Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to David Bowie

Harry slowly walked me to his car, which was pulled up just outside the hospital. His arm was wrapped around mine and he slowly, without taking his eyes off me, walked me over.

“Harry, I’ll be fine.” I spoke faintly, knowing that I probably wouldn’t. He completely ignored my words, immediately picking me up in the gentlest manner, and carrying me away. I let out a gentle yelp as my stomach clenched on itself, I was yet to see the inevitable bruising I was dreading. Harry looked down on me with sympathetic eyes, longing for a way to comfort me.

“Baby, if I could take the pain, I would…you know I would…” He declared, his eyes still adorned with red arches from his previous cry. I nodded with pursed lips, knowing that it was heartfelt. He placed his lips against my messy hair and kissed my forehead softly, his eyelashes fluttering against the top of my eyebrows.

We reached his car and he gently opened the door without putting me down, sliding me inside and ever so carefully pushing the door shut. He treated me as though I was breakable, like highly-damageable, I suppose I should’ve been grateful, and I was, I really was…but I couldn’t help but feel a little smothered also. The great lengths he would go to just to ensure my unnecessary safety. He walked around the bonnet of the car, never taking his sea green eyes off of me. Compared to Aubrey’s, they were dull, but both of them have an undeniable sparkling quality in their eyes…the sort that make you feel self-conscious about your own, I don’t think I’d ever seen anything quite so beautiful as them.


The drive home was fairly long; the radio in the car was set to a radio station of Harry’s choice. Playing a wide variety of music, none that I really liked. It was all too modern for me. Harry tapped his long slender fingers on the wheel to almost every song, but when a particular song came on, I froze inside.

Everybody has this thing that happens to him or her. There is one song…one song that means everything to you. That song that brings back memories of the hardest, most horrific times in your life, but it also makes you think of all the amazing times. My song was ‘Heroes’ by David Bowie. Even the mention of his name, or the lyrics being spoken brings a physical tear to my eyes. It makes me think of how the man who saved my life so many times doesn’t even acknowledge my existence, whereas all I can do…is picture me standing with him. I let out an involuntary gasp as I heard the first riff of the song. Harry’s head whipped around to face me as we were travelling down the road.

I felt the tears form in my blackened eyes as he began to sing. The lyrics were soft but filled with a powerful emotion. My wet eyelashes batted against the soft skin of my cheekbone, as I felt the tears roll down my face. Harry slowed the car and diverted his full attention to me, a pained expression on his face.

“Violet, baby, what’s wrong? If it’s Caleb…or the other guy…I’ll fucking find them, I promise baby, I will find them!” The end of his sentence held a sinister monotone as he spat through his teeth at the mention of Caleb’s name. A smile accompanied the tears and redness on my face. I grabbed Harry’s hand and turned to him, my smile weak but convincing. I looked down for a second, before looking back up.

“Everything is going to be okay.” I said, my smile becoming broader as I let out a small laugh of pure joy. For I know, that this song would save me. This song, will be my salvation.

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