Chapter 7

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It's been nearly a week since I attempted suicide and for some odd reason Tyler has stuck by me; he has made sure I am comfortable, well fed, not in pain and especially makes sure that I'm not depressed even though he knows nothing about me. I have had 1 operation since that night and I am making a speedy recovery. I have another one in a week or two.
It is my birthday tomorrow and Hayley is not here to celebrate with me. Nobody else knows it's my birthday so I guess it will be like any other day in this place; pain medication every 6 hours, constant tests done and crappy food 3 times a day.
"How you feeling?" Tyler asks as I pull myself up into sitting position grunting and groaning as I move.
"Um the scars are a little sore still and my stomach aches but I feel good." I say smiling.
"Good. Do you wanna watch some TV?" He asks hopefully.
"Actually yeah. Can you put MTV on?" He looks at me confused because of my peculiar request.
"I like the music videos and the music calms me."
"Well okay then." He grabs the remote and puts MTV on.
We sit there for nearly 20 minutes and a new song called stressed out by 'twenty one pilots' comes on and Tyler becomes uncomfortable and try's to change the channel.
"No stop I haven't heard this one." I say.
"Uh it's not very good." He says fiddling with the remote. I grab the remote and the video begins. I stare at the singer for a few seconds then turn to Tyler. His face drops and I gasp slightly.
"Wait you wrote this song?" I ask in surprise.
"Uh yeah I'm kinda the lead singer of the band." He says shyly.
"Really? I've never heard of them. It's a good song though."
"Yeah a lot of people haven't." He turns the TV off and stands up.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink. Do you want one?"
"Water please."
I sit in my bed thinking about Tyler. My feelings haven't changed towards him just because he's famous. If anything his modesty has made me like him even more. The nurse comes in with the box of my belongings. I have built a good relationship with my nurse she is really nice and we get on quite well.
"Hey Lux I thought you might want to look through this box and see if there is anything you want for entertainment." She says.
"Thanks Gemma." I say taking the box. I take my handbag out of the box of my stuff and start rummaging through it.
There is gum, my purse, loose change, lip gloss and even my school planner. I finally find my phone and turn it on; luckily my charger is in there as well.
Notification after notification pops up on the screen. The majority of them are from Paisley.

'Hey is everything okay? You weren't at school today.'

'Hey I'm kinda worried about you, you haven't been to school for a few days.'

'Lux I went to your house and nobody was home what's going on!'

'Lux answer your damn phone I'm super worried about you!'

'Lux it's been a week where are you!?"

I have nearly 56 missed calls from her. I feel super bad and decide to call her. She answers almost straight away.
"Lux! What the hell is going on where are you!?"
"I'm uh in hospital and have been for nearly a week."
"Oh my god why? Are you okay? What hospital? Lux I need to see you!"
"Okay Paisley calm down it's not that serious."
"Lux you're in hospital of course it's serious!"
"Okay well I'm in the oak view hospital. Room 32 on the 3rd floor recovery unit."
"I'm coming now!"
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too." I hang up the phone and Tyler comes back in.
"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" He asks.
"No I don't have a boyfriend. It was Paisley my best friend. She is coming to see me."
"Oh okay." He puts the drinks on the table and sits on his phone.
"Um Tyler I don't care that you're in a band and you're famous and all of that stuff." I say sweetly.
"You don't?" He asks looking at me hopefully.
"Of course I don't. It didn't change the way I think about you. I liked you anyway."
"You like me?"
"Well yeah, you know you did save my life so of course I like you." He realises I mean it in a friendly way and looks at the floor.
"Oh, yeah right." He says quietly.
I just continue checking my notifications and looking at the random stuff in my bag.

Hope you're enjoying the story. Lux only likes Tyler as a friend but he likes her more than that.
What is Paisley going to think about what happened.

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