Chapter 9: "Yes, I Do"

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Malachi and I arrived in Scaleswind. We hopped off the horse, gazing at the tall buildings that stretched as far as the eye could see.

I softly smiled, pulling myself together after the tough ride and following him into the town square. Guards trailed us as soon as we entered.

"Are we okay being here?"

I asked, pushing myself in front of him. I acknowledged his attempt at reasoning with me before accepting the protection.

"We'll be fine. Just stay calm. Scaleswind is on edge because it was attacked by Okhasis. They've always been at each other's throats."

He said, I shrugged, focusing on what was in front of me.

We had reached the sharpest looking house in the entire village. A man stood in front of the door, a thousand yard stare etched into his face.

"Lord Nicole lives here. You are Lord Malachi, I presume?"
"Yes. We're here to discuss trade."
"Right. Follow us."

Nicole's guards looked formidable, tall and built like giants, unlike me. I wasn't exactly the best equipped guard, nor the best combat wise either. I knew how to use a bow and barely a sword.

I honestly don't understand why Malachi chose me.

He could really have anyone, why me?

Is it because I know him?

Maybe it's because I have nothing to lose if I die.....

I threw away my self pity, standing by his side as he negotiated his field with the red haired lord of Scaleswind herself. She often yelled out, telling her son to stop fooling around before she came in there and threatened to kick him.

It wasn't exactly the best meeting I've ever been to.

Come to think of it, it's the only meeting I've been to.

I calmly exited the building with Malachi, hearing him shout in glee after his successful business proposal.

"Yes! I'm so psyched! It's never gone so smoothly before!"
"Great job sir."
"It's cause you're here. You really helped me."
"How so?"
"You gave me courage."

He jumped around me, facing me directly and pulling me into an unexpected embrace. I blinked, unsure of what to do.

"You're supposed to hug back!"

He said, laughing and pulling my arms around his shoulders. I blushed profoundly, nervously patting him on the back.

"You okay?"

He asked, I nodded, laughing sheepishly as he let go. I scratched behind my head, not exactly over my heart pounding in my chest.

"I'll be fine. But you seem so excited. I'm proud of you."
"Proud of me? Aww.. Thanks Y/n."

He mentioned, grasping my hand in his and holding it rather tightly. We were in the middle of the square, so I questioned his resolve.

"What's gotten into you?"
"I'm just glad to have someone with me during these times. It's not fun traveling alone. It never was."

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