Chapter 57 - Penultimate Chapter

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I opened my eyes. The light from the roof window was blinding, although outside the sky was dull and grey. I quickly flopped my head to one side, noticing Harry’s head of curls sprawled out behind him. I didn’t feel like staying in bed, although it’s warmth was enticing.

I swivelled out, letting my feet land on the floor. I hopped forward, thinking about the long week I spent in hospital, and of course all the things I’d missed out on. I’d let my social life crumble, I hadn’t arranged anything with Dylan like I promised to do. I went to retrieve my phone from the black rucksack I remembered dumping in the corner of Harry’s room. I spotted it and crouched down beside it, pulling out my charger and plugging it in.

While it charged, I wandered around Harry’s bed, observing my sleeping angel in all his glory. I couldn’t help but smile at him, even in this state of unconsciousness, he provided me with more joy and safety than I thought humanly possible. I picked up my phone, noticing that it had finally flickered to life.

You have (6) New Messages

Oh wow, maybe I still retained a sense of popularity after all?

Jessica: Hey babe! We should meet up sometime, it’s been ages! Xx

Jessica, an old friend from London. No idea why she had suddenly decided to catch up. She probably wanted money or something.

Aubrey: Are you alright? Your father told me you were in hospital?

Aubrey: You got stabbed?! What?!

Aubrey: Can’t believe you’re in hospital, again…

Beau: Dude, are you alright?

Unknown Number: I suggest you take this message as a warning. I will kill your boyfriend, just like I did his sister. I will make it the most painful death you can imagine. I will make him beg for mercy, I’ll make him pray for it to end. Tonight, Harrow’s car park. Don’t disappoint me.

The message sent chills down my spine, the certainty that it was from Caleb rang clear in my mind. The thought of Harry in his wiry grasp was repellent. I thought through all of my options. The guarantee of death if I were to take up Caleb’s offer. The fact that Harry’s life, staked on a false promise of a malevolent psychopath. It was a chance I wasn’t ready to take.

“What is that?” Harry’s morning voice asked from behind me. I quickly whipped my head around, pulling the screen of the phone into my chest. He was propped up on one elbow, looking at me through squinted eyes to try and block out the sun.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Aubrey and Beau have been texting me.” I replied quickly, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. He pulled back the duvet, sitting hunched over on the side of the bed rubbing his face with his hands. He breathed in heavily before standing up and walking through to the en-suite. He approached me slowly, only wearing his black boxers. He leaned down, cupping my chin in his hand and placing a delicate kiss on my lips. I smiled, despite the terror in my heart, even at the thought of losing him. He soon walked away, closing the en-suite door and leaving me alone once again.

I slowly pulled the phone away from my chest, looking at the message, still terrified by it. How did he even get my number? It was Caleb; he got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it.

I had no choice. I had do meet his demands, even on the off chance of guaranteeing Harry’s safety. I wouldn’t risk it. I wouldn’t endanger Harry’s life. He would live; he would go on living no matter what happens to me. He would get over me; find another girl who would make him happy. That much was certain.

I took another look at the phone, locking the place into my recollection. Harrow’s car park: the site of so many memories. I closed my phone and placed it atop the set of drawers. I looked around Harry’s room, unsure of whether I’d ever return to it. I doubt it. Harry would never know of Caleb’s participation in Gemma’s death, he’d never know of my sacrifice. I think that was for the best. I think that maybe then, he’d find it easier to move on.

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