Chapter 6

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I lay there thinking about my mum and little sister. I feel something warm and wet on my face; I place my hand on my cheek and realise that I'm crying. I hear the door creak and I hope it is a nurse because nobody has told me anything.
"Hey they didn't have any jelly or ice cream so fruit salad is going to have to do." Tyler says walking into the room with a food tray. I don't respond I just quietly snort.
"Have you been crying?" He asks in a rather concerned tone. I nod slowly.
"Why?" He asks sounding even more concerned than before. I cry harder.
"He killed my sister." I say trying to catch my breath. Tyler drops the food tray spilling pineapple and grapes everywhere. "Oh my god! Have you told anyone?" He rushes to the seat next to me and grabs my hand. I push myself up in my bed slightly and ask him the date.
"It's Thursday." He replies softly.
"It happened yesterday. I dug her grave in my back garden and sat with her for a few hours then went to my secret spot." He just stares at me so I continue.
"I attempted suicide because I had nothing left to live for; my mum is dead, my dad is an alcoholic and killed my 5 year old sister." I don't cry I just get angry.
"You need to tell the cops."
"The police will blame me because my fingerprints are all over her and I dug her the grave."
"Is there any evidence to your dad did it."
"Well I'm covered in bruises and cuts from where he abused me and so is she. She also has a note in her pocket saying he did it. I have one too."
"Where is it?"
"In the pocket of my jeans."
"I'll go and get your stuff." 15 minutes later Tyler comes back with a plastic bag filled with clothes. He puts it on my lap and I start to pull things out. I see something pink and fluffy; I pull it out slowly and its Hayley's blanket along with her teddy. I hold them close and sob violently.
"What's wrong?" Tyler asks putting his hand on my back.
"I buried Hayley with these. These are Hayley's." I say holding the blanket out.
"How did they get in here?" He asks.
"I know." I say looking up at the sky.
I find my jeans and pull out the note.

'Hi my name is Lux Cassidy,
If you ever find my body I want you to know I killed myself because of my dad. He killed my baby sister Hayley Cassidy and I had to bury her in our garden. I couldn't put up with his abuse anymore. He hit me and my sister everyday. His name is Frank Cassidy. If you ever find him put him in prison and never let him out. He is a disgusting horrible man and deserves nothing.'

"A note very similar to this is buried with Hayley." I say folding the note back up.
"I'm so sorry Lux." He says.
"It's not your fault." I say taking his hand and giving him a forced smile.
He gets the police in and I give a statement.
"I'm so sorry this has happened to you m'am. We will get him." One of the officers say.
"Yes there is no need to worry. We need an address and contact details if we find anything or need to speak with you." The other says. Before I can say anything Tyler starts to give the police his information.
"Are you her brother or boyfriend?" The officer asks.
"Yes I'm her boyfriend, she will be staying with me until she gets back on her feet." Tyler says proudly.
"Okay thank you for your time." They say in unison.
"Thank you." I whisper to Tyler.
"No problem, now get some rest." I close my eyes and hold Hayley's blanket close to my face.

I am just lying there and I get a sharp pain going from my toes to my shoulders. I scream in agony. My whole body is in excruciating pain and my heart rate is off the scale.
'Beep beep beep beep'
There is a hot liquid rising up my throat and into the back of my mouth; it tastes disgusting but not like vomit. I start to choke on this mysterious liquid. I sit up quickly and spit blood everywhere. Tyler is only just coming back into the room when he sees me spewing blood all over my bed.
He runs and gets a nurse and they push him out of the room. I am taken back into the operating theatre and they cut me open. They don't know what happened but they think that the pills made my veins thin and the blood couldn't get through quick enough and there was too much pressure in them and they burst.
I am told I am going to be in hospital for a few months because they have to operate on me multiple times and the recovery process is a lot longer.

Sorry there wasn't a chapter yesterday I've just been busy and haven't been feeling very creative.
Sorry if the story is a bit unbelievable with the blanket thing but I think it makes the story better

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