Chapter 19: "Are you Ready?"

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I exhaled deeply, taking a break within the trees.

It's been an hour since I left Lady Aphmau and Laurance behind for New Meteli, and I thought I would be making haste.

That was until, my human body kicked in and told me to stop racing at top speed towards a place I didn't even have directions to.

I sighed, calmly sipping water I had packed inside my bag. The area was quite serene.

But there wasn't time for sitting quietly

I packed up my things, wrapping the satchel around my shoulders, hopping down the oak with ease.

"Malachi is west from here, if my compass isn't completely destroyed."

I exclaim to myself, flicking out a worn compass. The letters could barely be seen, but it faintly looked like the right direction.

"Malachi was sold to a bandit clan off the coast of New Meteli. I'll do whatever it takes to allow him to escape."

Murmuring, I started my slight jog once again in the direction of the sun.

"I'll do whatever it takes to see his smile again."

My mind blurred with thoughts of his laugh, the light airy sound that came after it. His malachite eyes closing when he told a joke. Levin, rolling his eyes, would giggle too.

My Lords..

I loved those memories, the little ones. Items without detail or reason. Small things I can see in my mind when I think it's the end.

They kept me focused, kept me sane.

Breaking out of thought I found myself sprinting towards the town. My hair waving around in all sorts of directions.

I came to an abrupt stop when I realized a cliff was just before me.

"Irene.. I need to slow down sometimes."

I awkwardly chuckled to myself, choosing the long route off the mountain instead of barreling down it.


The town was bustling.

Merchants chanted their wears to everyone that passed by like advertisements.

"Fresh fruit! Get your fresh fruit right here! Best and only shop in New Meteli!"

"We got ice cream!"

"Get your armor fixed!"

Over and over as I passed by, new people kept asking me to check out their wears.

Unfortunately, I had a goal. I would politely decline and make my way across town.

I took priority on finding the largest building there was and asking for the Lord.

Usually, Lord's have the most gorgeous estate.

I gulped, reaching my end goal at a fairly long cottage with immense detail. Beautifully painted borders and crochet drapes I could see through the huge windows.

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