Chapter 38

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The coolness of the mid-autumn air grazed over my cheeks, sending a rush of chills down my spine. I squeezed Harry’s hand tighter in an attempt to feel the same warmth throughout my body. We strolled along the side of the pond, hands intertwined, as we watched the sun rise over the skyline. The sky was alight with blazing oranges and swirling pinks, the birds were just beginning to take wing into the open air, weaving their way between the trees in the park. The knitted scarf wrapped around my neck shielded my chin and throat from the cool grasps of the near winter freeze, although the exposure on my hands was apparent by my quavering form.

“You cold sweetheart?” He asked, I hadn’t even noticed his eyes on me, nor the sympathetic expression plastered on his perfect features. The features only emphasized by the dim glow of orange created by the rising sun.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I can’t feel my fingers.” I admitted. Harry’s grip on my hand tightened, and he pulled down the sleeve of his leather jacket to cover the tops of our hands. I smiled up at him in appreciation of his last gesture, a smile that he reciprocated promptly.

“We can go if you want.” He suggested.

“No, no. I love it here. It’ll warm up soon.” I replied with a smile. I did love it here. It was my favourite part of London, so abstract from the rest of it. No cars, no sirens or tall buildings. It was a place of peace and quiet. Before my dad won custody of me, I used to come here almost every night. Just to escape Caleb. My thoughts ran back to 2 years ago, my sixteenth birthday…


I rushed downstairs, excitement in my step. I opened the door to the small living room; my eyes greeted by Caleb on one sofa, my mother on another.

“So, guys, Terri will be over at six, is that okay?” I confirmed our pre-arranged plans. My mother gave me a kind smile as Caleb turned to face me.

“Babe, I thought it was just gonna be us?” He asked, a confused slur in his voice. He stood up sharply, his tall, lean figure handsome, yet terrifying. He was intimidating; the exact reason my mother had warned me off him when I first brought him home, back when he was kind and loving. All a façade now I see.

 “Oh, I invited Terri last week, remember? I told you about it.” I smiled weakly, trying to tear away from his dominative stance above me. My mother also stood up, looking intently over at the situation arising between Caleb and me. She too was terrified of him, and new that any attempts she made to protect me wouldn’t go down well for either of us. So she stood back, and I didn’t blame her. Caleb placed his hand on the door behind me, which my back was pressed up against.

“Well, uninvite her.” He suggested. I swallowed hard, before meeting his terrifying glare, the darkness that swam within his eyes.

“Caleb, it’s just for one night…” I pleaded weakly, a small tear forming in my eye, as his tall figure loomed closer, pressing up against my body, my mother helplessly looking on from behind him, a pained expression on her face. His fist slammed into the door, causing both me and my mother to jump.

“Just do it!” He shouted, his face close to mine, his breath held the scent of alcohol and cigarettes, both of which he claimed to have never touched when we first met. He was two years older than me, although his physical age was that of someone much older, his arms holding a fair amount of muscle and his habits indicating maturity beyond his years. However his tendency to frighten me so often somewhat contradicted his adult manner. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, ferociously dialling in the memorized number of Terri. After a few rings, and seconds of silence in the room under Caleb’s terrifying stare, Terri answered the phone, a kind greeting awaiting me.

“Hey, Violet!” She mused down the phone.

“Hi, Terri…I’m going to have to c-cancel tonight…” I informed, my tone holding a less enthusiastic melody to hers. My eyes remained on Caleb, watching his every movement in case a quick reflex was needed.

“O-oh, okay…” She stammered. She’d sensed the fear in my voice, and didn’t ask any questions. I begged for the conversation to be over, to be able to retreat back to the confines of my room for the rest of the night, to spend my birthday alone, rather than in the poisonous grip of Caleb.

“Sorry, I have to go.” I said abruptly, a shake in my voice. I pulled the phone from my ear, vaguely hearing the muffled ramblings of Terri as I pressed the end call button.

“Good girl.” Caleb muttered, pulling his arm away from me, and retreating back to his position on the sofa, to continue watching whatever was on the TV.

That night I ran to the park, in hopes of escaping Caleb once and for all, maybe I’d flea to my auntie’s house in the north, maybe I’d just end it all, right there, in the river. At least then it’d be of my own will, on my own terms…but the thought of leaving my mother with him, with…Caleb pulled me back to reality. The overwhelming desire to protect the woman I loved separated me from my dark plans. That was the night that my demons were put aside, replaced by something else, a spark that told me to go on…a more overwhelming element that told me to fight. A fire.


“Violet!” Harry shouted down to me. It wasn’t until then, I realised I was almost on the floor. My arms hung below my body as Harry supported my entire weight, not letting me hit the ground. I snapped back to reality, the haze of the flashback lifting from my eyes.

“Violet, talk to me baby.” Harry panicked, a horrible expression of defeat on his face. He pulled me back up onto my feet, still holding all my weight, not letting me go until he knew I was safe from falling. I swallowed hard, looking around to regain my senses.

“I’m fine.” I confirmed, locking my hand around Harry’s forearm. His eyes still remained on me, looking for absolute confirmation. I nodded at him, switching my gaze to fully face him. He released me, letting my legs support my own weight. I smiled at him lovingly, the fear not yet rid of his features.

“Come on, I’ll take you somewhere else.” He said, already pulling my hand away. I resisted, eager to stay in this place that meant so much to me.

“No, Harry…I want to stay.” I begged, planting my feet firmly on the ground. Harry’s face stiffened, his eyes giving off subtle hints of warning.

“Violet, come on.” He said through gritted teeth. I yanked my hand from his own, pulling it into my body.

“I want to stay.” I said firmly. Harry’s upper lip curled a little, revealing just one of his canines. He leaned forward and reclaimed my hand sharply, if there were anyone around, I would have shouted at him, caused a scene, but there was no one. Harry dragged me across the park, over to his car. He opened my door and pushed me in, doing up my seat belt quickly. He closed the door shut; the sound of it automatically locking frightened me. I was trapped. I had confessed my love for Harry, not truly knowing the side of him that scared me the most.

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