Chapter 14: "Lady Aphmau"

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Malachi sat on the edge of the boat for the entire day. I offered him tea, ignored his dazed look and just left it on the table.

I then sat in the captains quarters discussing merchandise with Logan, who had also come along. He mostly stayed quiet and watched over the rookie guards in the boat, so I almost forgot he was here.

"So Nahakra village trades us armor and various metals, we trade it farming supplies and agricultural-"

I zoned out on him, remembering Malachi's request.

"You aren't going to call me 'Sir' or 'Milord' anymore. If you do, the same treatment will apply like before."

He even made me sign a contract.

I mean, he's persistent

Maybe it was like trade to him.

Trading my words for my lips.

I snapped back, watching as Logan paced around mumbling about fair trades.

"I mean, Brightport shouldn't of blown us off. We could have exchanged minerals to-"

I rolled my eyes, I didn't exactly care about that. A guard had no reason to really give a damn about anything except their lord.

A shout came out across the ship, it would be docking soon.

I left the quarters, walking up to Malachi and saluting before almost breaking the contract on day one.

"Nice save."
"Don't laugh at me, I'm getting used to it."

I blushed while he giggled, ruffling my hair out of place. I fixed it up, straightening my stance and crossing my arms over my chest.

"We're arriving soon, any last requests?"
"A nap when I get home."

He yawned, catching glimpse of his brother at the docks, I had to hold him back from jumping over the edge.


I sighed under my breath.

Good thing he didn't hear me

I watched him get off the boat, slowly following after him. I made sure not to get close as he conversed with his brother.

All of a sudden, a lady with black hair and amber eyes approached him.

"Hello, Malachi."

She said, and they embraced for a while.

That's Aphmau..

I thought, standing silently as they both caught up together.

Deciding to move it to the house, I put myself in charge of relaying the progress to Levin.

"Lord Levin, Malachi was successful in setting up trade in Nahakra Village. We now trade agricultural goods for their weaponry and fine jewelry."
"Hmm? How does farming equate to such wealth?"
"They lack the land and ability to farm or make goods besides meat, so they rely on other countries to maintain their populous. They have many mines, so metals are easier to find there."


The intellectual talking regarding trade ended swiftly, with Levin impressed at my skills.

"I'm merely his guard Milord, it's my job."

Was all I had to say before starting off in the direction of my house. Levin stopped me before I went.

"You know, he's fond of you."

He said. I reluctantly nodded.

"I suggest he stops that. Fooling with the wrong people can get him into trouble."

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