Chapter 4: "Assassin's Decree"

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Your POV

"Hey lady!"
"Stop following me kid."

I had decided to stay with the intimidating woman. She had reluctantly agreed to let me stay on the grounds as long as I don't get in the way when she's training.

"I want to go with you!"
"I don't need you to go with me."

She was sharp about me leaving the cottage Any sound I made could be a threat to me and her enemies. And considering I'm a direct descendent of the lord, I'm a major target.

"But I'm tired of staying in the house. It's been a week or two and I want to help!"
"I don't need help from a run away runt."
"Aren't you also a run away?"

I asked, she turned her back, chocolate hair flicking up behind her and settling over her shoulder.

"Go back to your room."

She exited the room abruptly, clearly angered by my statement.

I sat for several hours organizing her house, I knocked over a stack of letters addressed to several different people. Pondering a bit, I opened up one of them and read it aloud to myself.

"Dear Ms. Roseanne.
Thank you for your quick work on those thieves that rummaged my shop last week, you're reward is inside.
Take care"

I found that the letter was empty, probably opened prior to my snooping. I opened another.

"Dear Ms. Roseanne,
I'm delighted to say your mission was ever so successful. It appears that the mischief making kids aren't showing up anymore! I wonder why? Nonetheless, your payment is encased in this letter.
Happy days."

Also nothing in the letter, but it seemed like this "Ms. Roseanne" that I moved in with was a good person. She helped chain up thieves and stop troublemakers. She even got awarded for it!

"What are you doing?"

I froze, her cold voice came through the window. She jumped through, snatched the letter from my hand and crushed it within her fingertips.

"Why are you going through my things?"

She demanded, fire in her eyes.

"I-I knocked them over, they seemed cool. You do a lot of good stuff Ms. Roseanne!"
"You read the letters?!"

The crumpled paper fell to the ground. She looked severely enraged. I backed up into a wall, frightened.

"W-wait! You're a hero! You punish bad guys and help people get their stuff back."
"I'm not a hero, I don't help people. You're views are childish and incorrect."

She stopped, huffing and covering her face with her hands.

"Of course, you are just a child."

She mumbled.

"Look, kid. I'm not a good person. I'm not a nice, kind, gentle lady you find in one of your fairytales."

She bent down to my height, sighing softly and frowning a bit less than previously.

"I'm an assassin. I kill people to make a living. I get paid to end lives. If someone gave me enough money? I would even murder you. You're just lucky I made sure no one knew you were alive."

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