Chapter 21: "Letters from Above"

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We docked, quickly settled in, and waited for Malachi's trade deal to settle.

I was patiently standing outside the large building, admiring my view from where I stood.

The town of Brightport has indeed changed. Instead of small wood shackle huts, it now had large industrialized buildings and skyscrapers. It could marvel Scaleswind in skill at its craft. They sold precious metals in every market, their primary trade resource. It was incredible to think that everyone in the town knew how to mine. Birds flew in the air, carefree and natural. Like they all belonged in harmony.

I watched as two soldiers passed me, a small girl in their tow. She followed eagerly behind them as if trying to imitate their nature. Once they noticed her, she would hide behind the post until they kept walking. And she then started to tail behind them once again.

"Reminds me of, well, me."

I whispered, crossing my arms under my chest and exhaling. I recall moments where I chased my caretaker to the end of the woods only to find out she knew the entire way that I was there.

"Y/n! Get out from behind those damn trees."

She would say, and I would look astonished, and she would let out a small chuckle.

"How did you know?"
"The trees can speak to me."

She joked, but I always thought it was to be true. Then again, only elves can talk to the forest. She was human.

And she could be dead..

I stopped myself, shaking my head. The helm of my armor falling to the ground behind me.

"She'll be fine. It's not the end. I'm not going to let it be the end."

I said, bending down to grab the helmet. Someone came up to me, their heart pounding like they just ran a three mile race.

Of which they did.

The person in front of me had light colored hair, blue eyes and a soft smile. He wore alike armor as to mine with an O'Khasis emblem on it. He was holding out a letter.

"For you, Miss L/N."
"Uhm.. thank you. But how did you know who I was?"
"You have the description I was told. Anyways, it's not your concern. I'm no enemy. But I must be getting back to my travels."
"Safe voyage."

I waved to the man as he left me behind with the tattered envelope. It smelled of pine trees and firewood. A light burn on the outer border. I opened it eagerly, and a rose petal fell out of it.

Took me a while to realize who the letter was from.

"Dearest (Y/n),

I'm sorry, we can no longer see each other now. The resistance is strong though, and we expect to win. Tula will eventually fall. And with my help, hopefully, we can sort this out.

I've met wonderful people, people who I love, people who I care about. But it's time you started and finished your own story. Don't worry about mine. Don't be flustered, don't cry for me. I know you'll be alright. I know you, you're so strong. I want you to be happy. We'll meet again someday, I promise. Maybe in another life.

I love you.

Au Revior

Ayaka Roseanne"

I gripped the paper, letting out a few tears. I held it so close to me.

But my face didn't have a frown, it had a smile. A very large one. I knew she did her best to protect me, and she's doing her best to come and see me when her job has finished.

I can't thank her enough for raising me, I can't give her back the years she spent with me. The only thing I can give, is the start of my own story.

A story that would unfold forever.

Thank you so much.. for saving me.


Malachi stepped out of the room, stretching his arms. He got a glimpse of my sorrow, and instantly stood before me.

"What's this?"

He asked, and I handed him the letter. My hands were shaky, I wiped away the tears. There was no sadness in what I read. I was happy. And as he stood in front of me, I knew my place. I knew what I was going to do.

I kissed his forehead, to his surprise. He stepped back, blushing rather harshly. I giggled as he stared at me.

"This, is from her?"

I nodded at his question, the grin on my face noticeable to him.

"I'm glad you're happy."
"She's alive. How can I not be?"
"I would be too. It would have been nice to receive a letter from my mother while she was gone."

I stopped feeling so excited. I had forgotten he had a similar experience to mine. He didn't have a letter to greet him when he was unsure, he didn't have anything. We were the same in some ways.

"Hey.. you remember my past?"
"Huh? I remember what you told me. You ran away from the house cause your family was insanely ornate. They didn't accept any flaw you had."
"It's cause I was going to be the lord."

He asked, folding the letter back up and returning it to me. I placed it in the envelope, nodding slightly. My eyes adverting downward to the grassy ground.

"Y/n, you didn't have to hide that from me."
"No sense in telling you. Ayrith has been dead forever now. Burned to the ground by Zane."
"I know. But it still wouldn't hurt. I'm here for you."

I glanced back up at him, pocketing the letter and ruffling his messy hair. I was content just being there with him forever. I needed him to be happy and well.

"I've had a rough life. We both have. Now it's time to be there for each other. Our love is, well, real. Unlike the lives we used to have, it exists in the present. I know she's watching over me. And you, and everyone. Now it's our turn to continue this on."

I smiled, taking his hand into mine.

"So let's start now."


Admin Time!!!

Last full chapter. Chapter 22 will be an epilogue.

Most of you probably want a sequel, but I think it's better if this book is put to rest. To be honest, it became boring to write, and often a hassle. I want to focus on things that I enjoy as much as you guys do. Besides, this deserves to be a stand alone novel. My favorite writing of mine, A Battle Worth Winning, is a stand alone, and it's rightfully so.

I'm sorry, but it's so much better this way.

I kinda ran out of ideas, so this chapter is loosely based off the song I've linked above. Feel free to listen to it, it made me cry.

Thank you for a great year. New chapter on Saturday


Thanks for Reading :)

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