Chapter 45

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Our stare continued, Harry’s knees placed on either side of Caleb’s body. His head was still rolled to the side, shielded from my eyes. I was scared of what Harry had done. Was Caleb dead? Harry was well within his rights to hate Caleb, but to kill him was another matter. He would go to prison. God forbid.

Harry’s eyes delved deep into mine, even through the distorted barrier of the rainy window. Blackness. That’s all there was, a deep void. No emotion, not even anger or rage. He didn’t know what he was doing; all he knew was that he wanted to do it. I repeated the phrase to myself, knowing Harry couldn’t hear me, instead begging that maybe my mind would connect with his:

“Come back to me baby.” I muttered, over and over again, staring at Harry. My hands gripped the soggy material of my jumper, picking aimlessly at the woven fabric. Harry’s hands slowly relaxed back into their normal position, instead of the fists he had used to hit Caleb. He broke our gaze, staring at what I assumed to be the bruised and swollen face of his opponent. He stood up slowly, never tearing his eyes from the target. My gaze remained firmly fixed on Harry, knowing that is character could snap at any moment, returning to it’s previous motive to kill. Harry stood above Caleb’s dishevelled and broken frame, peering down on him intently, his eyes still held a deathly black and his head tilted to the side. I found myself begging for Caleb to move, for some reason, and then all of a sudden, hoping he wouldn’t, knowing full well that Harry would mercilessly beat him until he stopped, until he stopped breathing. Harry’s top lip curled up slightly, his composure faltering. After a few seconds of intent glares, Harry lifted his head up, staring at me through the foggy glass. A small smile crossed his features, although he had not yet returned to his right state of mind. His eyes were slowly returning to their usual jade colour, although flecks of black still outlined them greatly. With one last look at the twisted body on the floor, he moved away, stepping over Caleb’s legs, making his way towards the car. He moved towards my window, which my hand was pressed against. He scoured through the glass, his face almost pressed up against it. His small smile broadened, his teeth dazzling through the misty barrier. I smiled, knowing that my Harry was back. He pulled out the small automatic lock from his pocket and pressed the button, turning around to face Caleb once again. I had my hand on the handle, ready to jump out and stop Harry from killing him. There was no need, however. Harry didn’t move towards him, he just looked. I couldn’t see his face, but I knew exactly what was going through his mind.

*****HARRY’S POV*****

I could feel my inhibitions returning, the numbness in my fingers had faded slightly, and I began to feel the throbbing in my knuckles. I looked at the body on the floor, feeling no sympathy or shame, in fact: I felt pride. I’d done Violet justice. My lip curled in disgust as I looked at his face, the bruises didn’t disgust me, nor did the blood pouring from his nose. It was the face that Violet had saw at the worst moment of her life, and for that, I hated him. I hated that he had been trustworthy at some point, and then betrayed her. He had ruined her, scarred her. I felt Violet’s eyes on the back of my head, knowing she was fearful of both him and me. Before leaving the body, I spat at him. I thought to myself: why is it, that people like him live, when he deserves death, and that people who deserve life, die so needlessly? Or maybe not die, they just live life in the most horrendous way, they live their life in fear due to others, they are ashamed of themselves, due to others. People who mean no harm to the world, they only bring light for others, people like Violet.

*****VIOLET’S POV*****

Harry quickly moved from the motionless position, to his driver’s door, walking fast to get out of the rain. For what, I don’t know, I can’t imagine he could get much wetter. He opened the door and slid in, some of the rain slipping in with him. As soon as his door slammed closed, I jumped onto him, my hands gripping either side of his face, my lips crashing into his. He quickly responded, placing his hands on my waist for support. He leaned back in his seat, allowing me to straddle him. The only sound in the car was the sound of our breathing and our synchronized heartbeats. We broke apart between kisses, not allowing much time to talk, but I slipped in what I could:

“I don’t- need to- know what- happened with her…” I started, each kiss interrupting my sentence abruptly. I pulled apart, to bring a serious tone to my statement.

“But, I do need to know who she is.” His eyes delved longingly into mine, his palms clamping around my waist, eager for me to avert my eyes, to change the subject. I wouldn’t relent, I had to know. He huffed unwillingly, before releasing his grip on my waist, he placed his clammy hands on my thighs which were placed either side of his own, he looked at me, searching for confirmation for him to proceed, after only seconds of silence and unwilling stares from Harry, he spoke:

“We were together once.” He stated, his sentence was blunt and quick. He didn’t dare to look into my eyes, for fear of tears or perhaps even anger. I wasn’t angry though, I mean…sure, it hurt like a son of a bitch to know that he was once with her, but still…it wasn’t a bad thing. I nodded slowly, placing one final kiss on his lips before sliding off him and sitting down in the passenger seat.


The image of Caleb’s broken body lying on the open street loomed in my head. His face, which was drained of any colour… I knew it was an image that would haunt me for a long time.

“We’re here darling.” He said, looking out of the front window. I tore my gaze from the droplets sliding down the passenger window. We were outside his house again, although this time there was less tension. I pulled on the door handle, stepping out into the pouring rain from which I was just beginning to dry off. Harry rushed around to me, taking off his jacket and hovering it above my head for protection against the rain.

“Harry, I’ll be fine.” I said, looking at the splatters of rain landing on his toned biceps. He shook his head and pushed me forward with his chest, urging me through the small black gate that led to his house. He supported the jacket above my head as he pushed the key into the door; I walked in after him and shook my hair, pushing it back over my forehead. Harry dropped his keys and phone on the table in front of the two sofas before turning around to me. I didn’t even notice my shivering until I saw the alarm panned across Harry’s perfect features.

“Baby, come here.” He said, opening up his arms. I walked towards him slowly, my steps shaky. His arms wrapped around me automatically, cocooning me in his body heat. Our clothes were soaked through, not helping the situation. Harry placed his hands on the ridge of my back, gathering the soggy material of my jumper and tugging it over my head. He threw it to the side and quickly repeated the action on himself. Soon we were both topless, I stood bare in front of him, but he didn’t seem to bother with staring at me, he simply looked into my eyes and continued our previous action of hugging each other. It felt so much better when our flesh was pressed against each other, the true warmth of our skin touching, so we could feel each other fully.

“Do you want to go to bed?” He asked, pulling his chin away from my head, and looking down on me fully. I nodded slightly, noticing how heavy my eyelids felt. As Harry pulled away, changing our position so that we were holding hands, I noticed the bruising and cuts that laden his knuckles. I cringed at the memory of what happened tonight. Harry and I walked through the kitchen, making our way sluggishly to his bedroom, with no intention of sleeping. He opened the door and stood aside to let me through. I walked into the darkened room, memories of a few nights before flooding my mind. I crossed my arms over my chest, shielding my body from the exposure it was faced with right there on that very bed.

Soon, hands wrapped around me, pulling at my arms, urging them away from my chest. He placed his chin on my shoulder, the heat of his neck combining with mine, sending a rush down my spine.

“Please don’t hide from me darling.” He said slowly, jotting gentle kisses up and down my throat. I tilted my head to the side, allowing him better access. My hands found their way to him, twisting themselves around so they could touch the defined muscle around his stomach. Small whimpers escaped him as my hands trailed lower and lower down, although never quite reaching his most sensitive spot. He grabbed my hips violently and twisted me round to face him; the gentle touch of his hot kisses still lingering on my skin. His hands squeezed my bum, pulling me into his hips. I noticed his pelvis grinding against mine slightly, my hipbones digging into his upper thigh. His lips crashed into mine once again and our gentle, passionate moment passed. We both clung to each other as if there were no tomorrow, as if this was the last time we were going to meet, and we had to savour every touch. His name escaped my lips in hushed whispers, our breathing became heavier and every touch became more prominent and distinguished. Harry pulled away, looking at me with dark and lustful eyes as well as a smile that would crush any woman’s heart, including my own. His cute boyish dimples were nowhere in sight, only the dominating and sex-crazed boy showing through. This was what he’d been waiting for, all this time.

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