Chapter 20: "Safe in my Arms"

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It was nearly impossible to get Malachi away from his mother after that entire mess we all endured. Aphmau was extremely protective of him, assigning that he never leaves my sight.

Of which he doesn't anymore.

I made a place in his abode, sleeping on the couch while he was in bed with one eye open. I had to be prepared for him, he was my lord.

"Y/n. Don't follow my mother's dumb task."
"I'm sorry.. but it's for your own good. I shouldn't of let you get captured in the first place. It's my mistake, and I'm going to correct it."

I half heartedly smiled at him as he sighed in defeat.

Throughout these weeks he's been back, our personal schedule went back to normal. We pretended that we didn't confess our love to each other.

It honestly bugged me, but I understood. Love can get in the way while you fight or protect. And those kinds of relationships are looked down on, especially people in your direct business.

Although Levin would allow it, its safer if we don't act on each other until we know that the world is a bit safer.

Tula had just attacked O'Khasis after all, and I was very worried about my caretaker. Not a day went by when I didn't ask god news on the bout.

"Anything from Tula? What are their demands?"
"Nothing yet, they captured all the royals and shipped them off. No one knows where they are."
"And of the resistance?"
"They're always in hiding. But now they don't resist the king, they resist Tula. I imagine it's a much more dangerous task."

As much as I didn't want to believe Logan, he was right.

Tula was a country from the north, it was notorious and evil, treating their people like scum. That wench mief'wa Michi is from there.

I can't even go past the jail cell without vomiting internally. She completely disgusted me after what she did.

He was my lord, and she tried to sell him on the black market. How dumb do you think I am?

I have so much on my mind lately, it's making my life unbearable.

The whereabouts of people I care about, the safety of my lord? And my past, what if he learns of it.

Maybe he won't love me after he knows how useless I was back then. How I ran away from it all. How I was so desperate to be with someone who cared.

Alone in that snow storm, maybe I shouldn't of been found.


"Milord. Please, I want to talk to you."

Malachi was writing a letter to Zoey, unaware of my urgency.

"You have a trade agreement with Brightport that is still unsettled after all that. I've received a letter, and I think since it's been a few weeks it would be safe to consider it as long as I accompany you."
"Will we be alone?"
"Unfortunately this isn't Scaleswind. We're way too close to other countries while we're at sea. Alexis and Kyle will be accompanying us this time like last time."
"Fair enough. When are we taking off?"
"Tomorrow morning."

He dropped his pen, frowning at me.

"You didn't tell me earlier. How much do I need to get ready."
"I've already taken care of that. The boat is docked with all the supplies and ready to leave tomorrow if you gave the okay."
"What if I had said no?"
"I knew you wouldn't."

He blushed, standing up from his letter and walking next to me.

"I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed that we decided to keep our feelings for each other silent."
"Well, it's the best for business. I don't want you to be discredited by falling for your guard."
"Maybe so, but in private you don't have to address me as your lord. I'm just Malachi, alright?"
"Fine.. I'll try that again. But don't expect a quick change. This stuff takes time you know."
"Of course."

He smiled brightly, completely melting me.

Oh how I loved him.

"Can I kiss you? I'm sorry, but it's just been a bit since we last did."

He suddenly asked. I had to hold in my sudden urge to giggle. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"O-of course."

I nodded, and he pecked my lips.

"You're too cute Y/n.."

He mumbled, hugging me tightly.

"What would I do without you?"


7:00 in the morning.

Stuff? Packed
Malachi? On board
Me? Guarding him heavily.

We are forcibly pushed out of Phoenix Drop.

Alexis chatted with me the entire way, giddy at the fact that I finally confessed to him.

"Ahh! I wish I had your courage. I can't even ask Yipp to dance with me, let alone on a date. Where will you guys go together?"
"A date? That's hardly viable considering our circumstance."
"Come on! One small date won't hurt anyone. It would give you both the chance to get together more."
"Maybe so, but he has a mission. Not only does he have to negotiate trade, but he has to push the tri-alliance Levin is building so when we come back, they focus on that. We need all the strength necessary if Tula is at our doors."
"Sure. But after all that, get a cup of tea together. It's not that hard to just relax and enjoy company."
"Tell that to Yipp."
"Don't you dare!"

I laughed while her face flushed.

It was fun having a friend on board. She understood what I was going through.

"Any news from your caretaker?"

She asked, my shoulders slumped as I leaned back on the mast.

"Nope. Not sure she even remembers how to keep in touch. She was never a close person. In her defense, she wasn't allowed to be."
"Named Roseanne right? I believe I knew a thief like that."
"She wasn't a thief. A paid assassin. But she's having her own adventures now. I wonder how she's doing."

I breathed in deeply, the sea air finally resonated within me after all the trips I've taken.

"So, after the trade, promise me you'll ask him to tea."
"Fine. Only because I can keep an eye on him that way."

She teased, but I was calm.

I'll make sure he's safe in my arms.


Admin Time!!

I think I might end this novel. It would make my life a bit easier, and it's chapter 20.

How should I end it?

Leave a comment below, and look out for chapters on Sunday.

Christmas gift to you all!!

Thanks for Reading :)

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