Chapter 16: "I Regret"

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It's been a month since Malachi has confessed his love to me.

Honestly, it took some time to adjust and move back to how we were before, Lord and Guard.

Of course, he completely denies me when I try to tell him how I feel, saying that he wants me to truly think things through, and let him prove himself to me before anything happens.

To be honest, I quite agreed with him.

Love is indeed a powerful thing that not many people can obtain, I'm glad he's taking it seriously.

However, his love for me shines unnecessarily sometimes..

"Y/n! Did you eat today?"
"We had breakfast together in the morning Milord."
"It's almost lunch time though."
"Please don't worry yourself over my well being. I'm perfectly fine."

I gave a half smile and returned to my training.

I've gone back to calling him Milord, further establishing our old relationship. He finally got used to it, and I'm a bit glad that he isn't offended anymore about my preference.

But he's been like this for weeks, constantly checking on me to see if I'm okay. It's starting to concern me that I'm the only thing he worries about. I want him to relax and eat a bagel or something, but all he does is worry if I've eaten.

Midst the training, I fumbled with my knife hilt, fixing the leather around it and deciding to get it fixed later this day.

Dante walked up while I was lost in my thoughts, handing me a letter and slowly leaving me alone. I ripped open the envelope and read it aloud.

"Lord Levin of Phoenix Drop

BrightPort will accept negotiations regarding the tri-village alliance with New Meteli and Phoenix Drop. We are intrigued by the idea and will be discussing more in our designated area. Please report to our village at once, Guard Azura is waiting for you.

Signed, Head Guard Calvin"

I blinked at the letter, relaxing my shoulders.

Maybe a trip can sort Malachi out for a bit. And a trip with his brother can help a lot. I really want him to sleep this off and stop worrying over me.

It's my job to worry about him.

I folded the letter back into the envelope, making my way towards my Lord's house.


"Lord Malachi are you sure?"
"Positive, don't be worried."

I was completely worried.

"You're saying you want to go alone with Levin? That's not going to happen, I'm your head guard. A Lord and his brother cannot be absent with no one in their stead."
"Dante will be left in charge. You will be his guard here."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm going to have Zoey with me, an elf who uses barrier magics. I think I'll be the safest I can be."

He gave me a smile, but I wasn't convinced.

Malachi wanted to travel alongside his brother to also negotiate trade with Brightport, having been turned down the first time he tried a while ago. This is half of what I expected.

However, in order to protect me and the village, he wanted me to stay behind.

I was completely against this, as anyone can tell. But he was standing firm on his judgement.

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