Chapter 9

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"My dad has abused me for 11 years." I begin holding back my tears. I can see Paisley's face drop instantly. Her expression goes from sad to angry in a matter of seconds.
"Um yeah everyday he would get drunk and beat me and Hayley up." I take a second to control my breathing.
"So one night nearly a week ago he dragged me down the stairs by my hair and Hayley tried to stop him. He threw her at a wall and she died on impact." I let go and a flood of tears falls down my warm cheeks.
"The next day I buried her in the garden and went to the forest..." I can't bring myself to tell my best friend what I did.
"And...." She insists tears rolling down her soft rosy cheeks.
"I tried to overdose."
"No! Oh my god Lux! Why didn't you come to me?" She is balling her eyes out at this point.
"I didn't want anyone to know. Tyler found me just before I blacked out and took me to the hospital. He saved my life."
"No don't. I don't want your sympathy Paisley please. The only reason I'm still in hospital is because something happened with my veins and blood flow. They burst or something and I keep getting a lot of clots and they need to operate on me a lot."
"I'm here for you Lux." She whispers.
"I know." I pull her in for a hug and we sit on my laptop until we fall asleep.

I wake up and Paisley is gone. She left a note.

'Sorry had school.'

I check the date on my phone and it is Sunday. I feel myself get extremely angry and I want to scream. She said she was here for me. I can hardly control my furiousness but Tyler walks into the room and I immediately feel calm.
"What's up?" He asks frowning.
"It doesn't matter." I say.
"It does Lux. What's going on? Where's Paisley?" He says putting two coffees on the table.
"It doesn't matter." I say bluntly.
"Tyler I said it doesn't matter stop trying to push me!" I don't know why I reacted the way I did. He didn't deserve that.
Everything is quiet for a little while. I turn onto my side and face Tyler; he is sitting in the corner on my laptop.
"Um Tyler." I say quietly. He shoots up and looks at me.
"Yes Lux."
"I'm uh sorry for snapping earlier."
"It's fine I shouldn't have pushed you." I smile and turn back around. It is all peaceful until somebody bursts through the door.
"You little fucking snitch!" A voice booms. I sit up and see my dad. Tyler jumps to his feet.
"Hey man get out of here." He says calmly. My dad pushes him into the back of the door and comes towards me quickly. He grabs my shoulders hard and starts shaking me violently.
"You told them I killed that little brat!" My heart rate quickens and I feel that pain again. He is basically squeezing the life out of me.
"She deserved to die! I was doing everyone a favour!" He pulls me close to him and spits in my face. I can see Tyler knocked out on the floor in the corner of my eye. The emergency button is close to me but I don't know if I can reach it.
"Oi you little piece of shit! Why did you do it!?" He bellows. I want to yell at him but I am frozen and I can hardly breath. I am reaching for the button and I can just about reach it. I tap the button repeatedly. He realises what I'm doing and throws me to the ground.
"You won't be able to grass me up anymore!" He yells putting his large boot to the side of my head. I can feel the pressure against my skull. I start to black out when....
3 large male nurses run into the room and seduce him.
The police arrive and take him to jail.
I am quickly taken to have a CT scan done. They find bleeding in my brain and I have to be taken for another operation. I am put on a life support machine with a breathing tube shoved down my throat.
Tyler is seen too but there isn't much wrong with him; he has a few bruises and has a gash on the side of his head but other than that he is fine.
I can't believe this has happened.

Okay this chapter was more interesting. Hope you're enjoying the story.

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