Chapter 2: "Hellfire"

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Your POV

I visited Malachi often. We talked about the great outside, the walls on the castle. We walked the long halls of the caverns, exploring and finding new places to hide.

Eventually I thought it would be a good idea to bring my wolf friends to the house. Malachi would have more friends to play with and I would have more the reason to come to him.

"Right over here!"

I yelled, motioning for the pack of young pups to follow me into the rickety castle.

"This place is dumb."

A wolf by the name of Casper told me, shaking his head and pattering inside the cave. The rest of the wolves sat on the broken wood and stared at the chandelier.

"Where's the light switch? I'm tired just looking at the place."
"It's really cool, I swear!"
"Y/n, you're being stupid again. This place is boring."
"Just wait! Malachi!"

I shouted into the darkness, but no response came.

"Who's Malachi?"
"My friend, remember?"
"Why isn't he here then?"

I gulped, asking for him again. Silence as the wolf pups started laughing at me.

"I knew it. They finally lost it. Look
Y/n, Malachi doesn't exist. Let's get out of this creepy castle."
"No! He's real I swear."
"When you told us you found a ghost in here? I was pretty skeptical. But now you just look dumb."
"No it's true. He's here. Malachi!"

I continued to yell, wondering why he didn't want to show himself.

Maybe he was scared?

"Come on guys, Y/n's insane. Let's go."

I reached for them, but they all froze in place. Malachi finally appeared in front of them, an angered look in his eye.

"Funny. The tall one is scared of spiders."

A monotone voice came out of his mouth, snapping his fingers and making spiders appear. They crawled up Caspers leg. The wolves screamed and raced out of the castle.

I giggled a bit, looking up at Malachi.

"Wow.. I didn't know they could be frightened so easily."
"They hurt your feelings. You don't think I would let them get away with that?"
"It would have been easier to just appear when I called your name."

I traced my finger across the wood floors, grinning to myself. I was mildly confused, but it was okay now.

"I wanted to see their intentions. But it turns out they're just impatient."
"Yea. That's a trait of wolves."

Malachi flew next to me, resting his body on the floor. He was extra careful not to float into it.

"Why did you bring them anyways?"

Malachi asked, staring into my eyes. I shrugged, slowly leaning back on my palms and staring at the ceiling.

"I wanted you to have someone to play with when I can't visit."

My answer was slightly untrue. My parents found I was sneaking out too much, so I wasn't allowed outside the village anymore. I had broken a rule coming there to talk to him.

But I couldn't tell Malachi that, could I?

"All I really need is you."

He replied, nudging my arm with his hand, going through it and falling back into the floor. He exited out of the ground with a large frown on his face.

"I wish I could touch you."
"You know, poke you. Hold your hand. Stupid, human stuff. Not fall through the ground when I try to play."
"Oh. That. I guess being a ghost is a disadvantage."
"Mmhm. You can't bring back the dead."

We both nodded, I picked myself off the ground and waved to him.

"I have to go."
"Will you come back?"

I glanced back at him, unsure. Could I break my parents rules again?


I promised, racing back to the village at top speed.


A city of fire. A town desolate and dead.
Broken and uninhabited. Everyone gone, unsettling dread.

Words I never thought I could use to describe Ayrith.

When I came back to my town, it was ablaze. I walked the streets desperately to find any life before abandoning it entirely.

The houses were turning to dust. My mind shrouded over with thoughts of my parents and friends disappearing in the uncontrollable wave of fire.

When I got to my own abode, I found it completely destroyed. Both my parents lying dead on the ground, faces scorched. Mother held an amulet in her left hand.

Tears streaked down my face as I ran into the burning home, desperately trying to wake my parents up. I shook them harshly, to find they wouldn't open their eyes.

"Mom... Dad.."

I breathed, clutching my chest. I gripped their hand in mine and sobbed into the embers. Ash covered my clothing and face.

"I'm sorry.."

My eyes turned to the amulet in my mothers hand. I took it, staring into its scarlet reflection. The fire behind me grew, and I had to leave the house.

I salvaged what I could before I escaped the blaze, clothing and food, maybe a gold cup. It was a large house, but the entire second floor broke down above me. I exited the village, my eyes blind from tears.

Ayrith was destroyed.


My feet sunk into the ground, my body couldn't move anymore. I was about a mile away from the town, holding the amulet in my right hand, clutching a book in my left.

My favorite book was the only thing I could salvage from the fire. To that I was sort of glad, but I would have save my parents otherwise.

I was only a child, lost and alone in the forest until someone picked me up. The wolves probably wouldn't take me in now, they hated me for showing them my ghost friend.


I sat in a tree, flipping the pages of the book. It seemed burnt and torn, but the words were still typed on the paper.

It was a cute story about a princess and a prince, nothing too complicated. But it was the first book my mother had read to me.

She couldn't read me things anymore..

My father couldn't tell me to sit up straight, hold my hand when I'm scared. He couldn't make me his famous (soup), or play the piano for hours on end.

My mother wouldn't be there to sing me lullabies. Laugh at my jokes and cry with me when people came back from wars wounded. She couldn't make me her desserts from heaven.

My village was dead. I was the only one left. I escaped the hellfire.

I would rather have died with them.

Y/n L/n, of Ayrith, survived the blaze. But I wouldn't of done it if I didn't break my parents rules.

What were their last thoughts? As they passed into the light?

I hope they were of me..


Admin time!!

Oh I'm a downer.

You thought this would be a cute chapter but you got hell.

I'm sorry (not really)

Thanks for reading :)

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