Chapter 6: "Rememberance"

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I woke up to the trees rustling quietly. The birds sang in my ear as if I had spent the night outside. My bed sheets rolled into a ball at the side of my bed that faced the wall. I stretched out, yawning rather loudly as I confidently sat up in bed.

Today was my day.

I am starting training to become a guard in Phoenix Drop. The quests would be dangerous, the stakes have never been higher.

Good thing I know how to use a bow.

I ate breakfast, consisting of the cake from last night and a few eggs I found in the cupboard. I smiled to myself, catching glimpse of my armor. It had been laid out nicely by Lord Levin last night.

It was (color), a comfortable shade. Form fitting and almost snug on my body, like armor should be. I pulled the loose ends together, tightening it to its fullest before standing in front of a mirror.

I was very happy with how I turned out. The run-away renegade lord of whom everyone thought was dead. The daughter of an elite assassin, or unofficial one at least.

I wondered if I would ever see her again...

I probably shouldn't think on the past, since when has it done me any good?

I opened my door, placing my bow and quiver over my shoulder and exiting the wooden abode.


The sound of metal clanging against a tree greeted my ears as I walked onto the training field. The head guard, a man with incredible blue hair and a daring gaze, watched over the entire group of rookies.

There were only three of us. A girl and a boy, along with me.

"Hey! Glad to see you up and early. You're Y/n, right?"

The Head asked, shaking my hand and smiling wide at me.

"Yes. That's me."
"Well I'm Dante. Chief Guard of Phoenix Drop. I'll be your opponent and teacher."

The introduction was brief, as he tossed me a dummy and told me to whack it with whatever I had. I explained to him that I had never used a sword, that I use bows. He handed me a bronze katana, moving me so my stance changed, then told me to whack it.

I did a decent amount of damage, landing a scrape in the dummy.

I sighed, figuring I wouldn't be getting anywhere anytime soon. And Irene knows how hard it is to use a sword.

I noticed a pair of eyes watching me, my instincts kicked in. I flipped back on my palms, directing an arrow into the nearby trees that surrounded us. Out of fear, someone fell from the leaves.

"Dante, you never told me your recruits were that good."

A soft voice spoke, the person who had hit the ground stood up and walked into my sight.

A young man, roughly my age. He wore a malachite scarf, a brown shirt with bluish sleeves, and dark periwinkle jeans. His eyes were a striking emerald.

"Lord Malachi. Of course. You should expect nothing but the best."
"I didn't really expect anything. But I got so much more out of it."

He nodded, turning his gaze to me. I put down my weapon, shaking my head and scratching behind my neck.

"F-Forgive me, Lord Malachi. I didn't know it was you."
"Don't say sorry. That was a great display."

He strolled up to me, resting his hand on my shoulder and grinning lightly. His scarf lied loosely around his face. The smile quickly turned into a confused look.

"Have we met?"

He asked, staring into my eyes for a bit, blinking and trying to figure out where he's seen me before.

"I don't believe so."

I answered, unable to put where I heard his name from, or his face.

For the matter, we were both incredibly confused.

"Regardless, I'm impressed with your skills. Who did you learn them from?"

Malachi wondered, backing away from me and making an effort to examine all the recruits weapons and armor.

"I taught myself."

I couldn't exactly say anything about my past, or Ayaka, so I lied.

You get very good at that when you live with an assassin.

"That's awesome. Well, then I guess I've made my choice."

Malachi stopped mere inches in front of me, flashing a joyful look and holding out his hand to me.

"I want you to become my teacher."

He noted my response, retracting his hand and elaborating.

"I don't exactly know how to defend myself. Dante has been trying to help me, but I just can't seem to grasp the sword handle, if you catch my drift."

I laughed at the joke, but tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"What makes you think the bow is any easier?"
"I don't think it's easier, but since you've mastered your senses, it's going to be easier learning from you."

He held out his hand once more. I took it reluctantly, shaking firmly and waiting a bit before I let go.

Wait.. Why is this so familiar?

I thought to myself, looking back up at the man in front of me.

His name

It was the same as the imaginary friend I had as a child. The big castle, the ghost boy. It was all my childish way of coping with the duties of a lord.

But he looked nothing like the ghost.

Recalling memories of my past is not my favorite pastime. My life wasn't exactly a cakewalk.

I knew that the imaginary boy had powers, to see people's fears and feelings.

A voice echoed back, a memory I had forgotten even existed.

"You feel happy."
"You're right! How do you feel?"
"I'm happy as well."
"Cause I found you."

I froze, standing in what felt like limbo for a few minutes, before the Lord in front of me snapped me back to reality.

"Uhm.. Miss? Are you alright?"

He asked, shaking me a bit. I held my head, the back of it blistering with pain as if I got hit with a club.

"I'm fine. Just a headache. I should be good in a few minutes. Let me sit down."

I explained, lying down on the grass, looking up at the green scarf and calming eyes I could see before me.

Silly Y/n, ghosts don't exist...



Admin Time!!

This ones a bit cheesy. But it was fun to write and I had an idea for it. So I'm happy with it.

Look out next Friday for a new installment. And once again...

Thanks for reading :)

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