Chapter 18: "Time to Go"

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"I have some info on Levin and Malachi!"

Aphmau ran shouting, almost trampling me over.


I asked, waiting for her to catch her breath before she continued speaking.

"Michi- that purple mief'wa who turned me, Katelyn and Laurance into cats- she took them. She tried to sell them here in Nahakra-"
"What?! Where did they end up?!"
"She didn't succeed, they don't take people. Slavery is illegal. She took them to another village."
"Which village then?"
"Apparently somewhere north of New Meteli. There's a bandits guild that would be happy to take anything and anyone."
"Fantastic. Let's go so I can kill them and her."

I replied, a small glare in my eyes.

We've been stuck here for a week doing absolutely nothing.

It was getting to me.

"Hold up, we still don't know where or when we're going. Contact the rest of our group."
"I'll go alone."

Aphmau stood breathless, but narrowed her eyes at me.

"They're my sons."
"Malachi is my lord, I have to look after him. He's my responsibility."
"That doesn't mean you can leave us all behind."

She said, I had to hold back my tears.

It's my fault he's gone, that he was captured.

"You can't blame yourself."

Aphmau, as if reading my mind, told me. I jumped, my skin crawling.

"I can't help it, its natural at this point."
"What happened?"
"Nothing. I'm going. With or without all of you."

I ignored her concerns, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

"We'll get there faster by-"

Commotion was heard throughout the city. People started racing towards the harbor at breakneck speeds. I glanced back and forth towards the explosion and the ever-growing flood of people.


Aph finished, but not before Laurance grabbed her hand as they ran in the opposite direction. I stood silent, staring at the commotion.

"What happened?"

I cried out, hoping someone would answer my totally confused mind.

"O'khasis has fallen! Tula took over!"

I breathed in heavily, almost falling to the ground. The crowd overwhelmed me.

I felt a hand pick me up off the ground, dragging me into the forest. I couldn't hear myself think. I couldn't see.

I lost it.

By the time I was in the forest, whoever had dragged me there was gone. I was stuck in the middle of it all.


I repeated to myself, recalling what I could of my life.

My employers want me to create a station in O'khasis. I'm to help the rebellion there. They're giving me a lot of money to travel so far


I muttered, covering my eyes.

Is she dead?

Sobbing quietly, I fell back into the grass. The sun shone brightly on my face.

I had officially lost it all.

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