Chapter 5

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I was awoken by the hazy blur of bright lights. My vision was foggy; I could barely see anything, except for a white haze in front of me. I guessed I was lying down, and what I could see were lights.

“Mum?” I said. I hoped. I hoped she’d found me, I hoped she’d taken me home. I hoped I was with her, wherever she was.

“Violet?” A male voice called out. His tone raspy and hopeful. I felt someone take my hand and hold it in a tight grip. I turned my head to the side, and saw a tall male, dressed from head to toe in black, his head of curls pulled back by a headband. Harry. I quickly and reflexively pulled my hand away, retreating into the confines of my bed covers.

“Where am I?” I asked, never taking my eyes off him. He looked at me with an edge of anger but mainly amusement. He stood up from his chair and walked around the room.

“I made you fall off a ledge. You’re in hospital. You broke your arm and you had a concussion.” He said, his voice sounded pained and guilty. I felt no remorse for him however, just disgust and fear.

I gathered that he felt bad, but I couldn’t care less. It was his fault, and I wanted him to know. I remember falling. I remember the pain. It was all his fault, I wanted people to know. I looked at him, his hands were in his pockets and his jaw was clenched. He didn’t dare look at me, knowing he had done wrong. His emerald eyes gazed over my body, a small and involuntary smirk appeared on his face. I shifted under the covers, aware that I was under scrutiny.

I looked at him with disgust, just so he knew that I remembered. He stared back, no remorse in his eyes, just a look of lust and darkness. That’s something else I noticed about Harry, he aired darkness, and evil aura of darkness. Like he’d done something really bad before. I felt like I was the only one that saw it, but then I remembered everyone’s so-called irrational fear of him. Maybe there was something more that I didn’t know about him, and that scared me more than anything else.

“Why did you run? We were going to have a good time.” He said, moving closer to the bed. The machine next to me gave my quick heartbeat away. Harry glanced at the BPM tracker and smiled like a fool, his eyes flicked back to mine as he leaned in closer, placing his palms onto the bed. He planted a heavy kiss on my lips, and I shuddered at the contact, frozen, non-moving. Harry seemed so much more mature than everyone else at the school, which begged the question, why was he at the school that day, and why was he at Paige’s party?

Harry pulled out of the kiss, biting his lip as he did so. His bright green eyes were still locked on mine, delving into mine. It felt like he was reading my mind when he stared at me, like he was listening to my thoughts and understanding them. He gave me a sinister smirk and walked away, grabbing his jacket off a chair and slinging it over his shoulder. He walked towards the door, turning his head back as he reached it, throwing me a wink and walking out.

I lay there in a hospital bed, with no family. Harry must have told the hospital I was alone, but surely they would’ve found some connection to me. Why had Harry stayed so long? Why did he leave as I woke up, what was keeping him here?

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