoenix Drop"

I recited, staring at the broken walls in silence. It wasn't a very welcoming sight after 10 years in a heated cottage, but I would get used to it.

The village had been notified prior to my arrival, already setting up a small party for my arrival. The enormous trees had lanterns that lit up the entire area. Small tables full of desserts the local baker made were created ever so nicely.

A male with light blonde hair and turquoise eyes greeted me, shaking my hand and smiling intensely.

"Please to meet you. I'm Lord Levin, the Lord of Phoenix Drop. Your Y/n, I presume? Our allies from the small town of Machesste told us about your arrival."

He had this glow about him that made him very inviting. His blue jacket looked a bit torn, and his pants had marks on them, but he was perfectly happy.

"Yes. I'm Y/n. Pleased to meet you. I'm really happy to be here"
"And we're happy to have you. We're always looking for new villagers."

The party started, a pink haired meif'wa offered me cake, to which I took some and ate it. It was rather good, and I had a couple more slices.

Several people asked me to dance, to which I declined cause I had no sense of rhythm. They all asked about my childhood and where I moved from.

I kept secret that I was the lords daughter, but I told them about Ayrith and about Ayaka (I used the name Rose so I wouldn't give away her identity).

The party died down at around 8 and I was shown my living quarters. It was a small house in the center of the village. The walls were (color), to my dismay, cause the magics user Kawaii Chan decorated my house prior to my arrival.

I sat in the house, reminiscing over my past few years with Ayaka, knowing she missed me as much as I missed her.

But it was time to move on.

"What will I be doing while I'm here?"

I asked Levin, he tossed me a slightly bent shield and some armor he had in a brown bag.

"You're going to be a guard in training, according to the letter from your mother. And you're in service of my brother Malachi."


Where have I heard that name before?


Admin time!!

Lol story time so I accidentally released this chapter with it half done and full of plot holes because I never posted chapter 4 and people commented and saw this chapter prior so if there are any weird comments it's cause it wasn't finished and people saw it

You go Ariel. Fucking up again.

But thanks for reading :)

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