Chapter 8: "Wind"

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Today was my first real job guarding Malachi.

Scaleswind had requested trade with us several weeks ago, but in fear of his brother's safety, Levin declined his journey to discuss it. Now, with me on board, Levin gave the okay.

Malachi woke me up bright and early, knocking his fist on the door until I woke up. I stumbled down the stairs and almost straight into the door.

"Rise and Shine my Butterfly!!"
"Butterfly? When did you come up with that?"

I asked, laughing slowly. I allowed him into the house, and started making breakfast.

"It just came to me. Are you ready for the trip?"
"Yep. Just gotta get my weapons all in order and my armor checked at the blacksmith, then I'll be good."
"Great. I'm sure Scaleswind has a blacksmith though. It's only a 5 hour journey."
"I know, but it's just easier doing it this way. Besides, it gives money to the current one in town."

I offered a quiet smile, handing him a cup of tea and drinking slowly.


He stared at it, pondering.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, rather concerned with his sudden change in tone. But he quickly quieted my beliefs, flashing a smile and sipping it lightly.

"Sorry. I never really got used to the whole 'needing food' thing. It's kinda something I wish I didn't need." 
"Why not? Food is amazing!"
"Not when you haven't eaten in centuries."

I almost spit out my tea realizing he died as a 7 year old for 900 years.

"I forgot how old you were."

I laughed sheepishly before serving the muffins I stuck loosely in the oven. I joined him on the couch and crossed my legs.

"That doesn't bother you, does it?"

He set down the cup, folding his hands and tilting his head to the side.

"Uh, no. I mean, you were dead all those years, so I guess they don't count much.."

I mumbled, but his hearing was good.

"You're feeling awkward, aren't you?"

I blinked, remembering his powers.

"You still have that feeling technique, don't you?"
"You caught me. It doesn't make me uncomfortable, no. But it's just odd that you look my age, and are my age. But you are actually 900 years older than me."
"Try not to think into it too much. It might make our relationship awkward."

A laugh followed his statement, causing a small grin to appear on my face. He was so lighthearted, calm.

He was just happy to be alive.

I set down my things, leaving the room to change into my armor and weapons. I loosely gazed into the mirror.

"I'm pretty (short/tall) now that I think about it..."

I sighed, pressing my forehead against the glass.

"I've changed a lot."

Those words echoed through my mind, making me rethink my decisions. I shook them away, focusing on my prime objective.

"It's not the time to regret, it's time to show what I can do."

I shouted confidently, before breaking into giggles at my cheesy line.

"When did I get motivational?"

I asked myself, stepping down the stairs and exiting the cottage.

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