Chapter 17: "Thievery"

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"How long has it been since they left?"
"3 weeks."

Dante repeated, scratching his forehead. He seemed incredibly stressed out. The bags under his eyes progressively became darker.

As did mine.

3 weeks, he said he'd be back in a day.

Clearly, something had happened.

"This is all my fault."

I said, on the verge of tears yet again.

"I-I left him alone.. I shouldn't of let him go."
"Y/n, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. No one could have known something would happen."
"He's my responsibility Dante, my Lord. I'm his head guard and I can't be there to protect him? That's like having paint that doesn't stay on the paper. That's like having an oven that doesn't bake. It's like watching the sun rise without the sun. It doesn't work."
"Analogies won't help the situation."

He held my shoulders, trying to calm me down.

"It's going to be fine. I've told Aphmau and her friends, they're going to set off later this evening to search for them all. Go with them, I'll hold the fort here."
"You promise?"
"I promise. Now, find your lord."

He gave me a genuine smile, one I hadn't seen in a long time.

I left the room in a broken sprint, accidentally running straight into Aphmau.

"Milady.. My apologies."
"It's perfectly fine. You're coming with us, right?"
"Yes. Where are we headed?"
"Nahakra village."

I froze, remembering Malachi holding me close in that worn down house, waking up to him sleeping next to me.

I broke down, falling to my knees.

It was just too much, to lose someone I cherished so deeply.

"I've lost everything Aphmau.."
"My village, my family, my caretaker, and now him. What's the point?"

Tears trickled down my face and into the stone sidewalk. I watched as Aphmau picked me up and held me in her embrace.

"When I met you, Dante had informed me that someone told him of you're arrival beforehand. Saying that you meant a lot to her. It would pain that person to see you like this."
"That person could be dead.."
"No. They aren't. Malachi isn't. Neither is Levin or Zoey. They're all alive. We need to find them. That's why I want you to come with me. You know him best."
"Now that I think about it, I hardly know him, and he hardly knows me."
"Then you have so much to catch up on once you meet again. Now, take my hand. Let's go."

She let loose from her embrace, holding out her gloved palm. I accepted it, walking slowly behind her as she led me to the boat.


Rocking back and forth, I felt as if this ride would take forever. The boat aimlessly floated in whichever direction the wind took us.


I whispered out into the sea, rubbing my eyes. I recall all the moments I got stuck out at sea with him, laughing at Levin's horrible steering skills, opting to move the boat on my own.

It was nice....

Now it's just a prison.

Laurance came out from behind me and ruffled my hair, breaking my concentration.

"Hey. He'll be alright. Stay optimistic."
"Honestly, how can you be when you've nothing left?"
"I'm in the same boat almost."

I looked up at him, he nodded softly. The joke wasn't intended, apparently. He glimpsed out into the ocean below us.

"Lost my mom and dad when I was young. Got adopted, I have a sister too. Got captured and locked in the Nether. Then I got tortured there for days on end. They tried to break me, but I just kept thinking about Aphmau, the life we could have if I stayed alive, and what would happen after I escaped."
"Hmm.. that's a joyful thought."
"Where do you see yourself with Malachi?"
"I see myself remaining his guard."
"Boring. You like him. Tell me how you really feel."

Laurance had won, I couldn't defeat someone who knew what they were talking about.

I imagined what could happen, closing my eyes and hearing the sea whistle in my ears. The seagulls and wildlife chirping in sync.

"I see myself living with him. In a large house, having a happy life."
"Go on.."
"With my caretakers, and Aphmau. And you, everyone I've ever met."
"Yea, sounds nice."
"And my-"

I stopped thinking about my real parents and how they were actually gone..

But Dante and Ayaka and Aph.. they were my family.

I wanted Malachi to see them so badly.

"I see myself watching over him, forever. That's my dream."
"Good. Make that a reality. One day, it will come true."

He grinned, hitting me on the back and returning to his position on the boat. A waft of cold air shook me to my core.

We had docked.


It's been little over a month since I've been in this musty town, and I won't forget it anytime soon.

Once again, with terrible conditions, I found myself watching everyone's every move.

I decided to take it upon myself to guard Aphmau, as she didn't want her guards to worry.

"It's fine. Think of me as a friend you're just traveling with."
"Fair enough."

Aph said, laughing and placing her arm around me.

"Don't have too much fun. We know why we're here."
"Exactly. Let's get a move on."

We started scouting out the area, and I lost Aph within an hour because she went off chasing a person.

I fell back, sitting on a bench and fumbling with my thoughts.

"It's been so long.."

I said, staring at my reflection through a window.

"I want him to be safe. Let him be safe. I'll give anything-"

I stopped, noticing someone was watching me.


I asked, watching the shadow flicker out of existence.

"Must of been another thief. I don't take kindly to people stealing my things!"

I shouted, looking like an incredible mad man.

"Whatever. I'm returning to the boat."

I said, turning around and exiting the village.


Admin Time!!


What's gonna happen next?

Shout out to my main man Shadow, keeping it real, 2016

Who do you guys think it's gonna be?


I've worked really hard on it, and I appreciate every single comment on anything I ever write.

Go drop by and give it a look see, or if it's not your thing then just stay tuned to my fanfiction.


Thanks for Reading :)

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