Chapter 36

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“Cass!” Victoria shouted from the kitchen, her long blonde curls spreading across her back as she fumbled with the plates in front of her.

“I’m coming, I’m coming…” He muttered under his breath as he hopped past Harry and me. We moved our legs to the side to allow him room to pass through the small gap between the couch and the door. Harry’s arm was resting on the back of the sofa and my head was nuzzled under his arm. We sat in the living room in front of the fire as Niall continued to play his game, although he had taken the time to put on a jumper now.

“What you cooking Vic?” Niall shouted through the arch into the open plan kitchen, I could see Cassius drying up some plates as Victoria hurriedly rushed about the kitchen, grabbing various implements and ingredients as she did.

“Chicken in Parma ham.” She shouted back, not taking her eyes off the asparagus she was chopping. Niall made a noise, which I assumed, was some sort of approval, although I could never be sure. Seconds later, the front door opened and a gust of cool wind entered the living room. I couldn’t quite see who it was from my position, but Harry leaned forward gently and a broad smile appeared on his face, revealing his luscious dimples. He hopped out of the couch, almost running out of the room to greet the stranger.

“Jesus Harry, you scared me.” A female voice chuckled. Her voice was muffled, so I assumed Harry had enveloped her in one of his hugs. I heard them talking, and then my name came up in conversation.

“I brought Violet over.” He told her. I’d assumed it was his mother. As he said my name, I heard the sound of something hitting the floor, and then seconds later a dark haired woman entered the room, her long brown hair falling straight down to her chest. Her face was lit up with a beaming smile as she happily looked down on me sitting on the sofa. I tried to reciprocate her smile, but it was far too strong for my cheeks to manage.

“Violet, my love!” She yelled in a high pitch monotone. I stood up from the couch and was immediately pulled into a strong and loving hug; I wrapped my arms around her back and started patting lightly, my chin resting on her shoulder.

“It’s lovely to meet you Mrs Styles.” I mused as her hug ceased; she pulled back, her smile impossibly broader.

“Oh, Violet…he hasn’t stopped talking about you…sit down, sit down.” She said while taking a seat and pulling me down next to her. I noticed Harry standing in the doorway looking at his mother with an embarrassed smile on his face. I returned to her glare looking into her eyes. I saw a lot of Harry in her, the way her lip turned up a little when she smiled, the flecks of green in her own eyes.

“Oh, and don’t call me Mrs Styles. Call me Anne.” She beamed, her smile still overwhelmingly bright. I nodded in agreement.

“So, from what I’ve heard, you’re quite the catch.” She said. I looked to Harry wondering just how much he had said about me. His face was red and he turned so his forehead was leaning against the door, softly banging it against the glass.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that…” I said, blushing slightly and looking at the floor.  Harry scoffed behind me, obviously in reply to my last comment. I looked at him with a kind smile before Anne grabbed my attention once more.

“So where did you find my son then?!” She asked, a lot of excitement in her voice. The story of how Harry and I met was not one I felt like discussing with Anne. I opened my mouth to forge a lie, a cute story that I could perhaps muster on the spot, but Harry cut me off, stepping in between his mother and I, changing the topic.

“Mum, leave her alone, you’re scaring her.” He pleaded. I squinted my eyes at him and shook my head, but Anne still looked at me bemused.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” I replied, still looking up at Harry solemnly. I skipped over Anne’s previous question, but answered many more that came later. Harry had sat down in the lounge chair across the room as he watched and commented on Niall as he played his game. Clatters could still be heard, echoing from the kitchen as Victoria and Cassius prepared our dinner.

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