Chapter 18

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I feel a sharp pain across my abdomen. I have no Idea what it is. I keel over in pain and start to whimper. It is the middle of the night Tyler is asleep. I probably just need to go to the bathroom. I get up and walk down the hall of our new house; I walk past baby Dahlia's room and arrive at the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and start to push but nothing comes out. The pain stops. I get back into bed but 10 minutes later the pain is back but worse.
"Ow ow ow!" I scream. Tyler shoots up and looks at me in a panic.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"My stomach hurts like a lot." I cry. I sit there balling my eyes out in pain but then it goes away again.
"Oh it's gone again." I say in relief.
"Okay. Are you okay though?" Tyler asks.
"Yeah I'm fine." I lie there trying to get back to sleep but less than 10 minutes later the pain is back but even worse than the last two times.
"Ow!!" I screech. Tyler jumps to his feet and runs to my side of the bed.
"Is that pain back?"
"Obviously you dumb ass I'm not screaming for the fun of it!" I yell.
"Lux I think the baby is coming." He says rubbing my belly.
"No! She isn't due for another 2 weeks!"
"Babies come early all the time." He says.
"Not my one!" We go through the same cycle at least 6 more times then the pain is every 3 minutes.
"Yeah I think the baby is coming!" I waddle down the stairs and to the front door; Tyler following behind me holding bags full of baby clothes and clothes for me. I sit in the front seat breathing in and out violently.
"Argh it's back!" I scream. Tyler starts the car and drives as quickly as possible to the hospital, me yelling at him the whole journey. We get to the hospital and I'm given a wheel chair. They rush me off into the birthing unit and I'm barely in there for 5 minutes when they tell me to start pushing. 15 minutes later I am holding my beautiful baby girl.
"What's her name?" The midwife asks softly.
"Dahlia Hayley Alexis Joseph." Tyler and I say in unison.
She is wearing a small pink woollen hat, white mittens and a pink and black striped baby grow. Tyler and I look down at this beautiful thing we created and I see him wiping tears away.
"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Tyler.
"Of course I do." He sniffles. I hand Dahlia to him and he looks so comfortable like this is his calling. He lightly bounces her up and down in his arms.
"You're my beautiful little princess, I will never let anyone hurt you. I'm here for you Dahlia." He says in his best baby voice tickling her tummy.
After everything that has happened my life is turning out pretty great.

I hope you're enjoying the story.

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