Chapter 11: "Sparks Fly"

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I set down Malachi for what seemed like the fourth time today, pulling the covers over his shivering body and smiling softly at his petty fears.

Dante stood in the background, waiting for me to finish my work and start fighting new recruits.

"You know, he's grown quite fond of you."

Dante mentioned, walking in my direction as I fold in the sheets under my sleeping lord. I placed my finger against my mouth, quieting him and exiting the house before giving my answer. He solemnly followed.

"How can you tell?"

I asked, pulling out my sword and wiping it with a cloth before sheathing it. We both made our way to the training grounds before continuing.

"Well, he made you his head guard on the spot."
"We have a history."
"But still. The glimmer I see in his eyes when he stares at you.. I've only seen in someone else."
"Me, of course."
"Dante, sir. Please refrain from quips."
"I'm not kidding!"

I tilted my head in confusion, wondering why he all of a sudden got flustered.

"No.. I stared at my Kawaii Chan with the same affection."
"But you're married."
"Are you seeing what I'm getting at?"
"That you stared at your wife?"
"No! Well yes, but no. I mean that Malachi likes you."

Taken aback, I stepped off the pavement and into the autumn leaves. The soft crunch beneath my feet startled me, causing me to jump upward into a tree. I held in a laugh, dangling from it like a sloth.

"That's the best joke I've heard in a while Dante.."

I started, landing perfectly on my feet and keeping my posture.

"But my relationship with Malachi is strictly Guard and Lord. Nothing can come between that."
"You sound like Garroth.."

He whined, before staring at the ground with a softened gaze.

"I wonder where they are.."

He whispered. Dante started towards the training mount, making me sprint in order to keep up with the blue haired devil.

"Dante you- why did you leave?"
"Hmm? Sorry. You bring back memories."

I wondered, taking a seat next to the training dummy. Dante smiled towards me, sitting on the opposite side.

"My old Lord, Aphmau, was kind and considerate. She took me in when I had little to no training, and in odd circumstances.. I met Malachi back then and have kept watch on him ever since."

I listened intently to his tale.

"You remind me of her head guard, Garroth. Who had terribly obvious feelings for his Lord in question. But he kept them in for the sake of his job, and her feelings as well. But he threw that away when he saw mirages that broke his heart.."

I frowned, placing my head between my palms.

"He along with many of my close comrades disappeared 15 years ago. And I've been here waiting for them ever since.."

He stood up, brushing his hair from his face.

"But there's one thing I know since I've watched Malachi for so long."
"What's that?"

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