Chapter 8

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I wake the next morning and to my surprise the whole room is filled with balloons and banners and gifts. Paisley is standing in front of me with a tall man with red hair; Tyler is sitting next to me like he is every morning.
"Happy birthday Lux!" Paisley yells when she realises I'm awake. Tyler takes my hand and wishes me happy birthday.
"This is Josh Dun my best friend and the drummer in our band." I am so shocked I can't speak. I cry tears of joy and put my arms out to hug Paisley.
"I've missed you so much Lux." She says crying along with me. I wipe my nose with my sleeve and Paisley hands me my first present. The tag reads:

'To my beautiful best friend I hope you have a great 18th birthday even though you're in hospital. I love you!'

I unwrap the gift and am greeted by a black Michael Kors bag. I gasp and give her the biggest smile ever.
"Open the bag then." She insists. I open the bag and there is a make-up pouch inside; I open the pouch and it is filled with tones of expensive make-up.
"No way I can't accept this! This is too much." I say pushing the bag away.
"Take it seriously." There is something else in the bag. I pick up the small present and unwrap it; it is a miniature alarm clock. I sit and giggle and Paisley joins in; the boys don't get the joke.
Tyler hands me a heavy box and I open it slowly. It is a MacBook!
"Oh my god! Seriously? Why would you do something so nice?" I ask.
"Well you are gonna be in hospital for awhile and it does get boring so I thought you can watch whatever music videos you want on it; especially mine." I laugh but get choked up and stop. He comes in for a hug and I hug him so tight.
"Thank you so much."
Josh got me some snacks and a twenty one pilots t-shirt.
"Thank you Josh." He doesn't try to hug me and I don't try to hug him as I hardly know him.
There is 2 more gifts. There is a small box with pink polka dot wrapping paper all over it and a small envelope. I open the box first. On the top is a little note:

'To Lux very hapee berthday I luv yoo lots. I mayd yoo this nise present so I hop yoo enjoy it. Luv from Hayley xoxox'

I pull a small wooden sculpture out of the box. It is supposed to be a tall block person and a small block person; Hayley and I. I start to weep and I put my hand to my mouth.
"It's from Hayley." I cry.
"I know Lux I found it next to the bin outside your house." Paisley says softly. She then hands me the envelope. The handwriting is neat and swirly.
"I don't know where this is from none of us brought it here." Tyler says.
I open the envelope and it is a card.

'My dearest daughter Lux,
In my will you received all of my money. I put it in a bank account which you could not access until you were 18 years old. If you are reading this it should be because it is your birthday. Happy birthday beautiful. Your dad did not have access to this account nobody did. Enclosed in this envelope is the debit card and $5000 cash. The pin is 5698 but you can change that. Take care of yourself okay? I love you.
Lots of love mum xox.'

I take the money and card from the envelope and stare at it in awe. Everybody's eyes widen at the sight of the cash. After a few seconds I put them in my purse and put the purse in my new bag.
"I knew you were looking out for me." I say under my breath.
"What?" Tyler says.
"Oh I was just talking to my mum." I say shyly.

We all sit and celebrate with cake and singing for a few hours but then 2 people had to leave.
"I'll stay with her tonight." Paisley says. "You deserve some time off Tyler." she continues.
"Okay as long as Lux is fine with that. Are you Lux?"
"Yeah that's fine." I say smiling.
"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow." He says waving.
"See you tomorrow. Thank you for coming Josh and thanks for my gifts." I say quickly before they leave.
"Right Lux you need to tell me what has been going on." Paisley says her eyes burning into me.
"Okay well......" I begin.

Sorry this chapter was a bit boring. Hope you're enjoying the story.

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