Chapter 15: "Party"

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The preparations for the party were completed late into the night.

Dante and Levin organized the plaza, Malachi and I hung streamers and made a menu, and Alexis helped Kawaii Chan make the cakes.

Everything was coming to fruition.

I slumped into my couch, ready to call it a night. It was 12:00, and the party wouldn't be for another 8-9 hours depending on how long Lady Aphmau slept.

A knock could be heard echoing through my silent hallway.

I reluctantly sat up, disassembling my armor and yawning, ignoring the door.


A familiar voice called out to me, and I surrendered, pulling on a jacket and opening the door.

"Malachi. Go to bed, it's midnight."
"I know, but there's just one thing I need to discuss."
"Mhm.. can we discuss it tomorrow?"
"Y/n, it's important."
"At the party, if you call me Milord, the contract won't apply."
"Contract- Malachi? Do you honestly think that's what I'm worrying about?"
"No, I guess not."

He shrugged, trailing his heel in the dirt. I could see his breath, as it was rather cold outside.

"I just wanted you to know, being formal is okay for the party."
"Good to see. Thank you. Now, go to bed."
"However what?"

I held in a sigh, almost face palming. I could feel the bags under my eyes getting larger.

"Milord, I haven't slept in a few days. Please let me-"

I let it slip, and instantly figured it out.

But not before he planted a kiss on my lips.

"I never said it applied to tonight."

I saw a faint smirk on his face, my own a blushing mess.

"Dually noted, now good night."
"Sweet dreams Y/n.."

He said, pulling me into an embrace before leaving.

I sat on my bed, pressing my finger gently against my mouth.

"I hate this.. I wish he would be more upfront about it, rather than teasing me like some child."

I quieted my blush, pulling the covers over me and falling to sleep.


Up and at em' at 7:00

Tis the life of a head guard

I sprang out of bed, into my armor and out the door like lightning. My stomach growled, but I reminded myself that the party would have food, so I was able to wait.

I met Malachi at the gates, admiring the decorations we laid out before standing next to him.

"Mother will be here soon, anything you want to know?"
"Not really, I've learn too much from Emmalyn raving about her during study sessions"
"Point taken."

We laughed together, it felt rather good to let the tension cease.

Quality time with my lord, that's exactly what I needed.

The party started in a matter of minutes, with Kenmur dancing the worm, which was really just him lying on the ground.

"Kenmur, are you sure you're okay?"

I asked, tilting my head to the side, but he reassured me.

"I'm fine, just doing my best!"

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