Chapter 3: "Emerald Eyes"

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Your POV

It's been three days since hell engulfed my city. I've barely moved from the spot near the tree. Only for berries and skins I find in the snow. I felt sorry for the animals that died in the downfall, but they at least kept me alive for a bit longer.

My first instinct after I got out of my trance was to go find Malachi. He may not have food, but he has a shelter I can stay under.

I stood up and gripped the pelt around my neck, trudging through the blizzard until I reached the castle. It looked awful broken, like the magic surrounding it had lifted up.

I made my way into it, calling out his name countless times. A cold draft wafted through the palace, causing me to shiver in my clothing.

"Malachi! It's just me! Don't joke about this!"

I shouted, climbing up to the balcony of the castle and screaming his name as loud as I could.


I got no answer.

My heart lurched. Was he gone forever? I couldn't think of how or why he would leave. He was the only one I had left.

I felt the balcony tremor slightly, I gripped the wall, wondering what was going to happen.

The castle was collapsing

I tried my best to escape, but the third above fell into the second floor. I got stuck on the balcony.


I yelled one last time before the balcony fell in, me tumbling with it. I hit the ground harshly, the snow only just cushioning my fall. My head hurt, pieces of wood fell everywhere around me.

With my best efforts wasted, I blacked out in the middle of a snow storm, Malachi no where to be found, and all alone yet again.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in front of a warm fire, little to no memory of what happened, or what I was doing. The snow itself wiped away my thoughts.

I was in a cottage. It was fairly small, a single tapestry above me. I was lying on a couch in the middle of a quiet living room. The rug was an ocean blue. The entire house made of birch wood and oak trees. The fire place flickered, no other light on. There were no windows I could see, besides the one in the kitchen. It overlooked a vegetable garden.

A cup of tea and a small piece of bread laid next to me on a table. I grabbed them both and ate vigorously. I couldn't remember the last time I ate anything.

There was a woman watching me, carefully judging my every move. Long brown hair covered her shoulders. Her bright emerald eyes were narrowed in a sophisticated manor. She wore a blue shirt that barely covered much. I was surprised she could handle the cold. The frown upon her face told me she meant business one way or another.

"Who are you?"

I asked between mouthfuls of bread and tea, disliking the taste, but food was food at this point.

"Who are you?"

She asked back. Her voice was stern, but had a kind tone behind it. I noticed her somewhat uncomfortable position on a wooden chair that looked far too small for someone of her height

"I'm Y/n, I think. Escaping from the city of Ayrith."
"Ayrith. You're the lord's daughter. Hmm..."

The lady pondered for a moment before returning her gaze to me.

"You look like you've been through a lot."
"I-I have. But, who are you?"
"That's none of your concern. You're just lucky I found you in time."

She answered, I was a bit confused.

"What happened before I blacked out?"

I wondered, finishing the tea and almost asking for more, but remembering I was in her house on her couch, and she didn't need to give me anything.

"You don't remember. Then it probably wasn't worth remembering."

This lady is very illusive.

"But, my family. I had to have-"
"You're family was killed by Zane Ro'Meave. He's making quick extermination of small villages and lords all around. He'd be awful angry to find out the lord's daughter survived."

She retorted, her eyes growing slightly darker.

"Y-your kidding? That means I'm a target? What about-"
"I found you collapsed in the middle of the snow."

She said, ignoring my attempt at reasoning. She pushed another plate of bread and tea next to me.

"Eat. You're delusional."
"But I remember a castle! A large brown one! And a ghost boy!"
"A castle?"

Her eyebrow raised, clearly intrigued.

"There was no castle when I found you. I'm sorry."
"No, it couldn't of been a dream, the wolf tribe-"
"The wolf tribe near Ayrith? They've been wiped out as well. The northern wolves were destroyed when they asked for more power for their war against the south. Zane had a hand in their death as well."

I clenched my fists. I knew that Malachi had existed. The castle was real. I wanted to believe will all my heart that I hadn't gone completely insane.

But these past few months blurred in for me. Something about the impact I had taken from the two story balcony made me lose some of my memory.

I brushed my hair from my eyes, sighing heavily and accepting the bread.

"Alright. I believe you."

I started to sob, covering my face with the blanket wrapped around me.

"Don't cry. I don't have time for comforting you. I'm not exactly the best person to stay with."
"But you've been kind enough to save me."
"I'm not a kind person."

She was reluctant to say anything else, standing up from her seat and turning her back to me.

"If you need anything, call for me. I'm going out hunting. Get some sleep."

She said coldly, opening the door and pulling her cloak over her back. I watched as the woman left the house.

I sighed, clutching the tea and bread, eating softly and remembering what I could of my village. The past three months almost disappearing in my mind.

I guess Malachi wasn't real after all.


Admin time!

Probably one of my shorter chapters, but this is fairly helpful for the next few.

After all, you're not so sure Malachi even existed.

Bonus points to whoever could guess who the lady was!!

(Hint: it isn't me, but I've mentioned her before.)

If you want to know what the lady some that looks like, I'll have an actual picture made eventually, but for now this stock photo I found on Pinterest should suffice.

Thanks for reading :)

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